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  1. Karolina

    @adpolandam jak warzywo :( próbuję czymś zająć głowę w ciągu dnia, ale na dłuższą metę nie da...

    @adpolandam jak warzywo :( próbuję czymś zająć głowę w ciągu dnia, ale na dłuższą metę nie da się tak żyć
  2. Karolina

    Hyperacusis is gonna kill me. All sounds sound like bombs. It's impossible to live. God help me

    Hyperacusis is gonna kill me. All sounds sound like bombs. It's impossible to live. God help me
  3. Karolina

    What a stupid miserable wasted existence

    What a stupid miserable wasted existence
  4. Karolina

    @GG_Ear I do have TTTS and TMJ problems/TMJD. My neck also worsened a lot from sitting with...

    @GG_Ear I do have TTTS and TMJ problems/TMJD. My neck also worsened a lot from sitting with earmuffs on all day
  5. Karolina

    Usually, for most people, it's the other way around, h is getting better while t stays the same...

    Usually, for most people, it's the other way around, h is getting better while t stays the same or worsens over time. And tinnitus has never bothered me as much as h does. I want my sound tolerance back, god
  6. Karolina

    Why is my tinnitus getting better and quieter while hyperacusis is worsening. How does that make...

    Why is my tinnitus getting better and quieter while hyperacusis is worsening. How does that make any sense
  7. Karolina

    I'm stopping this med. I hope it goes back to baseline soon. This is unbearable

    I'm stopping this med. I hope it goes back to baseline soon. This is unbearable
  8. Karolina

    I've been taking clomipramine for 4 days for my H. It worsened my tinnitus a lot. It's high...

    I've been taking clomipramine for 4 days for my H. It worsened my tinnitus a lot. It's high pitched now, I've got a new metallic sound. Fuck
  9. Karolina

    My hyperacusis must be extremely bad cuz I hear everything through them as if I didn't wear...

    My hyperacusis must be extremely bad cuz I hear everything through them as if I didn't wear anything. And everything is STILL too loud with them on
  10. Karolina

    I need a house in a middle of nowhere

    I need a house in a middle of nowhere
  11. Karolina

    I won't. I'm so fucked.

    I won't. I'm so fucked.
  12. Karolina


  13. Karolina

    Try Mack's Ultra Soft foam earplugs, these are the only ones that fit into my ear channels

    Try Mack's Ultra Soft foam earplugs, these are the only ones that fit into my ear channels
  14. Karolina

    Post Your Favorite Anime/Cartoons

    One of the best things I've seen lately:
  15. Karolina


  16. Karolina


  17. Karolina

    Literally. None. Cars outside hurt my ears. Neighbors talking hurts my ears. Fucking WIND hurts...

    Literally. None. Cars outside hurt my ears. Neighbors talking hurts my ears. Fucking WIND hurts my ears. Everything is absurdly loud. I wear ear protection 24/7
  18. Karolina

    @Thizzle there is no hope for me. I have 0 sound tolerance. This is not living

    @Thizzle there is no hope for me. I have 0 sound tolerance. This is not living
  19. Karolina

    We are all fucked

    We are all fucked
  20. Karolina

    I only wanted to live

    I only wanted to live
  21. Karolina

    This world wants me dead

    This world wants me dead
  22. Karolina

    This condition is inhumane :(( pure survival

    This condition is inhumane :(( pure survival
  23. Karolina

    I am so fucking dumb

    I am so fucking dumb
  24. Karolina

    @Utdmad89 probably not, only loudness h

    @Utdmad89 probably not, only loudness h
  25. Karolina

    @Thizzle I cannot listen to any digital audio, no I don't watch tv or videos on phone with...

    @Thizzle I cannot listen to any digital audio, no I don't watch tv or videos on phone with sound, my reactive t would go crazy
  26. Karolina

    It's kinda weird cuz when I wear double protection my tinnitus sounds like it's at least 60...

    It's kinda weird cuz when I wear double protection my tinnitus sounds like it's at least 60 decibels, I would compare the volume to listening to music really loud on headphones
  27. Karolina

    It was around 30 decibels outside, just birds chirping and the sound of the forest. My t spiked...

    It was around 30 decibels outside, just birds chirping and the sound of the forest. My t spiked a bit after that, ears got a bit more sensitive, but overall it was not that bad
  28. Karolina

    I went outside for a couple of minutes without double protection. Idk if it's bc of my loudness...

    I went outside for a couple of minutes without double protection. Idk if it's bc of my loudness h, but I didn't hear my tinnitus at all
  29. Karolina

    Habituation is only for mild cases, with stable non reactive tinnitus

    Habituation is only for mild cases, with stable non reactive tinnitus
  30. Karolina

    I hate this world

    I hate this world
  31. Karolina

    Post Your Favorite Memes

  32. Karolina

    Do you have hypercausis? If not or it's mild, please keep it that way. once it's catastrophic...

