Balance Getting Worse: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Jason C

Sep 24, 2016
Tinnitus Since
29 May 2016
Cause of Tinnitus
Burgler Alarm
5 months in with nihl and tinnitus. Balance seems to be getting worse, I constantly feel unsteady.

Can this improve over time?? Seems worse yet my hearing seems slightly better than it was a month ago, Tinnitus getting slightly worse month on month.
What is a nihl? Funny you mentioned that. My hearing has been getting better according to my hearing tests but my tinnitus is also getting worse. My balance problems are fixed with Prednisone. Idk what is wrong with me though.
I realized that after I wrote it, duh.

I don't have that. Our tinnitus should be getting better if our hearing is. I would love to know if there is a reason for this.

I doubt the tinnitus would improve but it's odd the balance is getting worse for me.
Hearing clarity is improving I think. T is up and down.


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