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  1. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Sorry, I have not. Based on what I know, I do not think this is an option based on what needs to be done, because they do need to get tools in there to cut it, and a simple small incision would not allow it. I do also believe (and this is of course not a medical opinion) is that the incision is...
  2. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Hi Rainfall. Yes, I did lose some hearing. The doctor tells me it is not 40%, but more like 20%. Either way, it was a real possibility that I was well aware of and 100% willing to take the risk for, even expressing that I would gladly lose my hearing over having TTP. For me, it was quite an...
  3. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    So yes, because your eardrum was lifted, it is very possible that your eardrum may feel loose, precisely because they did lift it and reattach it. Do not let your doctor ever tell you what you feel. Those doctors are not worthy of holding a medical license. You are correct that because you do...
  4. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I probably had tinnitus before the surgery, but in 2004/5 during my first surgeries, I had no additional tinnitus after I healed from the surgery. Post-op, you will hear lots of distressing sounds (e.g.: pops, etc., which are normal healing sounds). Of course with any surgery, there may be...
  5. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    At first it was a mental thing... I was conditioned to believe I couldn't be at any loud places because the tendons serve as natural sound protection (and they do) so I believed I could not tolerate aces like that...but over time I realized it wasn't true and a lot of it was in my head. No I...
  6. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I likely have TMJ too but I've heard there isnt much one can do about it. I clench my jaw and it is always painful and I believe stress is the major factor and I agree that it somehow related to the trigeminal nerve.
  7. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Hey Sean. Sorry that are experiencing this. I know how you feel. I am isolated from my wife and kids because talking (to anyone) makes my ear click, so I sit in my own house like I don't exist. I understand the "good ear" thing. My right ear was my good ear and really didn't have all too much...
  8. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Yes, current state is preferable, but it's like being in the first level of hell vs Hitler's level. So there's that. What I experience right now is a click when I speak, so if I don't speak, I don't get the click, unless... I move my head in a particular way, I also get the click in the ear. I...
  9. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Thank you. I looked up Dr. Poe and started going through related links and came across this one on ETD: Great article on ETD, and not so over-the-top medical that lay people cannot understand. Have you looked into or heard of inner-ear...
  10. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Let me guess. You are angry that there is "something" that feels like it is "inside" your head, and you cannot get it out. Nothing seems to make it better and it keeps getting worse. You are probably angry that such a seemingly small thing could cause such great distress. You wish people could...
  11. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Yes, debilitating. Absolutely no question. This click is different from the spasms. When I went in this year, pre-surgery, I had a gut feeling something wasn't the same, and there was a possibility that the tendon wasn't the culprit. Yes, the TT did regrow, but it was not causing the clicks...
  12. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Yeah, sorry, with so many surgeries, it is confusing. I had three surgeries in 2005. The first surgery was in my left ear. ENT went through the ear canal by lifting up the eardrum (not invasive), and cut the stapes tendon. Later in the year, after I recovered, he went back to cut the tensor...
  13. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I am outside Chicago, so I'm near a lot of good hospitals, just need to travel into the city. I see the specialist Monday and I just made another appointment with my current ENT (who has done the last two surgeries for me) to do a myringotomy on Wednesday, should Monday's appt. turn up nothing...
  14. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Thanks for the cautions on this. When I do the valsalva maneuver I do get temporary patulous eustachian tube. It is unpleasant. But then within 3-15 seconds (typically, although a few times it has lasted for several minutes), it goes back to feeling clogged and pressurized. To be clear, was the...
  15. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    No pain in my face, nor migraines, neither before or after surgery. All surgeries up until this last one, I really had almost no side-effects. Literally. After the 4-6 weeks of healing, I would have never known I had surgery. But this last one left me with what I believe to be some hearing loss...
  16. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I have been looking into balloonplasty or eustachian tube dilation. Eustachian tube balloon dilation is has been proven effective in several peer-reviewed studies. 99.7% Dilation access rate. An improvement from 13.9% (control) to 51.8% normalization of the tympanogram (a measure of middle...
  17. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I agree with you. I also believe this is an e-tube problem but it is inter-related with the other muscles and nerves. At least when I explained my theory to the neurologist, she at least agreed and said it did sound like I needed a doctor somewhere in between an ENT and neurologist. I know there...
  18. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    So an update. Mostly to rant, because I'm so tired of this. It's ruining my life. I don't speak for days at a time, but mostly weekends, because I have to talk during work. Last week after I had been using Flonase and taking heavy doses of Mucinex-D, I was able to speak without clicks for...
  19. TheOriginalJoeM

    Confirming Middle Ear Myoclonus (MEM) Diagnosis with Botox?

