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  1. Mr cricket

    My Tinnitus: 98% Cured

    I think you are on to something, I definitely noticed a difference in the morning when I slept with sound. For me certain sounds while sleeping would cause morning flare up. Central air, TV.... Using purple noise (which best matched my internal sound) didn't cause an issue. I live on a busy...
  2. Mr cricket

    New Sound... Panic Again

    It's going to go up and. That's a all part of the intermediate T problem. You think it's over.. The pow right back at you. More good days will come. Took me 1 year and 3 months to have it resolve. Take a break from reading up on it and talking about for a few days!! It helps. I would pop...
  3. Mr cricket

    It's Pretty Much Over! The Crickets Got Bored and Stopped

    That is exactly the way it went for me @Natalie Roberts . Two days on, one day off, three days off two days on! Hang in there!! Use white/purple/pink/red/blue (which ever matches best on flare up days). Don't turn the volume to loud. Keep it just below the sound of your ear noise. On off...
  4. Mr cricket

    I Think My Tinnitus Is Fading!

    I had I bunch of those spikes before it finally faded all the way down. wear earplugs when you know things are going to be loud. That helped me allot.
  5. Mr cricket

    It's Pretty Much Over! The Crickets Got Bored and Stopped

    I'm sorry that your struggle continues. I made it a point to come back and post here if my T ever decided to leave me alone. In the beginning and up until a month ago I had no idea if it would ever stop. It was difficult to find any positive post and information online when my t started. Not...
  6. Mr cricket

    It's Pretty Much Over! The Crickets Got Bored and Stopped

    Exercise might be an overstatement: move your neck in a Circular motion: while stretching jaw. I would move my tounge to the roof of my mouth in front of my teeth to the bottom. Second I would stretch the lower section of my jaw forward. I also moved my neck to the left while my jaw was...
  7. Mr cricket

    It's Pretty Much Over! The Crickets Got Bored and Stopped

    i have more detail in replies to other post. wax build up, sound induced, a bit of hearing loss and I think an issue in my jaw/neck. When i moved my neck or moved my tongue I noticed that the sound would increase. On days that i didn't hear the T. I could hear it by manipulating my jaw neck...
  8. Mr cricket

    It's Pretty Much Over! The Crickets Got Bored and Stopped

    My left ear was the issue. It's been 1 year and a few months since the start of the crazy ride. It began as a soft hum. At its peak is was insane! Purple noise with crickets and a whining ring all at once! Imagine your phone with that combination of sounds coming out of the speaker at full...
  9. Mr cricket

    enjoying the silence

    enjoying the silence
  10. Mr cricket

    An Ultra Low Sodium Diet Has Cut The Volume & Tone

    For those people fairly new to this shitty condition. No way of knowing whether not it's permanent until the sufficient and out of time is past. So it's good not to discourage people from trying different foods combinations. T or not it's good to have a healthy diet. When I had high amounts...
  11. Mr cricket

    An Ultra Low Sodium Diet Has Cut The Volume & Tone

    If its in a box, frozen or out of a bag.. Don't eat it!! Eat lots of nuts and none acid fruits.. watermelons are good.. OJ is kinda bad. peanuts are bad, almonds are good.. steak good.. Chinese food terrible.. Its all about your blood pressure.
  12. Mr cricket

    Update on My Tinnitus 5 Months Later

    It was a combo of wax build up and sound induced trauma years of DJ'ing. This resulted in some minor hearing loss in my left ear. (for me it was in just one ear... the left) I was told by the technician (not the doctor) that conducted the hearing test that hearing loss will cause noise...
  13. Mr cricket

    Update on My Tinnitus 5 Months Later

    I'm on the sixth month, for the first time, I've gone a complete week with out the hiss. My situation is pretty much the same. Started super loud, with a pain and fullness feeling in the ear every day for a months. 3rd month , I had days when it I couldent hear it at all... Then is would...