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  • Users: Varda
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  1. Varda

    The "Dark Reader" browser extension lets you view any site in dark mode

    The "Dark Reader" browser extension lets you view any site in dark mode
  2. Varda

    Can Discontinuing Pristiq Help My Reactive Tinnitus? Should I Wear Hearing Protection 24/7?

    Be careful not to taper too quickly. There are many reports of tinnitus symptoms being triggered by tapering psychiatric medications too rapidly.
  3. Varda

    @Juliane I don't have a cavity I'm just asking a theoretical question

    @Juliane I don't have a cavity I'm just asking a theoretical question
  4. Varda

    I decided to play it safe and not do the barium swallow.

    I decided to play it safe and not do the barium swallow.
  5. Varda

    According to Mayo Clinic, Azithromycin can cause: redness or swelling in the ear, continuing...

    According to Mayo Clinic, Azithromycin can cause: redness or swelling in the ear, continuing ringing or buzzing in the ears
  6. Varda

    Tinnitus from Being in Artillery in the Army!

    If your tinnitus is causing you panic, depression, or insomnia, you may be entitled to higher VA disability payments for these psychological conditions that are secondary to your tinnitus. Make sure you are receiving financial compensation for all the psychological distress ultimately caused by...
  7. Varda

    There is a lot of controversy about the chemical they inject if they do a "contrast" CT

    There is a lot of controversy about the chemical they inject if they do a "contrast" CT
  8. Varda

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Getting Worse: MRI and CT Revealed Nothing

    Get a letter from the ENT specialist advising you against using headphones and show it to your workplace's HR department.
  9. Varda

    Loop diuretics are ototoxic but are herbal diuretics like "Wuling San Wan" safe? Think my T is...

    Loop diuretics are ototoxic but are herbal diuretics like "Wuling San Wan" safe? Think my T is caused by fluid buildup
  10. Varda

    Is it better to treat cavities with mouthwash and xylitol gum instead of risking a baseline...

    Is it better to treat cavities with mouthwash and xylitol gum instead of risking a baseline increase at the dentist?
  11. Varda

    Is Lidocaine safe

    Is Lidocaine safe
  12. Varda

    I don't mind floaters because I can just close my eyes and not see them

    I don't mind floaters because I can just close my eyes and not see them
  13. Varda

    Refuse to leave and if the police come show them the contract proving you reside in that apartment.

    Refuse to leave and if the police come show them the contract proving you reside in that apartment.
  14. Varda

    Poll: Would You Trade Your Tinnitus for a 5-Year Prison Sentence?

    I voted yes on the condition that it also prevents any future tinnitus so I can go to concerts, fireworks and shooting ranges without fear like a normal person.
  15. Varda

    Can Barium swallow cause a T spike?

    Can Barium swallow cause a T spike?
  16. Varda

    Talk to a lawyer about filing a claim against Walmart for having the speakers set to unsafe levels.

    Talk to a lawyer about filing a claim against Walmart for having the speakers set to unsafe levels.
  17. Varda

    @crescentsky Trump can never be redeemed in my eyes. When the Trump tinnitus cure is released...

    @crescentsky Trump can never be redeemed in my eyes. When the Trump tinnitus cure is released, I shall be boycotting it. I could never forgive, respect or support someone who makes misogynistic remarks about women.
  18. Varda

    @Kerza Do you think the sound barrier crack gave Trump tinnitus? According to this document...

    @Kerza Do you think the sound barrier crack gave Trump tinnitus? According to this document "bullet flight noise" is around 150db: http://www.larsondavis.com/ContentStore/mktg/LD_Docs/Firearm_Sound_Briefing.pdf
  19. Varda

    Did Trump get tinnitus from the bullet going directly past his ear? If he did will we see more...

    Did Trump get tinnitus from the bullet going directly past his ear? If he did will we see more awareness about it?
  20. Varda

    At least with constant tones they can kind of fade into the background but the chirps are so...

    At least with constant tones they can kind of fade into the background but the chirps are so distracting and attention grabbing.
  21. Varda

    ANC doesn't work for sudden loud sounds. It only erases steady background droning/humming noises.

