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  1. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    @pleasejuststop I have heard mixed advice about this. Common medical wisdom around the internet (alas, not the best place for medical wisdom) claims that it should be taken on a "regular basis" for no more than 4-6 weeks max. Defining "regular basis" is where you run into trouble though. Like...
  2. C

    Questions About Ear Muscle Spasms and Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hi there. I know this post is ancient by now but I can't help but notice an eerie amount of similarities between your type of tinnitus and mine. The whooshing, the crunching, the twitching, the morse code sounds, the fact that its much quieter in the morning and changes so frequently - these are...
  3. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Could you expand on that a bit? I've heard of TTTS and I do occasionally get thumping/spasms in my inner ear but I was under the impression that TTTS was primarily clicking or thumping and not ringing.
  4. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    @grate_biff Controlling your Tensor Tympani muscle is something that some folks are able to do and others aren't for no discernible reason. It's kind of like how some people can wiggle their ears or curl their tongue and others can't - it's just something I happen to be able to do.
  5. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Another update for those who are still here. Things got really quiet for a time and then got massively worse. I have an entirely new sound in my left ear that's completely unmaskable. I have no idea why, I woke up about three days ago and there it was. It's Morse code-like, very reactive. I...
  6. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    As a small update, things have largely remained the same. Makes me a little nervous but I know any change to this (if a change happens at all) will take more time. Continuously bouncing back and forth on trying to figure out what could have caused all this, debating on whether or not I want to...
  7. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    @linearb Firstly, thanks for your thorough response - I really appreciate you taking the time. I went into this quandary leaning more towards the notion that Klonopin was the culprit but now I'm not so sure. It seemed more likely due to it being the only recognizable variable that's changed in...
  8. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    It's a very strange and unpleasant sensation. How long has this been going on for you, Juan?
  9. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Hey Ken77, I'm really sorry to hear you're still dealing with some benzo fallout years after the fact. Did your T begin during withdrawal or was it worsened as a result? You say the T fades with time for most people - is yours as bad as it was the day it started, or have you gotten used to it any?
  10. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Sarcasm? lol I wasn't aware regular acclimatizing to slight altitude shifts was such a common cause of chronic tinnitus. My ENT at the time didn't think it would have been nearly significant enough to cause barotrauma. Is this a common cause here on the forums? Thanks for your reply.
  11. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Thanks, dan. Do you happen to have any resources on the matter of withdrawal (prior posts, articles, etc.)? I'm beginning to think that this has to be contributing, at least on some level, being that its the only variable that's changed recently. I know there isn't likely to be an exact road map...
  12. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Thanks for your insight! I've read that the prednisone is only effective if taken within a 2-3 day window after the symptoms were initially noticed. Being that this was months ago, would that still be advisable? I've often wondered if my jaw was the culprit, although I have no pain. Do let me...
  13. C

    No Clue What's Going On: Could Clonazepam Have Contributed to My Tinnitus Getting Worse?

    Hi everyone, I was really hoping I'd never have to make a post here asking for advice but here I am... This is going to be a bit of a novella, so buckle up if you're willing to read. A little background: I'm 25 years old and my tinnitus started in December of 2016. I was driving to a doctor's...