same here, also 16 khz tinnitus.
i suspect wifi = WLAN.
when i monitor* my body voltage
versus ground [via heating tubes],
i can see spikes / bursts
of few seconds length
in the 16khz band.
* to monitor body voltage,
i use the 'mic in' port of my tablet,
to connect my body and 'signal ground' [not power ground]
and analyze with the android app 'soundanalyzer'.
i speculate,
the wifi radiation [2.4GHz]
in the body is converted [frey effect, radio frequency hearing]
to the lower frequency of 16kHz.
right now, there are 24 active accesspoints
all in the 2.4GHz band,
and the two strongest compete for the same channel = both must talk louder.
monitored on windows 10, with
i speculate further,
this relation of frequencies
also can be seen
in the conversion / scaling between
binaural beats = audio stimulation, healing music
TENS, CES, .... = electrostimulation, electroanalgesia, brainwave tuning, electroacupuncture, electrosex, healing with electroshocks.
>> electric vs acoustic frequencies.
electric = optic,
cos the 'hidden radiation' we talk about
are photon particles,
with frequencies / wavelengths
in the sub-infrared spectrum.
so i also call it 'light pollution',
or 'infrared noise',
which CAN be SEEN on hallucinogenic drugs,
like LSD, DMT, mescaline, 2C, MDPV, DOM, etc.
especially in the dark.
i can hear 'electric noise' with my eyes.
when i focus antennas or electric devices,
my tinnitus gets louder.
i can exactly tell the direction of the source.
on the other hand,
i can consciously regulate my tinnitus, louder and smaller.
its the same motion / muscle, like when i 'force focus' with my eyes
[stare, staring eyes -- instead of my normal 'lazy look' = peripheral vision = blind = audiophile = electrosensible.]
.... this 'gift and curse'
developed in a 'bad trip' on LSD,
where i was inside a RF-polluted home,
with no music, and no light.
big mistake.
probably the worst place for 'sensory deprivation',
when the 'noise floor' is so polluted, and not 'floory' or analog at all, but much more 'spikey' and digital.
one thing, which 'electric noise' prevents / ruins / sabotages
is 'ecstatic body moves' = body shaking, body quaking, sacred ecstatics, tension and trauma release, neurogenic tremors, healing epilepsy, rapid eye movement, restless leg syndrome .... it forces the whole body [all muscles] to freeze, and only allows 'gross motion' [gross motor skills, gross motor activity] but NOT 'fine motion' and NOT 'tremor motion'.
.... so it blocks the body's own 'repair functions' = self healing, self regulation, self organization, dreaming, good sleep. = orgasm denial, force sickness on poor people.
[ for example, they offer 'opiate detox' programs, with CES devices, to stimulate your body's endorphin release systems .... which can also be done with 'ecstatic shaking'. but both require a silent setting, with ZERO electric noise, which would block / prevent hormone regulation. ]
.... which creates demand / desire / need / dependency, for 'synthetic medicine', pharma drugs, plastic healers.
.... and which makes 'weak bodies' in 'potential threats to the state' = communists, workers, poor people in 'council flats' [paid with public money]. the people, who profit from tax money simply hate competition. when they are 'in stress', they look for poor/weak people to blame, who also profit from 'public money' but are 'less worthy' than public servants / state officers. like in 'concentration caps' they are used for 'legal torture', silent rape, legal terror, hidden torture, systroll.
its also an honeypot for heretics = critics in public. cos who speaks about 'electric noise' and 'real causes of tinnitus' IN PUBLIC, is instantly labeled noncredible, incredible, implausible, bad example, traitor, snitch, whistleblower, killjoy, party pooper, pessimist, black messenger, bad news teller .... heretic. unworthy for survival, unfit for conspiracy, excluded from 'the chosen ones', doomed to a life in the 'outer circle' = victims, melancholics, less worthy, feminine, domestic, private, outsiders.
as for defense,
i prefer 'body grounding' as cheapest method.
with 'silver socks' or good connection to 'kidney 1' points on foot soles,
with DIRECT connection to 'signal ground' = heating tubes.
instead of 'silver socks', you also can use 'elastic wrist straps' with silver.
direct = no 'security resistor' [100 kilo-ohm with earthing, 1 mega-ohm with ESD.]
for more security, you need a 5mA fuse [horribly expensive, about 30USD for one fuse. resistance is around 300 ohm, still better than security resistor.]
in earthing and ESD, resistors are embedded in the plugs at both sides of the cables.
additionally, if you have more money,
shield ALL your windows
with 'yshield HNV80' = strongest and cheapest shielding fabric,
20 USD per square meter, around 80dB attenuation [65....90dB]
which also must be GROUNDED
with low-impedance connection to 'signal ground'.
connecting the material is a little hard, you need high pressure for good contact.
#syscrit #esmog #enoise #eterror #e16khz #16khz #pharma #tinnitus #medicine #wifi #freyeffect #rfhearing #dchome #detox #selfhelp #defense #release #fts #escape #systroll #legalterror #silentrape #hiddentorture
here a clip from my 'body voltage spectrum' around 16khz.
here the voltage spectrum
of 'ungrounded reinforced concrete'
= concrete with metal grid inside, which is [obviously] NOT grounded.
bad design, broken by design ....
here you also can see the 16khz spike.
60dB RMS is the loudest i have seen so far ....
its also the biggest ungrounded metal structure around.