    ANC doesn't work for sudden loud sounds. It only erases steady background droning/humming noises.
  22. Varda

    Got Tinnitus from Azithromycin (Z-Pack)

    It has been four months since I got tinnitus from a single dose of Azithromycin. The cricket-like sound, which I noticed immediately after the acoustic reflex test, has gone away. I still have intermittent, very high-frequency tones. The constant "faint" ~1500 Hz midrange droning tone...
  23. Varda

    I mean which one has the fewest reports of triggering or making tinnitus worse? I know all...

    I mean which one has the fewest reports of triggering or making tinnitus worse? I know all pharmaceuticals are risky but I'm in a place of despair right now. I can't even work up the motivation to browse this forum and research reports...
  24. Varda

    @RunningMan Dealing with depression without worsening the tinnitus.

    @RunningMan Dealing with depression without worsening the tinnitus.
  25. Varda

    Have many members had success with Nortriptyline?

    Have many members had success with Nortriptyline?
  26. Varda

    Haven't tried it.

    Haven't tried it.
  27. Varda

    What is the best anti-depressant or anti-psychotic for tinnitus?

    What is the best anti-depressant or anti-psychotic for tinnitus?
  28. Varda

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    I have a feeling that's how it produces results for some people. They are relieved not to listen to Tinnitus Mix anymore and hear their regular old tinnitus, which seems much more tolerable.
  29. Varda

    Got Tinnitus from Azithromycin (Z-Pack)

    Three months have passed since I developed tinnitus from a 1000 mg dose of Azithromycin. The condition remains largely the same, with the piercing high-frequency tone coming and going, and a constant faint 1450 Hz tone that can only be heard in a dead silent room. I'm losing hope that this will...
  30. Varda

    Anybody Else Whose Tinnitus Was Caused by Someone Else?

    Mine was caused by a doctor who prescribed me Azithromycin haphazardly, only to have the test result showing no infection. I left a "1-star" rating on his clinic in Google Maps.
  31. Varda

    is the tinnitus the only thing that gets worse when you taper? would you say tinnitus is the...

    is the tinnitus the only thing that gets worse when you taper? would you say tinnitus is the worst part about benzo withdrawal?
  32. Varda

    Not Sure What’s Causing My Tinnitus: Can You Have ETD If CT and MRI Show No Fluid in the Middle Ear?

    Did you not get a spike from the MRI noise? Do you know what kind of machine they used? Did you get a contrast with your CT?
  33. Varda

    Money can be used to reduce stress in a lot of ways but you'll notice no one that tells you to...

    Money can be used to reduce stress in a lot of ways but you'll notice no one that tells you to "reduce your stress" ever just forks over cash
  34. Varda

    Why Can't They Just Surgically Remove the Ear and Everything Else?

    Try asking that question over on the "Suicidal" or "Voluntary Assisted Dying" threads. It seems that way, as you are destroying the part of the brain that creates the perception of tinnitus. You wouldn't even have to go deaf if you used imaging to carefully target only the areas creating the...
  35. Varda

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    When I asked a good tinnitus-wise ENT about TRT, he told me: "Oh, you can just play waterfall sounds or whatever on your smartphone. It's the same thing as TRT and costs less money."
  36. Varda

    Why Can't They Just Surgically Remove the Ear and Everything Else?

    Surgery of the auditory cortex seems to be the most obvious way to fix tinnitus. Tinnitus is caused by high-frequency sections of the auditory cortex firing out of control, right? Wouldn't you be able to see the part of the brain that is firing constantly and target it? Especially with all...
  37. Varda

    Newest Dentist Visit Recommendations for a Person with Pre-Existing Tinnitus / Hyperacusis?

    What about taking supplements before the dentist visit to prevent hair cell damage? I'm not very knowledgeable. What is good? NAC + Glycine as antioxidants? Quercetin and Curcumin for inflammation?
  38. Varda

    Almost 100% Cured of Hyperacusis and Tinnitus

    @Charlie398 never said his tinnitus went away. What was written was: "At some point, you have to make the choice that you are going to beat it, overcome it, and not let it invade your life anymore."
  39. Varda

    I Invented a Sound That Knocked Out My Tinnitus

    Tinnitus Mix sounds like music from Silent Hill's final boss.
  40. Varda

    @Supersix I think I have a depressive personality so laying in bed comes easily to me. In my...

    @Supersix I think I have a depressive personality so laying in bed comes easily to me. In my youth I would go to sleep at 4AM, wake up at 6PM and play MMORPGs until 4AM then go back to sleep for 14 hours. I was keeping a normal sleep schedule and a job for awhile but then tinnitus hit and I...
  41. Varda

    @Supersix 9 or 10 hours.

