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  1. Zechariah

    Random YouTube Tinnitus "Cures"

    Why did I check out this thread. Now my brain hurts. This is wrong in so many levels. Especially that yelling right next to his ear :D
  2. Zechariah

    Loud Music and Different Tinnitus After

    I'm going to be frank with you here. From experience: Don't push your luck. Obviously you haven't learned your lesson yet. I may appear as really rude but if by rudeness saves you from getting worse T - so be it. It seems that you haven't experienced loud enough T because you still prefer to...
  3. Zechariah

    One of the Worst Things About Suffering from Tinnitus...

    Sad to hear, if the laser isn't cone shaped (spread instead of straight beam) it may be hard to hit cochlea so maybe some adjustment on position could help.
  4. Zechariah

    One of the Worst Things About Suffering from Tinnitus...

    Hi, So @Philip83 , can I assume based on this venting that your LLLT with lucky laser hasn't helped (It's been 2 months)?
  5. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Well I admit that I got too frustrated about Bobby. He just keeps blindly telling his own story without really addressing any concerns which others bring up. That's why I gave him some of his own medicine - ignoring all the troublesome parts. Sorry about that. I'll just let him do his own thing...
  6. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    And you still keep talking about flashlight therapy in addition to dodging my question about your audiograms. Well done m8!
  7. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    The topic of this thread is: DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,- (I bolded the relevant part - maybe you won't miss it this time). And additionally this is about building your own laser. And yes I've seen that interview. There is nothing that would convince...
  8. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Feel free to point a flashlight into your ear but discuss about that in another thread. The topic of this thread is: DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-
  9. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    I believe that this thread is about LLLT meaning Low Level Laser Therapy. Can you please create your own thread for this LED Light therapy?
  10. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Please, don't promote your light treatments in LLLT-related threads. Please create own thread for them. I can only beg you to do the right thing.
  11. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    That's what I wrote? Do you even read my messages? :D
  12. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    Nope, I mean 650nm @Markku or some admin, can you move this Off-topic spam of Bobby B to some other thread? Maybe you could create own thread for him and people interested in light therapies?
  13. Zechariah

    DIY Low-Level Laser Therapy for Tinnitus on a Budget — LLLT Under 100,-

    It's not even a flashlight, it just beams thermal radiation into your ear. 650nm wavelength is mostly just red light. I'm suprised that Bobby made someone actually buy something :D
  14. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    The explanation is in my message (actually there is two possible ones but I seems that you chose the latter one) but it's all speculation - just like original posters messages.
  15. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    So, here you basically say that you suspected that you could be deficient in thiamine and also that your intake may not be enough. Here you state that you were not deficient in vitamin B1 (even though you haven't measured them). Here you state that it was your intake in B1 was not deficient...
  16. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    I'm not sure why should this vitamin be taken in exact dosages. B-vitamins are water soluable which means that the part of your body doesn't use, will be washed away by metabolism. And to be honest I'm having hard time finding any official or at least semi-official sources which states that if...
  17. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Hi, what were your measured B1 vitamin levels at the beginning and what are they now? EDIT: Oh and yes, I could have been a bit too exact with the comment "won't change anything". There may be some sort of changes even if you are not actually clinically deficient in some vitamin or nutrient.
  18. Zechariah

    Thiamine Pyrophosphate (TPP) Stopped My Tinnitus!

    Well, this supplement - like many others (D-vitamin, Magnesium, iodine, Zinc, B12 etc.) may help if you are deficient in it. Otherwise it won't change anything.
  19. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Excellent little review, thanks for sharing. I hope you get the aiming right. That is one of the difficulties with home treatment and why people may have mixed results. The laser Wilden uses a laser that has a diameter approximately of a tennis ball to avoid problems with aiming. I suppose you...
  20. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Dude, you can't compare laser and light like that. Do you even realize that this "infrared" you are talking about is pretty much only thermal radiation? Basically you are stating that heating up your inner ear will heal T, H and hearing loss. You really need to get yourself educated... And in...
  21. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Was there even a real debate? 808nm for deeper penetration and ~650nm for treating the front parts of the cochlear. Btw, how are your audiograms from 2, 3 and 6 months coming up? If there is an improvement - many here would be interested to seeing them. - For some reason I feel that we are not...
  22. Zechariah

    Auris Medical (AM-102)