    Do you have hypercausis? If not or it's mild, please keep it that way. once it's catastrophic, life is basically over
  33. Karolina

    should have never get mri should have never listened to doctors and mild cases. there is no way...

    should have never get mri should have never listened to doctors and mild cases. there is no way out of this :((
  34. Karolina

    fuck who am i kidding. there will be no happy ending. nothing awaits me except terrible suffering

    fuck who am i kidding. there will be no happy ending. nothing awaits me except terrible suffering
  35. Karolina

    I want a happy ending. I want to live. All I want is stable tinnitus and hyperacusis that allows...

    I want a happy ending. I want to live. All I want is stable tinnitus and hyperacusis that allows me to function
  36. Karolina

    Update, the thunderstorm did not reach my area again thank god

    Update, the thunderstorm did not reach my area again thank god
  37. Karolina

    Most likely noise induced

    Most likely noise induced
  38. Karolina

    I did, 3 weeks after onset. It gave me more tones and dysacusis

    I did, 3 weeks after onset. It gave me more tones and dysacusis
  39. Karolina

    beyond catastrophic. this shit killed my brain

    beyond catastrophic. this shit killed my brain
  40. Karolina

    Like, i'm trying my best, i'm trying to save my life, but everything seems to be orchestrated to...

    Like, i'm trying my best, i'm trying to save my life, but everything seems to be orchestrated to kill me (4)
  41. Karolina

    there is a thunderstorm today and tomorrow, and I have catastrophic loudness hyperacusis that...

    there is a thunderstorm today and tomorrow, and I have catastrophic loudness hyperacusis that worsens every day (3)
  42. Karolina

    the window was supposed to be replaced a month ago, but it came too small and I have to wait...

    the window was supposed to be replaced a month ago, but it came too small and I have to wait another month for the window to be replaced (2)
  43. Karolina

    I'm at rock bottom. soundproofing did nothing, I can hear my neighbors exactly the same as...

    I'm at rock bottom. soundproofing did nothing, I can hear my neighbors exactly the same as before (1)
  44. Karolina

    When I had only t, i could at least shower, make myself dinner, go on walks, clean the room...

    When I had only t, i could at least shower, make myself dinner, go on walks, clean the room. With h, you cannot do f#cking anything.
  45. Karolina

    I will wear peltors and foam earplugs of course, but I'm afraid it won't help much, my loudness...

    I will wear peltors and foam earplugs of course, but I'm afraid it won't help much, my loudness h is terrible. My window is still not soundproofed :((
  46. Karolina

    There will be thunderstorm whole day on Sunday fuck!!!! I need a basement or a bunker oh my...

    There will be thunderstorm whole day on Sunday fuck!!!! I need a basement or a bunker oh my fucking god
  47. Karolina

    Idk i got them at the beginning of may, one tone was quite unbearable, like a weird beeping...

    Idk i got them at the beginning of may, one tone was quite unbearable, like a weird beeping horror melody I still have 13-14 tones lol
  48. Karolina

    2 new tones are gone, but loudness hyperacusis is now beyond catastrophic. I don't want to die

    2 new tones are gone, but loudness hyperacusis is now beyond catastrophic. I don't want to die
  49. Karolina

    reactive tinnitus has no limit...

    reactive tinnitus has no limit...
  50. Karolina

    I need a sound booth, but they are all very heavy, I don't want the floor to collapse

    I need a sound booth, but they are all very heavy, I don't want the floor to collapse
  51. Karolina

    my dreams are less surreal than the reality I wake up to every day

    my dreams are less surreal than the reality I wake up to every day
  52. Karolina

    My Entire Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Story — From Hell to Paradise

    @AnthonyMcDonald, I would really like to know what kind of sound booth you bought. My reactive tinnitus is getting horrifying, just like yours, and my loudness hyperacusis is worsening constantly. Your story gives me hope that it will stabilize one day, but it seems it's worsening forever.
  53. Karolina

    Yes i have sound distortions too

    Yes i have sound distortions too
  54. Karolina

    @Thizzle more tones, worse reactivity, worse sound tolerance

    @Thizzle more tones, worse reactivity, worse sound tolerance
  55. Karolina

    I don't know how to stop the constant worsening. I don't want to die

    I don't know how to stop the constant worsening. I don't want to die
  56. Karolina

    the thunderstorm did not reach my area, luckily

    the thunderstorm did not reach my area, luckily
  57. Karolina

    There will be a huge thunderstorm today. 1 day before my room was supposed to be soundproofed. I...

    There will be a huge thunderstorm today. 1 day before my room was supposed to be soundproofed. I don't feel anything anymore
  58. Karolina

    I've got 2 new tones today for no reason at all, loudness hyperacusis suddenly worsened, I don't...

    I've got 2 new tones today for no reason at all, loudness hyperacusis suddenly worsened, I don't know what to do anymore
  59. Karolina

    Me too. My dysacusis got really really bad lately, I often cannot differentiate between my...

    Me too. My dysacusis got really really bad lately, I often cannot differentiate between my tinnitus and distorted external sounds
  60. Karolina

    @Pinhead it will be on monday

    @Pinhead it will be on monday