- Feb 9, 2017
- 92
- Tinnitus Since
- 01/2017
- Cause of Tinnitus
- Loud music at concert
Next week it will be six months since I first got T from loud music at an indoor concert. After the first few weeks, it lowered in volume to a point where it only really bothered me in an almost silent room and when trying to sleep. After several more months, I could still hear it in quiet rooms and in bed, but it no longer bothered me. About six weeks ago, it was so quiet that I often couldn't hear it in a quiet room, and typically wouldn't hear it for several hours in the morning. At this point I was really happy, and certain that it would go away eventually.
Unfortunately, that period only lasted about two weeks, and it went back to previous levels. I wasn't exposed to any noise, but was experiencing some stress, and assumed that it could be because of that. For the last two weeks, however, it's grown steadily more bothersome. Sounds that used to mask it, like the fridge or a fan, are no longer enough. Sometimes I can even hear it when I'm walking outside and there's no traffic. The strange thing is that, when I plug my ears, it doesn't actually sound louder than before (I think), it's just that it's much more noticeable for some reason. Perhaps the frequency changed to one that's more difficult to mask, or maybe it's just more reactive, I don't really know. Along with this, the feeling of clogged Eustachian tubes has also returned (but not as bad as before).
I know that there are lots of changes, especially early on, but I'm worried that this increase is a result of something I'm doing. I've been eating healthier than ever before, with several cups of raw vegetables and fruit per day, all meals I cook at home, practically eliminated alcohol, no more than one cup of coffee per day, and taking magnesium, NAC, and multivitamins. I go to the gym three times a week (in the morning when it's quiet, no more than 65dB) to lift weights, but taking care not to strain my neck or over-exert myself. I've also been playing tennis several times a week as a replacement for running (which I really want to get back to, but have been too worried about damage to the inner ear). I've also given up headphones and earbuds, and certainly haven't been to any clubs, concerts, or even bars for that matter. These are all things I've been doing for several months now. The only thing that changed recently is that I've been sleeping with the A/C on because of the heat (whereas I previously slept in silence after I found that white noise during the night spiked it the morning after). The last two nights I slept without the A/C, and didn't notice any difference.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Surprisingly, the current level doesn't really cause me any stress or anxiety, but I really don't want to continue the increasing trend of the past two weeks. I'm really just looking for people with more experience of this journey to tell me if I should be making any changes.
Unfortunately, that period only lasted about two weeks, and it went back to previous levels. I wasn't exposed to any noise, but was experiencing some stress, and assumed that it could be because of that. For the last two weeks, however, it's grown steadily more bothersome. Sounds that used to mask it, like the fridge or a fan, are no longer enough. Sometimes I can even hear it when I'm walking outside and there's no traffic. The strange thing is that, when I plug my ears, it doesn't actually sound louder than before (I think), it's just that it's much more noticeable for some reason. Perhaps the frequency changed to one that's more difficult to mask, or maybe it's just more reactive, I don't really know. Along with this, the feeling of clogged Eustachian tubes has also returned (but not as bad as before).
I know that there are lots of changes, especially early on, but I'm worried that this increase is a result of something I'm doing. I've been eating healthier than ever before, with several cups of raw vegetables and fruit per day, all meals I cook at home, practically eliminated alcohol, no more than one cup of coffee per day, and taking magnesium, NAC, and multivitamins. I go to the gym three times a week (in the morning when it's quiet, no more than 65dB) to lift weights, but taking care not to strain my neck or over-exert myself. I've also been playing tennis several times a week as a replacement for running (which I really want to get back to, but have been too worried about damage to the inner ear). I've also given up headphones and earbuds, and certainly haven't been to any clubs, concerts, or even bars for that matter. These are all things I've been doing for several months now. The only thing that changed recently is that I've been sleeping with the A/C on because of the heat (whereas I previously slept in silence after I found that white noise during the night spiked it the morning after). The last two nights I slept without the A/C, and didn't notice any difference.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Surprisingly, the current level doesn't really cause me any stress or anxiety, but I really don't want to continue the increasing trend of the past two weeks. I'm really just looking for people with more experience of this journey to tell me if I should be making any changes.