Hello guys. Haven't been here in 2 weeks, mainly because I was doing so great. I basically feel like I'm almost habituated to my regular hissing/static tinnitus that made made cry so much in the first month. I was happy for a while. Still kind of am, but I'm full of fear again. 2 weeks a go I posted that I may have a wind sounding reactive T. Not sure I still do have the same sound or just forgot how it sounded. But for the past weeks I just thought to my self, maybe I'm just listening to every detail a device or the environment makes, maybe I'm just being over anxious. I was in that mindset for 2 weeks, so I just ignored it. But these last few days I'm pretty sure I have a reactive T over my regular tinnitus. In fact, it's possible that I may have a multiple tone sound reacting T. I hear so many tones, but again, sometimes I feel like I'm just being over anxious about sounds. The thing about this T though is that it feel so external. Like, if I'm hearing something from the kitchen in my room, I hear my possible reactive T from the kitchen, not from my head or ears. If I head hear something from my left ear, my tones comes from the left ear, and vice versa. Pretty much feels like it's what I'm hearing that is making the noises.
What do think, could I be just over anxious about noise, or could actually be reactive T? This has only started 2 and half months after my regular T started. Really scared about hearing and noticing new noises.
What do think, could I be just over anxious about noise, or could actually be reactive T? This has only started 2 and half months after my regular T started. Really scared about hearing and noticing new noises.