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  1. Tryn2BHopeful

    @Thizzle some... in terms of sounds sensitivity and mental well being. T is still there, still...

    @Thizzle some... in terms of sounds sensitivity and mental well being. T is still there, still varies, and still drives me crazy sometimes. I wish it were gone or less, but that doesn't seem to be going happen.
  2. Tryn2BHopeful

    1 year ago today this started. A journey to hell, hope I can make it back. Wishing everyone the...

    1 year ago today this started. A journey to hell, hope I can make it back. Wishing everyone the best.
  3. Tryn2BHopeful

    I had a "good" run of days. With some terrible ones like today. I do plan to limit my time here.

    I had a "good" run of days. With some terrible ones like today. I do plan to limit my time here.
  4. Tryn2BHopeful

    Still alive. T still sucks most of the time. Hope everyone is doing as well as they can.

    Still alive. T still sucks most of the time. Hope everyone is doing as well as they can.
  5. Tryn2BHopeful

    I will likely try to avoid the site for the most part. It's hard to avoid the negative posts. I...

    I will likely try to avoid the site for the most part. It's hard to avoid the negative posts. I am not saying they are not valid, or that I have have not done or will do the same. It's just not helping me right now.
  6. Tryn2BHopeful

    This site is to much. My T sucks but I don't wish to die. I understand the pain here but...

    This site is to much. My T sucks but I don't wish to die. I understand the pain here but positivity and hope is all I got going for me.
  7. Tryn2BHopeful

    @4Grace I dont much see the point in posting much anymore. Mostly when I have a really bad day...

    @4Grace I dont much see the point in posting much anymore. Mostly when I have a really bad day. T still sucks, I have had some improvements here or there. It tends to go back and forth.
  8. Tryn2BHopeful

    I am happy for you! I hope you can find peace and leave this place.

    I am happy for you! I hope you can find peace and leave this place.
  9. Tryn2BHopeful

    Need to exercise again, but I am so beaten down by T most days of the week I just cant get...

    Need to exercise again, but I am so beaten down by T most days of the week I just cant get motivated to do it.
  10. Tryn2BHopeful


  11. Tryn2BHopeful

    Humming is intermittent for me. When I have it that does make it go away. No idea what causes...

    Humming is intermittent for me. When I have it that does make it go away. No idea what causes it. It's worse after driving on the highway.
  12. Tryn2BHopeful

    One of my fears.

    One of my fears.
  13. Tryn2BHopeful

    I cant sleep and become more anxious. Takes about 3 days. Of course it might just be part of my...

    I cant sleep and become more anxious. Takes about 3 days. Of course it might just be part of my normal cycle of T.
  14. Tryn2BHopeful

    I am still taking a low dose. 2mg give or take. I don't know if it helps or not at this point, I...

    I am still taking a low dose. 2mg give or take. I don't know if it helps or not at this point, I just cant seem to get to a point where I can get off of it.
  15. Tryn2BHopeful

    I said those words to myself today... but then will turn around and say I can do this. I think I...

    I said those words to myself today... but then will turn around and say I can do this. I think I am T bipolar...
  16. Tryn2BHopeful

    I was also told I should be happy I am not deaf with T by an audiologist. Moral is... it can...

    I was also told I should be happy I am not deaf with T by an audiologist. Moral is... it can always be worse... but it's also always relative. I hope we all find peace someday.
  17. Tryn2BHopeful

    Ita all relative. A year ago I never imagined I would be suffering with this. I thought diabetes...

    Ita all relative. A year ago I never imagined I would be suffering with this. I thought diabetes and kidney stones was the worst.
  18. Tryn2BHopeful

    Woke up from a dream where I was suddenly using a drill, to realize it was the sound in my...

    Woke up from a dream where I was suddenly using a drill, to realize it was the sound in my head...Its going to be a day...
  19. Tryn2BHopeful

    Let me know when you do! Because I am wondering the same thing!

    Let me know when you do! Because I am wondering the same thing!
  20. Tryn2BHopeful

    @4Grace Its all good, just venting a little bit. Overall I am doing better than some people and...

    @4Grace Its all good, just venting a little bit. Overall I am doing better than some people and worse than others.
  21. Tryn2BHopeful

    @SumGuy same shit. It's just feels like I am stuck in some nightmare and I can't wakeup.

