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  • Users: Moss
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  1. Moss

    Noxacusis — Should I Wear Earmuffs/Earplugs Throughout the Whole Day?

    That’s really for you to figure out. Trust me, if you need the earplugs all the time, you’ll know it. So until you get to that stage, it’s usually best to play it safe and protect yourself when you’re out and about or doing dishes and that sort of thing. You don’t want to subject yourself to...
  2. Moss

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    They call protective strategies ‘maladaptive’... I personally cannot tolerate such subjective and value laden wording in a scientific context... it reverts the whole thing to psychologising pseudo-science.
  3. Moss

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    @Brian Newman, thanks - you’re not spreading negativity. Anti-denialism and realism are not ‘being negative’. I sometimes think my body is like the climate crisis. I have to understand that things are very complex, and have patience and compassion for this state of affairs. Burying my head in...
  4. Moss

    Hyperacusis Spikes After Trying to Start Living Normally

    A lot of people are patronising by default. I’ve been chronically ill all my life, gaslit in the most horrid, torturous ways, and even when I am finally able to present a genetic reason for my health complications - because well, research has finally caught up with the condition - doctors still...
  5. Moss

    Dentist Tips: How to Prevent Tinnitus from Getting Worse During Dental Procedures

    I have severe hyperacusis and tinnitus. I’ve had three fillings replaced this year, and also had some cleaning done. I didn’t realise they could do the cleaning manually and it’s only over time that I have managed to build some good communication with the practice and have been reassured that...
  6. Moss

    Trazodone Calms My Hyperacusis and Tinnitus — Why?

    I honestly have no idea. I have had insomnia for over twenty years and recently had to find alternatives to medications that weren’t working so well due to habituation and what have you. I have low dopamine levels so get restless legs from some drugs. I suggested Clonazepam first and then...
  7. Moss

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    @Pierce Wolf, ok, I’m not that familiar with the idea of surgery. I would worry about it a lot, though, because at least in my own case with both hyperacusis and tinnitus, it’s clear to me that the immune system is involved. So in simple terms, perhaps the immune system is on high alert because...
  8. Moss

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    Deafness can aggravate tinnitus.
  9. Moss

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    I’ve had another horrible nerve related pain condition that was sparked by autoimmune activity due to a course of antibiotics, and the prognosis was pretty grim. It was a the other end of the body where there are plenty of sensitive nerve endings as well. I realise I didn’t have it as bad as...
  10. Moss

    Challenging the Current Terminology of Hyperacusis

    So presumably loudness hyperacusis is only exacerbated by external sounds whereas pain hyperacusis appears to flare up due to the invasive quality of external sounds as well as internal events such as chemical reactions in the body, movement and other things the body experiences as threatening...
  11. Moss

    Is It Safe to Drink While Taking Benzos?

    I have never experienced any problems but then I never drink very much as I can’t handle more than maybe a pint and a half at the most, and never close to sleeping (which is when I take the sleep meds, and I do take quite a bit of those).
  12. Moss

    Fitbit Watch (or Similar) for Monitoring Sleep?

    Have you tried an in-home sleep test to get a more accurate reading? I had one and it was surprisingly good. I think it was probably pretty reliable. I had to pay for it privately but it was worth it as I needed to know whether I have sleep apnea. Turns out I snore so it’s a good reason for...
  13. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    @Orions Pain, we’re not always in the best frame of mind to express our thoughts in the most optimal way and I probably sounded a bit dismissive for which I apologise. I’m reminded never to make any assumptions whatsoever about another person’s experience of pain and discomfort. To try and...
  14. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    I’m sorry to hear that and of course I wasn’t implying anything specific about your pain levels - it’s just my observation that people often complain about something without realising just how much worse it could be. I think your testimony only proves just how variable this condition is, and...
  15. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    It’s an awful situation when you would rather sit and listen to roaring tinnitus than risk causing yourself hyperacusis pain because every little sound can potentially do that to you. I’m now vary of things such as the wind, rain, radiators coming on... not to forget things dropping on the floor...
  16. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    Well you do because you have to. It’s not really all that difficult when the suffering is really great and there simply is no other option. It’s horrible but for some of us it’s necessary (don’t get me wrong, I really do hate it).
  17. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    Yes I agree with you and the reason I responded earlier was precisely because I felt I could relate to the way you perceive of your condition. The main difference is probably that I deteriorated from a point where I was (probably) like you, but because of a lot of invasive medical interventions...
  18. Moss

    My Experience with Tinnitus, Overprotection, and Antidepressants

    Please be aware that many antidepressants can lower dopamine levels, which in turn can increase pain sensitivity. If you suspect Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease), which is quite common, then you should not take the ones that are contraindicated. They could interfere with the sleep...
  19. Moss

    Overprotection Recovery with Pain Hyperacusis

    I don’t have an answer to the OP question but would just like to add my experience and perception of other people’s sensitivity that we all seem to differ a lot in how quickly we recover, if at all, and how careful we need to be to get better with a long term goal in mind. I personally think...
  20. Moss

    January 2021: Vote on Your Favourite Research Paper!

    Yes, I’m aware from speaking to other people with hyperacusis, however listening to people with tinnitus, it doesn’t seem as most of them are particularly worried about exposing themselves to sounds. Is it because it really doesn’t hurt them or because they don’t realise it’s sensitising them...
  21. Moss

    January 2021: Vote on Your Favourite Research Paper!

    According to Wikipedia, hyperacusis and tinnitus are separate conditions. I haven’t seen any theories about their correlation. My personal experience is that they are two sides of one coin and I often wonder whether maybe people with tinnitus should be careful around sounds. Since tinnitus is so...
  22. Moss

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    Hi there :) I had surgery but things went wrong, and so I was subjected to all sorts of horrific experiences including several bouts of sepsis before they were able to diagnose and repair the damage three months later. I had about two months worth of really strong IV antibiotics. At this point...
  23. Moss

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    I completely agree. My personal experience is that the pain hyperacusis and tinnitus were pretty bad, but I was able to go out and enjoy loud events as long as I wore ear plugs. I would talk to people quite loudly and get talked back without problems as long as I wore ear plugs. I just wasn’t...
  24. Moss

    Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

    I have great concerns since my tinnitus and hyperacusis went through the roof as a result of surgeries and heavy antibiotics. The condition was manageable before this happened (multiple surgeries and multiple courses of IV antibiotics including Gentamicin), now I have no sound tolerance at all...