    Hi, source of this information?
  23. Zechariah

    I've Given Up on Life

    Either of us don't have any facts so lets just leave it there. I can't be bothered to start researching and googling to support my arguments. If you are willing to do that to support your own arguments. I'd happily read what you provide :)
  24. Zechariah

    I've Given Up on Life

    A little clarification - When I said H being milder damage when compared to T - I meant the "physical damage". Subjective suffering is another thing and I fully believe that some people (like you) really consider sever H worse than T. And good to know that LLLT isn't improving your H. Now i...
  25. Zechariah

    I've Given Up on Life

    I'm sorry that I acted like a scumbag by accusing you over victimizing yourself (it just looked that way). I was just annoyed because you made universal statements which aren't true (because experiences are subjective). I was annoyed because I knew from my own experience that I suffered much...
  26. Zechariah

    I've Given Up on Life

    First of all, don't overvictimize yourself to enforce your arguments (by adding more favorable painful expressions and details to your text which I couldn't possibly know before). I was addressing this statement which did not mention H+T. "It's this simple,people without severe H literally have...
  27. Zechariah

    I've Given Up on Life

    So many incorrect assumptions. Please do tell me how I can mask my T at the frequency I have no hearing left? Additionally I always protect my hearing when I leave my appartment. Why couldn't people with H do this aswell? I had painful H after noise exposure which produced my T aswell so I can...
  28. Zechariah

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Metabolism in vitreous humor is really slow so I think that the dosage increase should be pretty extreme before it had an effect that your ENT is suggesting (if it even is possible - I don't know). Additionally floaters aren't mentioned in any side effect lists I've seen (even the people who...
  29. Zechariah

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    Yeah, well, I always thought that musicians were the people who know how to protect their hearing at present day. I guess I was wrong. And the smiley was there because I really wanted to know what's the deal with Brian and why he shouldn't perform anymore. You suggest that he shouldn't perform...
  30. Zechariah

    (LLLT Efficacy) Mobilizing Mitochondria May Be Key to Regenerating Damaged Neurons, Zhou, B et. al.

    No it didn't work. Results were misinterpreted partly because of flawed model. Trials with mice was doubted before the human clinical trials. The test model with mice was flawed and now we know it especially well.
  31. Zechariah

    Hair Cell Regeneration on Mammals

    This was held 4,5 years ago. They have 5,5 years to go xD
  32. Zechariah

    Announcement Tinnitus Neuromodulator Sound Generator — Collaboration

    Excellent app/website. Far gone are the days 2 years back when I had to do all my sounds and beeps by myself with Audacity :) Btw, @Steve , is "High Treble"-slider 16kHz?
  33. Zechariah

    Receptor Targeted Treatment (RTT)

    Stop teasing me with that kind of comments... :D
  34. Zechariah

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    Ok, in that case, thanks for the info! :) I wonder why Brian Johnsons hearing is getting so bad then... is he running too much in front of speakers? :P
  35. Zechariah

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    I don't know how high sound volume goes on stage but if I'd had to guess it isn't too much lower than in the audience which would mean sound levels exceeding 100-110dB which would mean that with best possible ear plugs background noise would reach 70-80dB. To compete with that your in-ear...
  36. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    You know that polarized light is just...light? You can build your own polarized light source easily. Just aim powerful flashlight through polarized sunglasses into your ear and you are good to go.
  37. Zechariah

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    Hi, you don't need 80dB volumes to stimulate left over hair cells. They are stimulated as much as they would be stimulated when you have normal hearing. The only difference is that brains do not register the signal coming from too few hair cells and that's why you can't hear the sound. And if...
  38. Zechariah

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    Well let me explain. No offence, but 3 months isn't long term T, actually your T is still on acute stage according to some researchers. When you hit 1,5 year or 2 year mark, then you can start talking about long term suffering. Video annoys me because it potentially gives false hope. Who knows...
  39. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    I have mild H but I don't mind it. Mostly I was after improvement in my high frequency hearing loss and as a result of improvement - softer T.
  40. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    @Bobby B Well yes, it seems that the smartest thing would be to buy lucky laser already now because if I do another 4 sessions I've already payed half of the price of lucky laser. I guess I have to consider how I will proceed. I just wish that I've had some changes after first 4 treatments. It...
  41. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Hi, I guess this message was meant for me? You can use the tagging like this @Bobby B or quote text that I get notification - otherwise the message may end up unnoticed. I've had T and and high frequency hearing loss for 2 years now (onset was 9.5.2014). I'm only guessing how bad my hearing...
  42. Zechariah

    ADEL Bubble — Stephen Ambrose (Inventor of In-Ear Monitors). This Just Blew My Mind.