    @SumGuy same shit. It's just feels like I am stuck in some nightmare and I can't wakeup.
  22. Tryn2BHopeful

    This is surreal

    This is surreal
  23. Tryn2BHopeful

    It gets easier. I can't guarantee it gets better

    It gets easier. I can't guarantee it gets better
  24. Tryn2BHopeful

    Surviving...The idea of getting better is long lost. I have moments of joy and moments of...

    Surviving...The idea of getting better is long lost. I have moments of joy and moments of despair, its a ride I just cant get off of.
  25. Tryn2BHopeful

    Haven't found a dB yet I can't hear this shit through, it's either the frequency or the...

    Haven't found a dB yet I can't hear this shit through, it's either the frequency or the reactivity. Masking doesn't exist for me :(
  26. Tryn2BHopeful

    50 dB rn and it's clear as day lol... I think you will be OK. If it doesn't go completely away...

    50 dB rn and it's clear as day lol... I think you will be OK. If it doesn't go completely away you will likely habituate. Try not to focus on it.
  27. Tryn2BHopeful

    Ah sooo this all went pretty well... it was relatively quiet and enjoyable, no spike afterwards...

    Ah sooo this all went pretty well... it was relatively quiet and enjoyable, no spike afterwards. Soo yeah?!
  28. Tryn2BHopeful

    @SumGuy its the nature of T. It can fluctuate for alot of reasons. Stress and sleep can be big...

    @SumGuy its the nature of T. It can fluctuate for alot of reasons. Stress and sleep can be big factors. Sodium, caffeine, msg... Yours could be related to fluid in your ears so allergies could affect it. Trust me we all understand the feeling all to well. Hang in there.
  29. Tryn2BHopeful

    Take some deep breaths and try to relax. Your T is pretty new and seems to be going in an out...

    Take some deep breaths and try to relax. Your T is pretty new and seems to be going in an out. It may be temporary.
  30. Tryn2BHopeful

    I had that in the beginning of this journey. I was very sensitive to brakes squealing, plates...

    I had that in the beginning of this journey. I was very sensitive to brakes squealing, plates banging around, crinkling of bags. It did go away eventually, I never had any associated pain.
  31. Tryn2BHopeful

    Not to jinx it, but it seems like a good sign that you are having moments of silence. No silence...

    Not to jinx it, but it seems like a good sign that you are having moments of silence. No silence here in 10 months! Happy to see someone getting better!
  32. Tryn2BHopeful

    I hope your progress continues.

    I hope your progress continues.
  33. Tryn2BHopeful

    Just use the ignore option. I don't see any of lipshitz posts anymore. No need to get upset as...

    Just use the ignore option. I don't see any of lipshitz posts anymore. No need to get upset as if we don't have enough problems.
  34. Tryn2BHopeful

    Be Honest. Do You Still Enjoy Life?

    I'm at the absolutely lowest point in my life. I try to keep faith that somehow I will survive this shit.
  35. Tryn2BHopeful

    I hope it does for you

    I hope it does for you
  36. Tryn2BHopeful

    Could be fluid?

    Could be fluid?
  37. Tryn2BHopeful

    Will be tomorrow

    Will be tomorrow
  38. Tryn2BHopeful

    Easter - Instead of being happy to see family, I will be looking for a corner to hide in and...

    Easter - Instead of being happy to see family, I will be looking for a corner to hide in and waiting for a spike in T.
  39. Tryn2BHopeful

    @Marina Moon 100%

    @Marina Moon 100%
  40. Tryn2BHopeful

    6 months is when they say it becomes Chronic.

    6 months is when they say it becomes Chronic.
  41. Tryn2BHopeful

    @gameover I had more hope then. I had hope in habituation, sound therapy, supplements, that...

    @gameover I had more hope then. I had hope in habituation, sound therapy, supplements, that someone would help me, and somehow I would be the "exception" and get better. The fact that they say it gets easier with time. I cant say that it has, I can hide my distress better, if that's improvement...
  42. Tryn2BHopeful

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    Sadly I have to agree with your sentiment. My doctor denies to this day what happened after I took Lexapro, stating it's "impossible." These drugs do help a certain number of people, and some have had success with them. We were not among those people and got the "shit end of the stick." There is...
  43. Tryn2BHopeful

    Sounds like ttts

    Sounds like ttts
  44. Tryn2BHopeful

    I say that to my wife alot... I think it was lexapro but was it? I will never be 100% sure...