    @Supersix 9 or 10 hours.
  42. Varda

    What's the safest drug you can take for an ear infection?

    What's the safest drug you can take for an ear infection?
  43. Varda

    Should be a crime to give out macrolides without verbally explaining the 200% increased risk of...

    Should be a crime to give out macrolides without verbally explaining the 200% increased risk of getting tinnitus
  44. Varda

    "Macrolide use in between both assessments was associated with more than a 2-fold increased risk...

    "Macrolide use in between both assessments was associated with more than a 2-fold increased risk on incident tinnitus"
  45. Varda

    Melatonin every night. Doesn't knock me out but mostly take it for antioxidant effect. I'll...

    Melatonin every night. Doesn't knock me out but mostly take it for antioxidant effect. I'll take Victan(long acting benzo) sometimes if I'm having a spike causing anxiety. Sometimes I'll take Hydroxyzine especially if I've got itchy eyes/nose due to allergies keeping me awake.
  46. Varda

    Did your spike from the 100mg of Aspirin ever go down?

    Did your spike from the 100mg of Aspirin ever go down?
  47. Varda

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus from Working at an F1 Arcade

    I hate to say this, but the ears do not repair. Once cochlear hair cells have been destroyed, they never regenerate. Hopefully, what you have is something called a "temporary threshold shift," where the hair cells have been bent but not completely destroyed. You'll want to spend as many months...
  48. Varda

    @RunningMan I guess everyone's brain is different. I find Hydroxyzine hits me like a...

    @RunningMan I guess everyone's brain is different. I find Hydroxyzine hits me like a tranquilizer dart. More reliable than a Benzo for inducing drowsiness. Only take occasionally and haven't built any tolerance. For me sometimes Benzos have the chance of producing a paradoxical reaction....a...
  49. Varda

    @BB23 Hydroxyzine isn't even listed on the theentcc list which basically has every drug ever...

    @BB23 Hydroxyzine isn't even listed on the theentcc list which basically has every drug ever made. https://theentcc.com/ototoxic-drugs/ Good thing you didn't get a permanent spike. You said you don't care about the T anymore, maybe its worth a temporary spike for a good nights sleep?
  50. Varda

    hydroxyzine knocks me out

    hydroxyzine knocks me out
  51. Varda

    Good news is all the supplements I'm on cured my HFMD. Didn't do anything for the Tinnitus though

    Good news is all the supplements I'm on cured my HFMD. Didn't do anything for the Tinnitus though
  52. Varda

    Tinnitus has no limit.

    Tinnitus has no limit.
  53. Varda


    I found a tinnitus suicide story that hasn't been mentioned here yet. Karl Peter Stevenson: Suicide Father Was Tortured by Tinnitus A demonic doctor pushed a blood pressure medication on Karl and didn't bother to warn him that the medication could possibly cause tinnitus. He was denied...
  54. Varda

    I definitely did. The Sami name for an aurora is “guovssahas” - which roughly translates to...

    I definitely did. The Sami name for an aurora is “guovssahas” - which roughly translates to “the light you can hear”
  55. Varda

    My scalp is already getting pretty itchy. Says here if you get HFMD of the scalp the oral cavity...

    My scalp is already getting pretty itchy. Says here if you get HFMD of the scalp the oral cavity is spared
  56. Varda

    HFMD you had better stay away from my cochlea and auditory nerves!!!!

    HFMD you had better stay away from my cochlea and auditory nerves!!!!
  57. Varda

    My HFMD only had one day of fever, no body aches or chills. Hope that's a good sign and the...

    My HFMD only had one day of fever, no body aches or chills. Hope that's a good sign and the sores aren't so bad. Throat is already sore.
  58. Varda

    Hate to admit to but I had to slam a Victan last night. Second one in 3 days. I hope I don't...

    Hate to admit to but I had to slam a Victan last night. Second one in 3 days. I hope I don't get Benzo Induced Neurological Dysfunction
  59. Varda

    Curcumin also apparently knocks this virus out...

    Curcumin also apparently knocks this virus out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4629085/ a game changer
  60. Varda

    Thinking about popping some Hydroxyzine

    Thinking about popping some Hydroxyzine