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  1. DrummerJoe

    Hello Fellow Musicians and Drummers!

    Hi everyone, Thanks for all your feedback! I just purchased molded in ear monitors (something I should have done long ago). And have ear plugs for other gigs. Has anyone had any success with supplements for reducing the volume of T? Thanks! J
  2. DrummerJoe

    11 Months In

    Hi Eltel, We are all here for each other. And I think I can speak for all in saying that we just do have good days and also bad days. Be encouraged. Try to stay engaged. Be proud of your accomplishments. Don't rely on your emotions; let them come and go, knowing they are temporary. And speak...
  3. DrummerJoe

    Tinnitus Got Worse and I Can't Sleep

    Hey Dan, I'm sorry to hear you're not getting sufficient rest. Have you tried white noise yet? I've been plugging ear phones to white noise every night. Has been my saving grace as I have T in both ears. I plan on purchasing a sound pillow (can be found on amazon) and switch to white noise...
  4. DrummerJoe

    Hello Fellow Musicians and Drummers!

    Hi all! I recently developed T in both ears. It's been... a journey. I was wondering if there are any drummers or musicians who have carried on with their music careers while managing T? If so, what would you recommend to a newbie like me? Other than sound therapy and/or cognitive therapy...