I'm new here. I will try & keep this short to the point.
In August 2023, my boyfriend and I went to two concerts. Our ears were ringing, and we assumed they'd settle, so we thought nothing more of it. My boyfriend's ears got better. However, mine did not. The ringing continued. A few days later came the sensitivity and pain. At a complete and utter loss about what to do, I went to my doctor, who examined my ears—no issues were identified.
I have been lurking on Tinnitus Talk & doing googling, & I invested in some earplugs to protect my ears from everything. This, however, I noticed made my ears more sensitive, so I only use them if in a bar & it's too loud. Or when I go dancing, which is a hobby I've done for many years.
I've also had two hearing tests, on August and September 23, and they advised that my hearing is good.
Since the trauma, my ears have been up and down like a yo-yo. One minute, they feel great, like they're healed, and I can start living again (protecting my ears, of course). But then I have days where my ears are painful, and I feel like I've taken several steps back.
I am at a complete loss as to what to do. I'm trying to remain positive that this situation will resolve itself. But when my ears get sensitive and painful, I feel like I'm back at square one again.
I know there's no overnight fix for this and that it all takes time, but any suggestions and hope
would be much appreciated.
I'm new here. I will try & keep this short to the point.
In August 2023, my boyfriend and I went to two concerts. Our ears were ringing, and we assumed they'd settle, so we thought nothing more of it. My boyfriend's ears got better. However, mine did not. The ringing continued. A few days later came the sensitivity and pain. At a complete and utter loss about what to do, I went to my doctor, who examined my ears—no issues were identified.
I have been lurking on Tinnitus Talk & doing googling, & I invested in some earplugs to protect my ears from everything. This, however, I noticed made my ears more sensitive, so I only use them if in a bar & it's too loud. Or when I go dancing, which is a hobby I've done for many years.
I've also had two hearing tests, on August and September 23, and they advised that my hearing is good.
Since the trauma, my ears have been up and down like a yo-yo. One minute, they feel great, like they're healed, and I can start living again (protecting my ears, of course). But then I have days where my ears are painful, and I feel like I've taken several steps back.
I am at a complete loss as to what to do. I'm trying to remain positive that this situation will resolve itself. But when my ears get sensitive and painful, I feel like I'm back at square one again.
I know there's no overnight fix for this and that it all takes time, but any suggestions and hope