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  1. handyman

    Ginkgo Biloba

    Just a little warning for those who might try Ginkgo Biloba for treating symptoms... I took it for several days and ended up in urgent care because I had HIVES from knees to waste on both legs. I had to get a steroid shot immediately and 7 days worth of meds to make stuff go away... we won't...
  2. handyman

    I Can Stop My Tinnitus by Clenching My Jaw Together — Anybody Else?

    I used to grind my teeth a lot in my younger days possibly due to stress. I've read a lot about muscle relaxation, etc. DENTIST states that I do not have TMJ/D disorder. Does anyone out there share the same "experience" that I do in that I can STOP the tinnitus sound on my right ear by...
  3. handyman

    Firecracker → Tinnitus in Left Ear | MRI → Tinnitus in Right Ear

    I was exposed to a firecracker when I was 18. It caused tinnitus in my left ear. ENT says it's permanent. I'm 51 now. Recently, I underwent MRI with 3 different layers of protection in right ear and now have high pitched pulsatile tinnitus in right ear. I can get it to go away when I clench my...