Autifony Phase II Trial Participants Experiences

Discussion in 'Research News' started by Tinnitus Talk, Jan 15, 2015.

      • Winner Winner x 3
    1. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      I signed up for the trial, and I am now on my second day of taking the pills. Will check in to forum and give reports on how I am progressing. My tinnitus loudness level has always varied from day to day. Day one which was last night it spiked but then I was mega tired, out of 10 I would give it an 8. Today since midday it as been a 3 and I have no side effects to report.
    2. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Q.You say your T varies widely. Is there before the treatment?
      A.Yes T loudness level varied before treatment

      Q.Can you tell us the dosage of taking the tablets? At what times of the day? On an empty stomach?
      A. 4 x 200mg tablets not on empty stomach, has to be same time every day

      Q.Finally, can you tell us specify as the origin of your tinnitus and sound frequency?
      A. My T started from a condition called Bells Palsy, but my doctor thinks it could have happened at any time. I am inclined to agree as over the years I have exposed my self to loud noise thorough work and play,sound frequency is around 6kHz.
    3. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Well spotted it was indeed a typo, End of July was my official T start date, I blame it on my sausage fingers :LOL:
    4. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Hi Rube
      I had H for the first 6 months of T and thankfully it went, they gave me the full dosage, I don't want too say I am feeling the effects of the drugs until I am really sure that I am, if that makes sense.
      • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    5. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      A quick update for 4th day on trial

      Only effect I have experienced that could be considered a side effect, is I have been feeling quite tired the last couple of days, but that could be just down to life in general.

      Tinnitus loudness yesterday was an 8/10 and today woke up to a 5/10.
    6. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      I have always had fluctuations since T started.
    7. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Day 8 update
      (Started trial) Thursday 8/10

      Friday 5/10

      Saturday 8/10

      Sunday 5/10

      Monday 8/10

      Tuesday 5/10

      Wednesday 5/10

      Thursday 8/10

      The above are my T loudness scores since starting trial . At this moment in time I couldn't tell you whether my T has improved or not. I blame that on being partly on being habituated which means to me that I naturally now do not monitor my T.

      I have no definite side effects to report Only thing I could say mention, at work today I was being a bit dumb and I couldn't remember the name of something, I was also suffering with a little bit of short term memory loss, but that could be how I am on occasions anyway.

      Sorry I cannot be any clearer and like I said before my T fluctuates. I guess what I am hoping is that there are more consistent 5/10 and below rather than 8/10 by a long shot so I can say there is a notable difference to my T.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    8. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      No problem, sorry I didn't have better news, half way through the trial you do a telephone check-up and on the last day of trial you have a check up at the hospital which is when you take last dose of drugs
    9. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi guys, just back from a ten hour train journey! I started the trial today, found out that participants will not be informed at any point as to what they received.

      I also asked the doctor if this was a lifetime treatment. The opinion was that it was a four week treatment, but this was purely based on the mice experiment. I've asked if Autifony are able to offer any comfirmation one way or the other. If i notice any difference in the next few weeks I'll let you know
    10. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi amandine,i was the first patient at Birmingham,so i think how the course ran was new to everyone there
      It was decided that i would do the two stages in the one visit,maybe because i fitted the hearing criteria?It also helped as im quite a long way from the site,tests performed were blood pressure,urine sample,blood test, ECG and of course hearing test
      Now my hearing loss reads from low frequency 250hz 20db through to high frequency 6000 hz 48db ,i was told by the audiologist these readings are what he would expect of someone of about 60,im 42,anway hope this helps,i do feel its worth applying doesnt seem quite as rigourous as i thought, but that may simply be due to the hearing requirements,hope it works out for you,bye for now
    11. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Rube,ive had quite a good day today,its only Day 4 so really difficult to say what thats down to!Im sure you understand with the nature of this, but will let you know in due course,thanks for the interest,hope your doing well,bye for now
    12. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      One Week Update,Hi guys,not much to report so far!The last week its been round about a 4,sometimes a little higher ,sometimes a bit lower, which is roughly how its been for the past year,anything else happens i,ll let you know,bye for now
    13. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Juan,no side effects so far!Its a 28 day course so who knows?Hope your enjoying Riga!Bye for now
    14. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi amandine,i think there is a degree of flexibility regarding the hearing test,looking at a test i had done in my town six months ago,my 20db hearing loss kicks in at 1khz,before that at 250hz and 500hz its 15db
      I do remember the NHS audiologist saying she didnt think i would be eligible(at my local hospital)while an independent chap thought this was a bit harsh, as my loss is 20db and worse after 1khz
      I assume youve had a hearing test?If not maybe best to have one before applying,hope this helps,bye for now
    15. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi amandine,it was an audologist at my local hospitals opinion that i was ineligible,no one to do with the trial
      Ive had two hearing tests done at the trial centre,was not told of the requirements ,bye for now
    16. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Day 17 update