    As far as I know, Botox will not help with MEM, because you cannot inject the muscles that link to the tendons which spasm and pull on your ossicles that cause the ear drum fluttering. Botox can help with palatal myoclonus. I've had my tendons cut in both ears, and in fact, the left ear's TT...
  20. TheOriginalJoeM

    Ear Clicking While Running

    Hi. Searching for answers. Anywhere. The Internet has many things, but not everything. I too have clicking in my ears, generally the left, when I run, and goes for about 1/2 to 1 mile or so and then typically stops. It will alternate ears over different runs, but never clicks in both ears at the...
  21. TheOriginalJoeM

    Why Can't They Just Surgically Remove the Ear and Everything Else?

    Oh my gosh. This thread is incredibly depressing. I've had MEM and T and now have new symptoms of palatal myo and post-op pulsatile T and I've always told my doctors I'd gladly LOSE my hearing to get rid of the MEM and the clicks. It would be the greatest tradeoff! But knowing that people who...
  22. TheOriginalJoeM

    First Post — 16 Years of Tinnitus and Now Middle Ear Myoclonus — Also Some Words of Advice

    Hi everyone. Reading through this thread and it sort of just ended. There are some good discussions going on here and I'm wondering what if anything have people done or tried, or where they are now in their journey, as it's only been about a year. I've started another thread because I was lucky...
  23. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Sorry tried to edit and went over the 30 minute edit time. Edit: sorry that's presumptuous and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable so disregard the ask of sending the file. Where do you "feel it" or just hear it? Edit: some other question: do you only hear it when you speak or does it have...
  24. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Really?! Wow, that's fascinating. You made a recording? So you (and others) and obviously your cell phone can pick it up and hear it? I've not asked if others can hear my clicks, because to me they do not seem loud enough that others could even hear them, especially if I'm talking at the same...
  25. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Just an update. I had the surgery about 10 days ago and he cut the tendon but I am hearing the same "clicks" I heard before the surgery. These are not the normal post-op pops I'm used to hearing that will go away. I did fear this going into the surgery because this time around the noises...
  26. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I have had the tensor tendon in the right cut once, the stapes in the right cut once, the stapes in the left cut once, and the tensor in the left cut now three times (hopefully the last). I have a feeling the tensor in the right regrew immediately after my first surgery in 2005, given what has...
  27. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Hi Lis. I do not hear distortion with external sounds now. I don't believe I had any distortion per se back when I was having the original symptoms before my first surgeries. It was all a physical spasm in reaction to noise (sharp external impulse sounds), and reaction to light, sneezing...
  28. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    I recently started doing some jaw exercises whereas I pull the lower jaw straight towards the back of my head such that there is a wider gap between the top and bottom teeth. It is supposed to stimulate and therefore relax the muscles up and around the jaw, include the tensor muscles (tensor...
  29. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Has anyone had any good results from natural remedies? I've begun reading again and obviously anxiety and stress will impact the severity and frequency, so I've read that magnesium-citrate, vitamin-B, vinpocente, and/or ginkgo-biloba reduce anxiety and blood flow to the inner ear which may help.
  30. TheOriginalJoeM

    Tensor Tympani Regrowth: Hearing a Click While I Speak

    Hello all, I believe some of you have read through posts here and on other boards. I used to have the handle "JoeM", and posted a lot with Lib. This was in the early 2000's and spent four long years suffering immensely from TTTS and stapedial myoclonus, in both ears. Mainly in the left. I had...
  31. TheOriginalJoeM

    Hey... It's "JoeM". From the boards in 2004 etc., with Lib, who posted a lot. I'm back because 2...

    Hey... It's "JoeM". From the boards in 2004 etc., with Lib, who posted a lot. I'm back because 2 months ago, my symptoms returned, and I while looking for a paper, I came across this page by accident, and it just happened to mention Lib, me and Astrid. So I joined up to see if you ever got the...