No, there's no mold or dust here. My hearing is fine, perfect audiograms. ENT told me I had no hearing loss or any problems such as sinusitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, allergies, tonsillitis, etc.
Baclofen reduced the headaches but the tinnitus is still here ;( I've never been diagnosed with occipital neuralgia, but I feel like I definitely have some of the symptoms. Neurologists can't tell for sure. Unfortunately I have a new hissing sound in my good ear. Guess it's not "good" anymore...
Hello to all. Tinnitus can cause frequent headaches, but can frequent tension headaches cause tinnitus?
My story is short: I started a new job last year. All the stress and bad sleep routine resulted in everyday tension type headaches. They were pretty strong and just one day tinnitus showed...