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  • Users: Ida N
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  1. Ida N

    Really Depressed and Anxious Mom. Really Would Like Support.

    Hi everybody, Just wanted to come back and write a HAPPY "ending". Yes, it does happen! I don't know if I can say I don't have tinnitus anymore. If I really, really, REALLY listen hard for it then yes, it's still still there sometimes. However, I don't give it any thoughts anymore. I couldn't...
  2. Ida N

    Driving My Bus - Is This the Way for Me?

    Hej Stephen, I really want your advice. I'm a 27-year old young lady. In March I became a mom to a beautiful baby boy. The love of my life! About 2 months ago I caught a severe head cold and my baby did too. I can still remember how upset, tired and exhausted I was. Months with lack of sleep...
  3. Ida N

    Really Depressed and Anxious Mom. Really Would Like Support.

    Hi to all you out there, I'm new with tinnitus and have a very hard time dealing with it. First a little presentation: I'm a 26 year old woman who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in March. During the pregnancy I was pretty stressed about work, my baby's health and moving in to our now...