Anybody Got Fatigue/Sleepy Along with Their Tinnitus?

John G

Oct 5, 2015
Along with the T , it seems I am very tired all the time and want to take a nap alot. I wonder if the T is draining my energy. I know worrying/stressing about the T can effect you and drain you, but I try not to think about the T,but I still feel so tired and want to energy.

Has anybody experienced this?
I get tired to but not sure if it's all my medication adding to it and my lungs too.
I get about 8-10 hours sleep most nights...lots of love glynis
I did in the beginning, when my stress and anxiety levels were high. I remember every night feeling like I'd been put through the ringer, just so physically drained.

You mention this possibility but then say you don't think that's the culprit because you've been "trying not to think about" your T. The problem is, when you try not to think about something, you're thinking about it. You can't rush true habituation (by habituation I mean the state of mind where you can go long amounts of time without noticing your T).
habituation (by habituation I mean the state of mind where you can go long amounts of time without noticing your T).
In my opinion, many people misunderstand what habituation to tinnitus really is? Some people believe habituation means the tinnitus will not be heard or not noticeable but this is incorrect. Put simply, habituation to tinnitus means one can live with the tinnitus and not be bothered by it. Although it may still be heard, the brain is not troubled by it.

On the other hand, habituation will be experienced differently by each person. For some, the tinnitus will reduce to a level where it is hardly heard and for others the tinnitus might be moderate, or even severe at times and the person is is able to cope and not be troubled by the noise. Habituation is about the brain accepting the tinnitus.

However, in my opinion, there are limits to habituation. If tinnitus is severe and intrusive enough and this level is sustained for a period of time; this level of intensity can be too much for a person and they may need medication like Clonazapam (which I take) and is sometimes prescribed for people that have severe tinnitus. Clonazapam might not help everyone and if taken regularly, the body quickly habituates and more needs to be taken to get the same relief. Unfortunately, this drug can be addictive with unpleasant side effects, so monitoring by a GP is advised.

Wow, yeah just label people as "negative" when they don't habituate! You are a real help here!!! The spirit is really alive at TT with that kind of support!

Didn't label him as negative because he hasn't habituated, labeled him as negative because of how he stated it. So often in life, it's not what you say, it's HOW you say it.
Didn't label him as negative because he hasn't habituated, labeled him as negative because of how he stated it. So often in life, it's not what you say, it's HOW you say it.

But then some PEOPLE misinterpret things they read. Reading things are different than actually hearing the actual persons words. Sounds like I am in a Dr Phil episode. Dam.
Ok, I'm in the wrong. You're right. By all means, lets inform those who are new to the fantastic world of T and struggling just to get through each day that there are people who have had it for twenty years and haven't habituated. The world needs more bad news.
Ok, I'm in the wrong. You're right. By all means, lets inform those who are new to the fantastic world of T and struggling just to get through each day that there are people who have had it for twenty years and haven't habituated. The world needs more bad news.
Dude... go write a book about your dam habituate thing and sell it on amazon.Enough of the preaching and grow up.
Ok, I'm in the wrong. You're right. By all means, lets inform those who are new to the fantastic world of T and struggling just to get through each day that there are people who have had it for twenty years and haven't habituated. The world needs more bad news.
What the hell is your point? Those that are still stuggling after 20 years should keep the "bad news" to themselves and suffer on their own? Bright idea!

And do you really think that someone that has had to fight through 20 years with probably severe Tinnitus did so with a negative attitude? Seriously give your head a shake and wake up to the real world.
Agree guys, some of us can't help negativity. Sorry but pretending to newbies that the outlook is rosy, sorry no can do. For many it's not rosy at all. It's shit without sugar.
*sigh* Gentlemen, gentlemen. It seems we have started out on the wrong foot. Allow me to attempt to mend some fences.

John G, I'm sorry you have been struggling with T for twenty years and have not gotten to the point where it doesn't bother you anymore. Perhaps you have more going on in your life than just a bad case of T, and the T is simply just another added trouble that remains unconquerable. I don't know, because one can only glean so much from a few short sentences on an Internet forum. In any case, I wish you nothing but the best, and for you to one day find peace with this terrible affliction. This is not meant as sarcasm, I mean it.

Telis, I don't think anyone should ever have to suffer in silence. I also don't think people who have been suffering for decades should be expected to pretend that it's all sunshine and rainbows right around the corner. I just happen to believe that maybe the best place to vent these frustrations is not in a newbies post. I know that I, and I believe many others, first came to this forum after my initial onset of T. And I would troll the forums for hours, reading what seemed to be horror story after horror story, which in turn fueled my negative state of mind and reinforced my focus on the T. Looking back, this was the worst thing I could do. There's a reason why there are threads that include the caveat "positivity only, please". For the vast majority of those suffering with T, the anxiety and stress WILL reduce in time. But reading about worst case scenarios on the Internet WILL delay that mental healing.

I'll end this by saying that I truly wish nothing but the best for you both, and I apologize for having upset you. I can hold these sentiments while at the same time still believing that my initial comments are still valid - that there is nothing positive gained by telling a new sufferer of T that life will still be hell 20 years down the line.
@MidnightOilAudio Even though I have had T for 20 do you know that my T hasn't got worse in the last year or Two and I am trying to get to the bottom of the problem as to why it has increased. Don't you go around saying " I may have other issues going on in my life, and the T is just another added trouble". You don't know jack.. about me. You sure know how to babble on and act like this a forum for new people with T. This forum is for everybody......

You said " I believe that maybe the best place to vent these frustrations is not in a newbies post " . Well can you direct me to where the veteran T sufferer post section is?. Where is the newb sufferer section? My comments were in the support section of the thread I created.

You keep talking about negativity. Are you the negativity police? Is that why you posted in the thread that I created?.
Just look at all the posts on this forum, there is alot of negativity being posted. What are you going to do, start telling thousands of people that they are negative?. If so...that could be a full time job for you.

I think you should stick to posting in the "positivity thread"
Hay come on,
These posts will be picked up on google.
Please agree to disagree and let this drop please .
You are loved forum members thats all I have to say ....lots of love glynis
I tried apologizing and letting it be known that I wish nothing but the best for both of these gentlemen. But John G seems hell bent on showing me the error of my ways. I shall gracefully bow out here and stick to the "positive thread", per his recommendation. It's much brighter there, anyway. :)
I tried apologizing and letting it be known that I wish nothing but the best for both of these gentlemen. But John G seems hell bent on showing me the error of my ways. I shall gracefully bow out here and stick to the "positive thread", per his recommendation. It's much brighter there, anyway. :)
All is forgotten. Everyone has to blow off some steam the odd time
I tried apologizing and letting it be known that I wish nothing but the best for both of these gentlemen. But John G seems hell bent on showing me the error of my ways. I shall gracefully bow out here and stick to the "positive thread", per his recommendation. It's much brighter there, anyway. :)
Brighter? There was no issue here until you started spouting off. Someone taking about wanting to take naps is not "negative". Get a life.
Well, to get back on track and answer the question posted in this thread, I am always tired. Listening to constant sound/noise is draining. It doesn't help that I usually wake up once or twice a night, either.

I think the fatigue is a combination of lack of energy and constant low level depression, which leads to lack of motivation. I used to be a really productive person, a high achiever. Now I congratulate myself if I do the laundry and the dishes in the same day.

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