    @jeanoroid These people keep talking about "nerve damage". Which means that there is no signal going from hair cells to the brain even tho the hair cells may be intact. I don't see how additional ear drum will make this better. Additionally you can hear the music coming from the ear buds when...
  43. Zechariah

    Update from Autifony Therapeutics’ QUIET-1 Tinnitus Clinical Trial

    It's not intended to help with age-related hearing loss. It's intended only to help understanding the human speech especially when there is a bit of background noise and the person has some degree of hearing loss.
  44. Zechariah

    D-AP5 Drug for Chronic Tinnitus

    So you think that this drug would energize macrophages to target and eliminate tinnitus...cells?
  45. Zechariah

    Tinnitus Is Pain of the Auditory System

    This is exactly how I feel when I'm having a bad night. It isn't always the noise that makes me struggle nowadays - it's more like the feeling of T that really puts the last nail in the coffin.
  46. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    Hi, I did some sessions for LLLT. I did first 2 sessions 3 weeks ago in two consecutive days and another 2 sessions 2 weeks ago. So now I've done 4 sessions and the latest one was 2 weeks ago. 808nm laser power was pretty high so the session duration was short. Laser was aimed into ear canal...
  47. Zechariah

    Video Series: Total Tinnitus Remission / Patient #1 / By Dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez

    Exactly. I'm not sure how to react but I'm really annoyed. The only things that I'm interested of are: 1) How was the tinnitus induced 2) What was the treament ...and there is no answers to these questions. This is like a teaser/trailer of a good movie which may never be released. This kind...
  48. Zechariah

    I Suspect a Couple of These Folks Ended Up With Tinnitus...

    What the f*ck. Is that really happening? Just incredible...
  49. Zechariah

    I Suspect a Couple of These Folks Ended Up With Tinnitus...

    Anyone interested on a new profession? It seems that the earplugs are "not allowed"... :)
  50. Zechariah

    RL648_81: Synthesis and Evaluation of Potent KCNQ2/3-specific Channel Activators

    If I recall right, someone (sort of official source/weblink) tried to discredit SF0034 by saying something like: "Fluorination is well known procedure and it was most likely tried to Retigabine aswell - there won't be more potent Kv7 modulator". Well it's kind of funny that these more and more...
  51. Zechariah

    Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Tinnitus — Experiences (Dr. Wilden, etc.)

    It's been 18 days since you went for first audiogram after starting treatment. Any improvement?
  52. Zechariah

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    Hi, interesting data, thanks for sharing. But on the otherhand, it is also interesting why do you keep dodging these simple questions? It's almost like you needed some reinforcement for your studied knowledge (and opinion) and decided to inform that you tried LLLT without actually doing it...
  53. Zechariah

    Is LLLT for Tinnitus by Dr. Wilden a Scam?

    @Mike Alanson , can you answer to @Bobby B 's question: "You said you bought a laser device, again what device and what frequencies/power settings/times you did on it ? And what changes in hearing did you get after ?" As general comment, I'm planning on trying LLLT. I'm not expecting it to...
  54. Zechariah

    What Age Are You and How High Can You Hear?

    Yes, really rough but I wouldn't lose my night sleep if I didn't hear high frequency sounds as you can see of my test results.
  55. Zechariah

    What Age Are You and How High Can You Hear?

    Why do you people even bother? The results are not comparable with each other and barely with our own previous results. That this test would be even remotely accurate you would need exactly same volume and equalizer settings on your computer, same sound card drivers, and especially quality...
  56. Zechariah

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    The tests on that document weren't done with mice (only cells from mice were used). Additionally you should have known that Autifonys animal model was flawed (as you should have known when you declared AUT00063 as a cure when trials were barely started) so don't use it as an example. Because...
  57. Zechariah

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Well like I said already - this matter has been discussed enough (don't know why you wanted to continue) but I see that you are still running from responsibility. Btw, you could have gotten Trobalt if you had gone to doctor with that document which you quoted and summarized it to the doctor. It...
  58. Zechariah

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    There was not a single reference to Danny Boy in my post - not even between the lines. I'm not sure why you keep picking em up. I was just giving general examples that you would understand my view about why people should think twice what they say even in the internet. But you seem to ignore them...