I must be missing something here.
"When tested in the laboratory, with the speech in front of the listener and interfering noise behind, the technique resulted in a 4-decibel improvement to intelligibility of speech in a noisy environment for both normal-hearing listeners and cochlear implant users".
Already as a child I knew that turning my head allowed me to better hear something.
It came natural.
Why does a cat (as an example) have ears that are able to point to sound.
I seriously wonder if I am missing something here.
To me this research looks like wasted money.
I hope not. I donate to research.
"When tested in the laboratory, with the speech in front of the listener and interfering noise behind, the technique resulted in a 4-decibel improvement to intelligibility of speech in a noisy environment for both normal-hearing listeners and cochlear implant users".
It came natural.
Why does a cat (as an example) have ears that are able to point to sound.
I seriously wonder if I am missing something here.
To me this research looks like wasted money.
I hope not. I donate to research.