Can Discontinuing Pristiq Help My Reactive Tinnitus? Should I Wear Hearing Protection 24/7?

Discussion in 'Support' started by teayom, Sep 21, 2024.

    1. teayom

      teayom Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      I developed hyperacusis and mild tinnitus three weeks ago. Since then, I've undergone several tests, including an MRI and a spinal tap, but the results showed nothing abnormal. Two weeks ago, I was prescribed Prednisone 20 mg for seven days. I believe it helped with my hyperacusis, but it may have left me with reactive tinnitus. I am currently taking Pristiq 100 mg, which I have been on for two years.

      My reactive tinnitus changes daily, with new tones appearing frequently. I never have more than four tones in each ear at a time. I wear ear protection whenever I leave my room and have covered my vents to minimize exposure to potential triggers. Despite my efforts, each day feels increasingly difficult, and my symptoms seem to worsen daily.

      Could discontinuing Pristiq be the solution? Should I be wearing hearing protection 24/7?

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please help!
    2. Robster

      Robster Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Jan 2021 MRI, Worsened Nov 2021 Vaccine, Oct 2023 Smoke Alar
      Definitely don’t wear hearing protection 24/7—that’s a surefire way to develop hyperacusis. What I do is always carry earplugs with me for unexpected loud noises and avoid places I know will be noisy, like clubs, cinemas, and concerts.
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    3. AUTHOR

      teayom Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      My tinnitus seems to be getting worse every day, with new tones and increased loudness. I’m trying to taper off Pristiq to see if that might be the cause, but the tapering process will take a month. Will it be too late?

      Please, I’m so scared. Can someone tell me that I’ll be okay?

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