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  1. J

    Living Alone and Single vs Living Together with Partner — Tinnitus Easier to Handle?

    Personally even just having another human in the same house provides comfort to me. Anxiety brought on by tinnitus takes me into a very lonely, dark place and I feel much better when there is someone else there. The only problem is my roommate wakes me up too much and as hard as it is to get...
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    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Thanks Clive, I have long suspected some kind of ETD. Was the doctor definitively able to diagnose this? And have you gotten any relief?
  3. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    I'm not sure how you can tell if your eustachian tubes open. If I hold my nose and blow I can feel the ears open, not always easy. Sometimes it feels like it's hard to swallow when the pressure is really bad. I notice when I go outside sometimes both ears start to feel clogged very fast...
  4. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    So since Saturday night I have a new totally different issue. My left ear keeps clogging. The pressure gets worse and worse, I can almost hear like a wind sound and feel almost a vibrating sensation as the ear pressure ramps up. It keeps ramping and finally all of a sudden the pressure will...
  5. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Well it happened again tonight... late in the afternoon could feel the pressure building in my left ear. It never totally clogged, but about the same time as yesterday the pressure reached a 'boiling point'. I went for a walk as I always do when this crap makes me anxious. All of a sudden I...
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    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Funny thing is after such a horrible night and beginning of the day... the rest of my day has been completely tinnitus free... go figure! Sometimes I wonder if these are Meniere's like symptoms, but I have never had any vertigo/balance problems whatsoever. I wonder if a diuretic would help...
  7. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Wow what a horrible night. My left ear became totally and completely clogged last night. So much pressure felt like my eardrum was being pulled inward. My hearing was actually somewhat muffled. This started about 7:30PM. I had been grocery shopping and didn't use plugs because I had been...
  8. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    So freaking annoying... it had softened to almost nothing yesterday... thought I would get a quiet day on Saturday for once. Nope it decides to ramp up in my RIGHT EAR now (where it has never been). It is not that loud but the hissing is more insistent and faster if that makes any sense...
  9. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Well the last couple days the T has been annoying but low enough to kind of ignore. Especially when I get busy with work or engrossed in other things it kind of almost fades away. The weird thing is it feels like it has gone from my left ear, the one with actual hearing loss, to the right ear...
  10. J

    Loud Low Pitch Humming Tinnitus Noise, Sometimes Feels Like the Eardrum Is Vibrating

    Dipp, hope you are better! I'm hoping that it went away since you never posted again.
  11. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Great day yesterday... it was pretty much completely gone the entire day. Before bed I could hear it a little bit but not bad. This morning woke up and there was something going on but it settled down once I got up and started moving around. It's back today, but very low and not too bad...
  12. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Hi @Michael Leigh, I guess the only loud trauma I can possibly think of was like you said using headphones while working from home sometimes. I have been working from home due to COVID-19, and sometimes as to not wake up my roommate, I would play videos while I was working. It was usually not...
  13. J

    Audiologists in New Orleans Area (Re: Hearing Aids, Tinnitus Maskers, White Noise Generators)?

    Anyone from New Orleans area? If this spike I have continues I really want to seek out the aid of an audiologist to look into hearing aids/masking devices and to talk about Tinnitus Retraining Therapy white noise generators. I found a doctor Mary Miller in Hammond, LA from the ATA website...
  14. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 3 of it being back... so sad... Seems to be getting a little softer each day I guess. Anyone else that's gone through a spike---did you find it was sort of an up and down recovery to baseline? Hard to work like this. The worst part is the fear of whether its going to ramp up more and...
  15. J

    Tinnitus Faded to Zero in a Month, Now Visual Snow Joined My Life

    Bethadtr, what happened after you went to the doctor? Hopefully it was nothing serious and the issue resolved. Would like to hear an update!
  16. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Well this really sucks... the hissing got really loud and insistent last night. I had to take valium to go to sleep. I woke up at 6:30 AM but went back to sleep. Got up at 10:30 and I can feel like its gonna ramp up during the day. Just doesn't make any sense. After 9 days of improvement...
  17. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Hmm disappointed had a little setback today. I was awoken in the middle of the night by roommate making noise so didn't have the greatest sleep. Then when I got up this morning I found out he had done something that greatly annoyed me, but it's not worth discussing that really. Not sure if...
  18. J

    Tinnitus from Violence: Roommatte Boiled Water and Poured It in My Right Ear Canal

    At first I wasn't sure if you were actually being serious about this. Why on Earth did your roommate do that to you???? That is beyond the anger that might boil over into a fistfight or something like that. How would he even think to do something so cruel??? Hope you get the help you need...
  19. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    wwtsai, I had a full battery of skin prick allergy tests. Found I was allergic to about 8 things common in my area. However, the doc said I wasn't highly allergic to any one thing so he wasn't sure going through the shots would be worth it. Maybe I should have ignored his advice. I never had...
  20. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Hi wwtsai, glad someone is reading and getting some help from my daily diary. I have had issues with the fullness the last 4 years when this whole ordeal started. Originally I had horrible, anxiety creating extreme fullness that lasted for a solid month. The ringing didn't start until a year...
  21. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 9: very very faint... almost would say it's totally gone today although in a totally quiet room I can barely hear it. SO THANKFUL it has worked out this way! Just pray it continues on this path!
  22. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 8: still there... very faint air hissing today. Quieter than yesterday. Actually calmed down after I got up and started moving around. Noticed it got louder for a while reacting to the sound of the filling bathtub and bathroom air vent fan while I took a bath this morning, but settled...
  23. J

