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  1. B

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    After seeing my ENT the cause is still somewhat unclear to both of us as I have had otosclerosis for years without tinnitus & no changes in hearing since before tinnitus. Also my tinnitus volume/sound has improved a lot over the past few months (I have had many quiet/silent days), but still...
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    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    The high pitch ringing has been gone for about a week now. Sometimes getting some soft white noise sounds. Past 2 days a low pitch droning sound comes on and off, not very loud but it is annoying. I don't hear it for a few minutes after listening to music or louder sounds. Last night had bad...
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    My Tinnitus Is Almost Silent After 2 Months — Don’t Lose Hope If Your Tinnitus Is Recent!

    I'm about 2 months in with tinnitus. Like your's mine has been slowly improving. It started as a high pitch ringing and is now a soft hissing/fizzing most of the time. I've also had ~ 2 setbacks where it returned to being a loud ringing. They lasted about 3-4 days each before it lessened to a...
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    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    Update for anyone that may read this. I had about a week of silence (occasional slight fizzing sounds). 8/9 - Tinnitus returned at night and is still present but is quietening slowly. This is the second time this has occurred since the initial onset. Not sure what to make of it. The previous...
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    Worried About Hearing "Microphone Feedback" in Reaction to PC Fans, Running Water, etc.

    @DimLeb, I'm a side sleeper too, for me I feel as though sleeping on my good ear quietens it, it's as if my brain turns its amp up if I sleep with the good ear exposed. At this point I almost feel as if it's just mind games, maybe I always had a slight bit of tinnitus that I was used to & now...
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    Worried About Hearing "Microphone Feedback" in Reaction to PC Fans, Running Water, etc.

    I feel like I experience this. My tinnitus has been improving greatly but it is high pitched, constant. It is in my ear that has otosclerosis. I don't think I can actually hear sounds this high frequency, so it seems to appear above certain sounds too. But it seems like you are improving and...
  7. B

    Possible Otosclerosis: A New, Yet Late Discovery About Not Feeling Vibration in My Ear

    Hey, I have otosclerosis. I'm not sure what you are referring to with feeling vibrations, do you mean your ear drum vibrating? I have one good ear one bad, both ears "feel" the same, only difference is that one hears much less. The first sign of otosclerosis would be hearing loss, if you...
  8. B

    Do I Have Otosclerosis? Or Am I Just Crazy?

    I have had otosclerosis (since I was 13-14, now 20). It doesn't seem like you would have it considering your tinnitus has been present for a while and with little noticeable hearing loss. I am an odd case I guess, with tinnitus only recently affecting me despite having the disease for many...
  9. B

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    Hey, thanks for the response. Still yet to see my ENT, but from all prior appointments I was always told my condition had maximally progressed and can be left untreated as I was fine to live with it. Is it a rare case for the condition to affect the cochlea? It is a high pitch ringing, and...
  10. B

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    Hi all, thanks for your responses. So it's been roughly a month since this all begun. I am still waiting on an appointment with my ENT to discuss my issue and options. When I made the original post the tinnitus was definitely at its worst (I would rate it about a 5/10, currently sitting at a...
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    Unilateral Tinnitus Joined Me One Night — From Stress / Smoking / TMJ / Neck Issues?

    Hi Jebbis, thought I’d leave a comment about my recent tinnitus considering we are of similar age. I am also 20 and just this week starting to experience some tinnitus in my right ear (which has been affected with hearing loss by otosclerosis for many years now). I can’t pinpoint the exact...
  12. B

    Tinnitus Due to Hearing Loss Caused by Otosclerosis

    Hey, I too suffer from otosclerosis since about the same age as you. I am 20 now and lost most hearing in my right ear at about age 15-16. I’ve so far been able to compensate quite fine with my left ear. Likewise, I have put off surgery so far in fear that it could make matters worse...
  13. B

    Hello from Squamish — My Story (Tinnitus, Otosclerosis, Possible Eustachian Tube Disorder)

    Hello kipper, I too have otosclerosis (in my right ear) for about 6 years now and only just begun experiencing slight tinnitus. I made a post just today about it. Definitely can relate to the feeling of fullness in the affected ear which for some reason I had never noticed or felt before. I...
  14. B

    Otosclerosis for ~5 Years, Tinnitus Started ~2 Weeks Ago

    Hi, i'm Baz, 20 year old male from Australia. I was diagnosed with otosclerosis in my right ear at age 14, which progressively worsened until around age 15-16 (resulting with about 80-90% hearing loss, other ear unaffected). I was given the options of hearing aids (which I found unpleasant), or...