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  1. T-Saiyan

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    Im praying for you so hard you dont even know . i hope to god for your sakes and mine that they did their research properly.
  2. T-Saiyan

    Do You Think Tinnitus Will Be Curable In Our Lifetime?

    :beeranimation:Bro i couldnt have said it better myself. what you said was 100 percent the truth. its bugs me that researchers, delusional sufferers, doctors & the media downplay the problem of tinnitus. If you went to a local pub or club , and took out a dog whistle and blew on it, for not...
  3. T-Saiyan

    Experts Challenge Caffeine-Tinnitus Link

    Yes it is indeed T related . and yes you all can help. for right now if you have the time , just go on ANY POPULAR website that has a crap load of people on it and just SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT Tinnitus And if someone happens to be curious, link them to a horror story about someone suffering...
  4. T-Saiyan

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    ........... What i do with my money is of my imaginary concern. And Dont ever talk about my work on a public forum again. now please.... Get BACK TO WORK ;)
  5. T-Saiyan

    Experts Know So Little It's Scary

    i bet if it was bill gates Obama or justin bieber they would know more
  6. T-Saiyan

    Experts Challenge Caffeine-Tinnitus Link

    Jesus F'N christ are they serious. :banghead: what a bunch of goofs. you see THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THERE WONT EVER BE A BREAKTHROUGH NOR WILL THERE BE ANY REAL PROGRESS TOWARDS TINNITUS Treatments if we allow this crap to go on . Between the Ents telling us to learn to live with it, and so called...
  7. T-Saiyan

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Oh please God i hope you are right LORD HAVE MERCY GOD i hope you are right. I'll taking hearing loss any day over tinnitus.
  8. T-Saiyan

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    does it work as in Reducing T or work as in helps you not care about it and fall asleep. :eek:Oh n see your from NY............. (y)
  9. T-Saiyan

    Hello, My Name Is Amanda and I Need Help. I'm Becoming Suicidal.

    Oh and amanda don't ever give up. Not ever.;) And if its not to much to ask, do you think after everything settles down, and things get better that you could help spread the word about Tinnitus. Im starting a little movement with a couple of people, to test out a theory. Which is, that the...
  10. T-Saiyan

    Hello, My Name Is Amanda and I Need Help. I'm Becoming Suicidal.

    Dam and i thought i had it bad...:eek: yikes..... but seriously this is one of the many of many reasons why we need to find a cure for Tinnitus. We need to spread major Awareness ASAP. In situations like these, you need all concentration on making safe strategic moves. Not worrying about T...
  11. T-Saiyan

    Earplugs Making Tinnitus Worse?

    oh GOD how i miss wearing ear plugs, and hearing silence................
  12. T-Saiyan

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    :banghead:Look At the End of the freaking day. They just need to hurry up. yes im happy with the little progress researchers are making, YAY WIPTY DOO, but I GOT A LIFE TO LIVE, and IM not tryna live most of my life with T. i mean how screwed would yall feel if you had to endure constant loud...
  13. T-Saiyan

    Confused 50 Million Americans

    1 year ago i didnt even know what tinnitus was. 50 million americans? yeah right. trust me if that was the case not only would people be well aware of T but a cure or efficient treatment would have been available by now. .................
  14. T-Saiyan

    So What Is Life with Tinnitus to You?

    Tinnitus is the symptom of the devil. A little bit of hell on earth you might say. No matter what we do, no matter how much we pretend our T doesnt bother us, no matter how much we cry, plead, beg, etc etc Tinnitus is still gonna be there. theres no escape. this is the ULTIMATE form of torture...
  15. T-Saiyan

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    soooooooooooooooooooooo Generally speaking. Is this Am 101 so far turning out to be a Success or a failure?.. I mean The faster we/ they know the faster they can restart the experiments, and go back to the drawing boards and work on something better. No need wasting 25000000 years on trails...
  16. T-Saiyan

    Chickenpox and Tinnitus ...

    @ valeri OMG thank you, took the words right outta my freaking mouth brother. its this " it doesnt bother me" carefree so called habituation non sense" that has these scientists and other doctors over in the medical field thinking tinnitus is a condition thats not that serious, which is SOOOOO...
  17. T-Saiyan

    Its either Now or NEVER PEOPLE !!

    Its either Now or NEVER PEOPLE !!