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  1. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    Hello all, I just returned from a visit to the doctor, and I am relieved to say that the Aleve is innocent. It turns out that the sore throat I took the Aleve to solve progressed into a sinus infection, which the doctor said was causing my ears to ring. I was prescribed fluticasone and...
  2. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    When should this "complete remission" occur? I am worried because it is now the 3rd morning after quitting and I don't notice any improvement in the symptoms.
  3. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    How many days after quitting did it last?
  4. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    I'm really scared now! I just read some "cautionary tales" online about Advil (similar to Aleve) and somebody with the exact same symptoms as me has had the high pitched ringing fade but not the low pitched ringing! If you have ever had this happen, please post here!
  5. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    Thanks. I'll just wait and see.
  6. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

  7. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    Yes, temporary tinnitus is a relatively common side effect of Aleve, but I am worried that mine might be permanent because the symptoms haven't lessened since I stopped taking it.
  8. passengerpigeon

    Scared about Aleve

    Hello all, I am very scared about the tinnitus I got from taking Aleve and am beginning to worry that I will never enjoy silence again. On December 23, I bought some “all day strong” 220mg Aleve pills to ease my sore throat. As per the instructions on the package, I took 2 pills for my first...