My Ear has been spiking constantly everyday and it just happened again today my aunt came to visit me And when she opened the door she talked a little too loud when coming in and set off my ears...guys i know this isnt normal ive had tinnitus for years now and this has never happned bit the last two minths been hell.. Can it be that some of my spikes from before were to damaging for my ears and made them how they are right now as in they set off for any little noise and i do also have really bad H...even when my shoulder pops it seems to affect my ear.. On certain spikes when i feel it coming i start sweating , nausea set in... And my spikes dont go down.. Im starting to think my form of T is not normal from what i see here...i suffer from hearing a louder noise everyday do i cant get used to it as it always spikes and now in developed a new tone a 2weeks ago.. This is just too much too take.. And how is my spike suppose to go down when. Its followed by another spike then another causing further damage Nd im just been in my house haven left anywhere.. Its just not fair..