Ally's Act → Making Insurance Companies Cover Bone-Anchored Hearing Systems and Cochlear Implants

Discussion in 'Awareness & Fundraising' started by TuxedoCat, Sep 13, 2023.

    1. TuxedoCat
      No Mood

      TuxedoCat Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      High-frequency hearing loss
      Today I attended, as a guest, a Zoom meeting of the Friends of the Congressional Hearing Health Caucus. There I virtually met Melissa who has a non-profit, The Ear Community, which is advocating for the US Congress to pass Ally's Act.

      Passing Ally's Act would make it a legal requirement that private insurance companies cover the cost of bone-anchored hearing systems (BHAS) and cochlear implants (CI) systems from birth to age 64 years. Basically this is the time period before Medicare coverage begins. It's estimated that this would cost insurance companies less than 10 million dollars per year which is not much in the world of private insurance companies.

      As we know, cochlear implant systems can diminish or eliminate tinnitus while they are worn. As someone with tinnitus, I believe that these hearing systems should be available to anyone when indicated and I plan to urge my congressman to pass Ally's Act.

      If you would like to advocate for this, please visit the and click on Ally's Act for more information.

      Tuxedo (Linda)
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    2. Nick47

      Nick47 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

      Tinnitus Since:
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      @TuxedoCat, excellent work!

      I would put a reminder when it comes to May 2024.

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