      01) Thursday 8/10 Started trial
      02) Friday 5/10
      03) Saturday 8/10
      04) Sunday 5/10
      05) Monday 8/10
      06) Tuesday 5/10
      07) Wednesday 8/10
      08) Thursday 5/10
      09) Friday 8/10 Tooth abscess Pain
      10) Saturday 8/10 Tooth abscess Pain
      11) Sunday 8/10 Tooth abscess Pain
      12) Monday 4/10
      13) Tuesday 8/10
      14) Wednesday 7/10
      15) Thursday 7/10
      16) Friday 7/10 Root Canal at dentist
      17) Saturday 8/10

      Sorry for the delay above are my T loudness scores, still no side effects to report.
      Wish I could have posted better scores :(. At the dentist when receiving local anaesthetic my T dropped to a 3 but rose backup shortly afterwards to a 7.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    17. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      it's not over until the fat lady sings!
    18. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      I think its better to judge each individual drug on it own merits, rather than making comparisons.
      They both have different compositions do they not?
    19. chamferman

      chamferman Member Podcast Patron Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      06/ 2013
      Who knows what's going to happen we will just have to wait and see :)
    20. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi guys,just been speaking to someone running the trial,this drug will be open to people with T longer than 18 months!The course will be longer!Hope thats made someones day!:)
      • Like Like x 2
    21. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi amandine,yes the person is someone from the hospital,who is in direct communication with the doctor from Autifony
      Just been chatting about my course and try getting to get a bit more info!
      This is supposed to give relief within four weeks for people between 6 to 18 months,if you have it longer,the course will be more than four weeks
    22. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi robb,im not sure,at a guess,if someones had it 18 months and the course is 4 weeks,maybe if youve had it 36 months the course is 8 weeks?
    23. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I should also mention communication between Autifony and the hospital has not been great!
      For anybody else doing this its 4x200 with breakfast!Hopefully chamerfans doing it right!
      When i started,i was handed ONE pill and told taking with food not nessacary,i then presumed it would be One pill every 4 hours during the day,really thought it could have been quite easy to write directions on the bottle!
      Anyway Autifony doctor doesnt think its too much of an issue ,and im now doing it the correct way!
    24. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Mark,the nurse i spoke to this afternoon was reading out the information sent to the hospital from Autifony
      Relief from T after a 4 week course for those between 6 to 18 months,a longer a course for those with longer T
      I suppose the definition of relief is now trying to be ascertained by the trial
      • Informative Informative x 1
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    25. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi jeannie,still tricky to say,im not half way into the course yet ,usually im about a 4,have had a few recent days of about 2,but had those without this,not sure what everyones definition of a 2 is?For me its being in a quiet room but still hearing it quite faintly but it not bothering you too much? Hope this helps
    26. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi mate thats no problem,it all seems quite open when you chat on the phone,hope i dont get a knock on the door from Autifony heavies in the middle of the night!:)
    27. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi amandine,ive always found trying to rate T a bit vague!Surely one mans 4 is another mans 8?I tend to hear it over the tv and radio on bad days,dont it hear it so much when im at work

      The most accurate gauge ive found is Audionotch Tuner,mine measured 12khz which im told is quite high,wish the NHS would use this site, as seems to match much better than what ive come across in hospitals!
      Dont think i have minor hearing loss,as im 42 and been told i have the hearing of someone between 60 to 65
      As for their criteria,always thought you had to have 20db loss across most frequencies?I had that, apart from 250 hz and 500 hz where i had about 18db
      • Creative Creative x 1
    28. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi Rube ,no side effects at all,i was thinking as my hearing was quite bad ,one way of seeing if any effect has taken place ,would be too see the results of the hearing test when i go back
    29. Hotspur

      Hotspur Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Thanks for that,quite disapointing really,think communication would be better,although autifony doctor didnt seem to think it was a big deal

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