    I say that to my wife alot... I think it was lexapro but was it? I will never be 100% sure. Doesn't change anything now.
  45. Tryn2BHopeful

    Happens to me alot... I worry that it is the calm before the storm

    Happens to me alot... I worry that it is the calm before the storm
  46. Tryn2BHopeful

    Occipital Neuralgia can cause T, I think they confirm it my doing a lidocaine block on the nerve...

    Occipital Neuralgia can cause T, I think they confirm it my doing a lidocaine block on the nerve and if the pain stops then its the cause.
  47. Tryn2BHopeful

    I remember when I used to try to post uplifting quotes on this page. T just beats the shit out...

    I remember when I used to try to post uplifting quotes on this page. T just beats the shit out you. Cant give up though, even if I wanted to
  48. Tryn2BHopeful

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    I was on Lexapro for 10+ years. I stopped about 2 years ago. When I started taking it again, I immediately got tinnitus. I would express caution in starting any antidepressant. I would certainly discuss your concerns with your doctor.
  49. Tryn2BHopeful

    Before I got T they thought I had that, then said I didn't.

    Before I got T they thought I had that, then said I didn't.
  50. Tryn2BHopeful

    I don't know how much longer I can do this. Working, taking care of family, struggling with...

    I don't know how much longer I can do this. Working, taking care of family, struggling with screaming T all day long and trying to act like its OK for my kids. Screaming, humming, insanity in my FN head. Not sure I will see my kids graduate school. Gotta attempt science fair today. Why didnt God...
  51. Tryn2BHopeful

    I wish i could of started with Mild Stable T. I keep hoping for improvement, and when I have a...

    I wish i could of started with Mild Stable T. I keep hoping for improvement, and when I have a better day I think maybe... but then its right back to hell again. Starting to wish I could just make myself numb to whats happening to me.
  52. Tryn2BHopeful

    Ugh... Why does T have to be a different experience every day?! I mean wtf. The constant...

    Ugh... Why does T have to be a different experience every day?! I mean wtf. The constant changing makes it hard to habituate.
  53. Tryn2BHopeful

    I take Mirtazapine

    I take Mirtazapine
  54. Tryn2BHopeful

    You might of had sound sensitivity from over protecting your ears.

    You might of had sound sensitivity from over protecting your ears.
  55. Tryn2BHopeful

    @RunningMan The fan does kill the sound for me, as does most things, but seems I have to use a...

    @RunningMan The fan does kill the sound for me, as does most things, but seems I have to use a bit of a higher volume than before. Also it seems like after I go for a walk I am good for a couple of hours. Maybe blood pressure related? I dont know I take Losartan for BP, and taurine I think can...
  56. Tryn2BHopeful

    Seems I either have reactivity with noise or humming in silence. Masking or no masking I am SOL...

    Seems I either have reactivity with noise or humming in silence. Masking or no masking I am SOL. What fun.
  57. Tryn2BHopeful

    @gameover I am going to back off a little and see. Technically I don't know if its better or...

    @gameover I am going to back off a little and see. Technically I don't know if its better or worse. It seems one is lower and the other more prevalent or maybe its drowning it out. However the low hum has more of a subtle feeling to it not thumping but like vibration and faint warmth. Its also...
  58. Tryn2BHopeful

    I have been taking Taurine... perhaps that has made it more prevalent. Seems like when the high...

    I have been taking Taurine... perhaps that has made it more prevalent. Seems like when the high pitch is toned down the low hum is ramped up. F T
  59. Tryn2BHopeful

    Low hum is more prevalent than ever for some reason. My normal methods for getting it to stop...

    Low hum is more prevalent than ever for some reason. My normal methods for getting it to stop are not working. Its doesnt seem like TTTS.
  60. Tryn2BHopeful

    @RunningMan sleep seems to suffer which ultimately leads me into a more depressed state and worse T

    @RunningMan sleep seems to suffer which ultimately leads me into a more depressed state and worse T