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  1. Lena C.

    Summer Camp

    Hello Dr Nagler ! I hope you get better. I wish to make a summer camp this summer and wanted to know if it could increase my tinnitus? With children screaming? Thank you for you answer in advance,
  2. Lena C.

    Summer Camp and Tinnitus

    Hello ! I would like work on a summer camp this summertime and I wanted to know if this could worsen my T. Can the cries of children lead to higher T? Thank you in advance for your answer.
  3. Lena C.

    Intrusive Tinnitus at 28. Where Do I Go From Here?

    Hi ! I'm 19 years old and my T is lound but much people arround me (my grand father has T since 20 years, the father of a friend since 25 years and they 're always alive!) The life is really difficult with T but you can livre. Telis, for example, sleep 10 hours with lound T (I believe ?) and...
  4. Lena C.

    Had It For 7 Years, Successfully Habituated, Then It Got Louder :(

    If you are habituated once, you'll get again ! Several people here have become accustomed to strong T.It just takes time. Courage !
  5. Lena C.

    I Finally Get Out of Hell

    I love japanese anime too and korean/taiwanese drama ! :D I adores write too ;)
  6. Lena C.

    Can You Be Deaf with Hyperacusis?

    I don't know but hearing loss increases tinnitus, so it's dangerous.
  7. Lena C.

    I Finally Get Out of Hell

    I'm a fan of Robert Pattinson too. :D
  8. Lena C.

    I'am in the same case that you. Courage ! Put background music to study !

    I'am in the same case that you. Courage ! Put background music to study !
  9. Lena C.

    My Tinnitus Has Changed ...

    Dr nagler ! You're a hero here. A hero can be a simple human with extraordinary courage. You are it. I wish you a speedy recovery.I'm sure everything will be better for you. All my prayers are with you.Give yourself time and believe in you!
  10. Lena C.


    Hi ! I'm 19 years old and I'm suffering from T since july 2014 because of acoustic trauma. It's hard the first time but the habituation is possible. Sometimes, I feel me desesperate but I'm often happy. Good luck and the hope is very important. PS : I love anime too. :)
  11. Lena C.

    Really Scared of the Future

    PS : I love history ! There are great studies ! I'm a study law :)
  12. Lena C.

    Really Scared of the Future

    Hi Nina ! I'm a french and I'm 19, as you. I'm suffering T since july 2014. And I feel better now. Protect yiy of lound sounds and life (shopping, sport,...). Good luck and courage !
  13. Lena C.

    What Is Happening?! All Sounds Make a Faint Ringing Noise, Like Extreme Reactive Tinnitus

    Do yo have ear pain ? If not, this isn't an ear infection.
  14. Lena C.

    What Is Happening?! All Sounds Make a Faint Ringing Noise, Like Extreme Reactive Tinnitus

    This happened to me last night.Do not panic. This is a reagent tinnitus. I read somewhere that this could be a slight hyperacusis.
  15. Lena C.

    Fake It Until You Make It

    Grande sucesss story ! Moreever, you're suffering from T since only three months ! Just "Whaouh" !
  16. Lena C.

    Hello Everyone, from Quebec City.

    Hello! This site is a treasure. Great courage in your way of the cross "against" your tinnitus! (I should say "with") Perhaps a drug in 2015?
  17. Lena C.

    I Finally Get Out of Hell

    I decided to write my short experience with T. There is a month my thoughts were distorted.I thought I could never live. Moreover, I wanted to die. T is a horrible disease. More attacking the ear, it attacks the mind. But it does not kill. So we must live with. I got lost for five months. Anger...
  18. Lena C.

    Increase of Tinnitus

    Hello, Dr Nagler ! Do you think that tinnitus necessarily increases with time? I speak here of a tinnitus related acoustic trauma. Thank you very much for your answer, I wish you a very Merry Christmas!
  19. Lena C.

    Does Tinnitus Get Worse Over Time?

    Hello ! I'm really scared now... I'm only 19 and I can not imagine what my tinnitus in 10 or 20 years... Do you think a tinnitus associated with trauma acoustic increases it?
  20. Lena C.

    Tinnitus Doesn't Bother Me Anymore

    This is great. I hope that I arrived at the samed point. :) I'm 19 and my tinnitus caused by an acoustic trauma. I hear my tinnitus even watching television, so I think it is strong. Thank you for sharing your sucess stories ! I's always feel good to read ! Strengh for you hearing loss !
  21. Lena C.

    Year Anniversary of My Tinnitus

    I searh each word of your post. I'm suffering from T since five month. I want too return on restaurants, clubs, bars,... But we are alive and it's a great point. Every day I tkink the suicide too. But I think my family too. It remains nature and a life. What is the intensity of your tinnitus ?
  22. Lena C.


  23. Lena C.

    Hello, Pals.

    Yes. But we can. Some T aren't definitives. We are young. Treatment against T soon ? :) I don't know but I hope.
  24. Lena C.

    Hello, Pals.

    A little fun time to time doesn't kill. ;) Everything exciting is bad for T. At the moment, it increases it. Over time, I don't know what happens. But it must be fun anyway!
  25. Lena C.

    Hello, Pals.

    Hi ! I'm 19 years old and I suffer from T since July. I got as a result of acoustic trauma. Some tips : - protection from lound noises (when you feel it) with ears pluggs. - soft music - not strong - to mask tinnitus - move, do what you love - avoid coffe, cinema, jam sessions, alcohol. -...
  26. Lena C.

    Lena's Introduction

    Thank yourvery much for your answers. I went on Sucess Stories. It did me good. I feel better. A million thank your for the link. I'm on antidepressants (Norcet), but the life is so hard with T. God bless you too, A thousand thank you,
  27. Lena C.

    Lena's Introduction

    Hello ! I'm a french and I have tinnitus since four months. I'm 19. My tinnitus comes from an acoustic trauma. I worked with children. Others persons put the sound too lood. I'm drepessed now. I have problem with concentration. With great courage and love, Do you know a cure, fore al...