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  1. Sparkstorm1000

    Ear Fullness When Watching TV on Low Volume: What Should I Do?

    Hey, thanks for responding! Is there anything I should be doing to help it?
  2. Sparkstorm1000

    Ear Fullness When Watching TV: Noxacusis or Just ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)?

    Hey there, I suppose this is the part where I give a little background. I developed tinnitus about two years ago. Around that time, I had Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, though I must admit I frequently used my headphones, probably not at safe levels. I have no hearing loss, and I managed to...
  3. Sparkstorm1000

    Ear Fullness When Watching TV on Low Volume: What Should I Do?

    Hey there, I suppose this is the part where I give a little background. I developed tinnitus about two years ago. Around that time, I had Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, though I must admit I frequently used my headphones, probably not at safe levels. I have no hearing loss, and I managed to...
  4. Sparkstorm1000

    Life is pain.

    Life is pain.