    Got Woken Up in the Middle of the Night by a Very Loud Ringing Sound in My Head

    Very happy for you Leaf! I'm glad it went back to normal for you. Mine seems to be slowly going back to normal after my first ever 'spike' as well.
  24. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 7: It's still here, about the same as yesterday. About equivalent with one of my 'bad' days from the habituated past. I will take this 'bad' day any time over what was happening a week ago. So I guess this is about a week now of sort of back to baseline, or maybe a little worse than...
  25. J

    Got Woken Up in the Middle of the Night by a Very Loud Ringing Sound in My Head

    I guess the important thing is... Did it go away?
  26. J

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Since March 2018 — Now It's Been Gone for Two Weeks

    Great news Dimitar! I have had the same experience with my tinnitus which started about a year before yours. The weird thing about mine was that it was never permanent. I sort of went through a 5 day cycle: Day 1 loud, Day 2 less loud, Day 3 soft, Day 4 completely gone. Sometimes I'd get...
  27. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 6: Last night got a little scared because I felt I could just barely hear that high pitched electronic noise creeping up that started this whole nightmare. Thankfully I was able to fall asleep. This morning I can hear the absolute faintest air escaping noise. Any ambient noise basically...
  28. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Day 5 and still on the upswing. Woke up with some 'jagged' hissing but very low. It has actually settled way down, can barely hear it now. I vacuumed and mopped the floors for the first time in almost 2 weeks. I am usually a very clean person so having a messy house on top of the loud...
  29. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Think I will use this thread as my daily diary of my tinnitus spike. Hopefully it might help someone. Yesterday it did get a little worse. The air hissing was more jagged and 'dirty' sounding for lack of a better term. Usually it is more of a smooth air hissing. However, it stayed...
  30. J

    Noise Induced Tinnitus: Anyone See Improvement After the 6 Month Mark?

    Yes. I have mild high frequency loss (I think mostly between 6000 Hz and 8000 Hz) in the left ear. I went through several what I thought were agonizing months starting about 3 years ago. I also believe allergies play a role in mine. Also must note that mine was never constant. It would...
  31. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Wow the joy of being able to lay down and watch tv without it droning in my ear making it hard for me to even sit still is magnificent!!!
  32. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Well in case anyone is still reading, went through the entire day today with very low, much less insistent ringing. It's almost back to the air escaping noise I had for years before. It only got revved up for a little while earlier this morning when I got stuck in a line of a bunch of noisy...
  33. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Where to do I go to find the right sound enrichment equipment? If my spike doesn't go down I am going to need something to mask while I'm trying to work, as I have a job in Finance that requires staring at a computer all day and concentrating. Times like this I would really prefer a job...
  34. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Just to update, went to ENT today that was very sympathetic and gave me all the time I needed to share my history which I appreciated. I felt like the first one I went to didn't care. Found out the ENT himself actually has tinnitus from playing in bands when he was younger. He told me he...
  35. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Michael, thanks for your answers. After awaking this morning the tinnitus was almost totally gone although like I said in my previous message I could hear it 'bubbling up' (? best way I can describe it) and it gradually got louder over 15 minutes until it was roaring with the new tone. It...
  36. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Well now I am in total distress. Since last night the hissing has settled into a loud beep tone of a dentist drill that is very loud. I somehow fell asleep to that last night. When I woke up it was pretty quiet this morning but within 15 minutes the tone returned. I cannot live like this...
  37. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    I sure hope so because it has been worse the last 2 days and putting headphones on is really the only thing that brings any relief and allows me to sleep. But I guess I can't do that. The other weird thing that hasn't really happened since the very beginning when I first got tinnitus---hearing...
  38. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Bill, My tinnitus actually does completely disappear for days at a time... at least it has pretty much the entire time I've had it over the last 3 years or so. There was a time when I couldn't detect anything for over a month. I just don't understand why all of a sudden it has gotten worse...
  39. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Michael, the only time I really ever use headphones is very rarely like I said. I have been using them maybe once a week while working from home early in the morning so as not to wake up my roommate. It is not an everyday thing. They are the 'studio style' over the ear headphones. In fact I...
  40. J

    Sudden First Tinnitus Spike Ever, Advice?

    I feel you Bryce, I am currently on day 6 of a spike after several years of very tolerable tinnitus in which i often had many days in a row with absolutely no T at all no matter how I listened for it. Mine shot up out of nowhere a few days ago for reasons unknown. Luckily for me it is mostly...
  41. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Michael, Pretty much no to all of those things. I work in a finance department at an office, and I've been working from home most of the time the last several months. I don't go to clubs or listen to loud music. I do use headphones rarely but I usually take the speaker completely off of my...
  42. J

    Advice for Sudden Tinnitus Spike and Ear Fullness / Clogged Feeling: Could It Be Allergy Related?

    Hello, I have been dealing with tinnitus for about 3 years now. I've never posted before so I'll give a condensed history--- CHAPTER ONE - CLOGGING About 3-4 years ago in July/August I developed a serious problem with terrible fullness in the ears. It was mostly in my left ear, but would...