Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Support' started by Donsorel, Dec 31, 2015.

    1. Donsorel

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      I finally discovered the cause of my Tinnitus and I would like to share it with you, along with a treatment.

      My tinnitus appeared 7 years ago and since then it has increased every year. 7 years ago I tried to find the cause, with otorhrino and neurologist. Along with Tinnitus, I felt for many years that I had problems with memory, concentration, attention, etc. I couldn't find a cause for all of it, so I gave up and I decided to get used to it. 1 year ago the Tinnitus was stronger and I decided to go back to doctors to find the cause. In half a year a went to:

      - Otorhinolaryngology: they told me I had no problem after some exams
      - Cardiologist: they found nothing
      - Traumatologist: my neck and column was right
      - Neurologist: they told me I had TDAH and OCD symptoms, so they gave me pills like Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. But Tinnitus got worse with them

      After trying all kind of Doctors one day I decided to try a Doctor Specialist in Metabolic Conditions. She made me do a Sugar Curve Test. Finally I found something important: I had a very strong Reactive Hypoglycemia. Two hours after drinking a bottle of glucose my Sugar levels in blood went down to 35mg/dL. This is a very dangerous level, because less than 35mg/dL can cause a coma.

      After finding that I had Reactive Hypoglycemia they told me that I had Insulin Resistance. So I started to eat fewer sugar. I quickly noticed the effect of sugar in my tinnitus and I realized how important was no eating High Carbo, both for my tinnitus and my mind (memory, attention, etc.). So I stopped eating sugar. But my tinnitus was still there. And I noticed that if I wasn't eating sugar, bread, or cheeses, I really needed to eat fruits all the day. And after eating bananas, strawberry, watermelons during all the day I had stronger tinnitus at night. No Doctor could tell me the cause. So I gave up again few months ago.

      I had another problem since I was 10 years old that I never related to Tinnitus and I never resolved to treat well. When I was 12 one day I had a Candida infection in my penis. The doctor made me treat it with a liquid and it got better. But since then it wasn't the same. When I grew up and started to have sexual relationship I started to have yeast problems. I used to have infections and whatever I did to keep it clean, every few months I had yeast problems. At 22 I went to a Dermatologist to ask If I had any problem, but he told me it was perfectly normal. Again, no solution.

      I tried to find what could cause this infections and I found that it was Candida. I tried to use creams to deal with that, but it was always there, so I thought it was a chronic conditions.

      Back to tinnitus, one moth ago I realized that fruit make increase my tinnitus, and I realize I was always craving for fruit. I tried to give up eating fruit for some days. I would only eat fish and meat, and vegetables (no potatoes, no carrots neither). I realized in few days that my general anxiety and tinnitus was lower. And surprise: I realized the problem I had since I was 12, the chronic candida, was suddenly much better.

      So I started to search in internet and I finally found the thing that could explain all my list of symptoms:
      - Reactive Hypoglycemie
      - Yeast infections
      - Lack of energy (adrenal fatigue)
      - Difficulties of attention, lack of memory
      - Craving sugars and fruits
      - General anxiety
      - Bad sleeping
      - Allergies
      - Asthma

      and TINNITUS

      It was Intestinal Candida

      And what was the cause? ANTIBIOTICS

      When I was 10-12 years old my mother gave me antibiotics many times. I don't remember exactly when, but after a treatment I started to develop two kind of allergies, asthma, epileptic problems with flashing lights along with yeast infection. They never understood the cause and they never related this conditions each other. But all this conditions had a common cause: "INTESTTINAL CANDIDA" or "CANDIDA OVERGROWTH"


      Candida is a yeast that almost every one has in his body since we are children. Its normal to have this in our body and it's part of gut flora ( The problem appears when somebody takes antibiotics. If not treated well, antibiotics can make an imbalance in gut flora, killing many bacteria that help to maintain it and generating Candidiasis (
      Candidiasis is an infection of candida that can last for decades in the body of a human without giving strong symptoms that reveal it. It is relatively easy to have this problem, with many symptoms and different health problems, and many Doctors won't ever think candidiasis could be the cause. Candida affects mostly mucosal membranes, including oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and guts. And if any of this mucosal membranes are not good, it can generate TINNITUS


      I write this post because if have read many post where people say that they started to have tinnitus after taking antibiotics. I also read many people who had similar symptoms as mine, but they didn't find the cause just like me.

      Sometimes is difficult to get a diagnoses about candida. But If anyone who read this post notice that has similar symptoms I recommend to try this:

      Try a "Candida diet". A candida diet is basically not eating sugar, bread, cheese, fruits, alcohol, potatoes and all the things that could help you candida to growth. Here you can find some information about this ( If you really has a tinnitus caused by candidiasis, you should notice some changes in few days. It's possible that your body get through strong sugar withdrawal symptoms, like craving sugar, confusion, lack of attention, etc. But if you start to feel more relaxed it could mean you have candidiasis.

      Good news is that you can treat it by changing your diet.
      There are many cause for tinnitus and I think most of the people that read it could not has this condition. But I hope that someone who has the same condition could find a solution by reading this.

      Finally, I found a video of a man who had the exact the same problem as me. He explains very well his case. I hope it could help you as well
      Good luck!

      Tinnitus, Candida & Sugar
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    2. John G

      John G Member

      I have come across the idea before that candida may be my problem in regards to Tinnitus. For the last 4mths I have totally changed my diet,no sugars,eat alot of greens etc. Although I heard that it is very tough and it takes a year or so to get the candida problem resolved/under control, I could be wrong in regards to the time it takes.

      Also,when I look on google at the symptoms that come with candida overgrowth,I seem to have alot of the symptoms that is listed. Of course the main one comes to mind is the Tinnitus. Also,another one is athletes foot... that symptom really stood out for me because I have had athletes foot for years and I can never get rid of it.I used so many different types of prescription creams,home remedies.Nothing has worked.

      Thing is,how to get diagnosed with candida overgrowth?
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    3. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      Conventional medicine doesn't actually cover, or even understand this sort of thing. Oh to be so well rewarded for knowing so little.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    4. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      I read somewhere that you test for candida by spitting in a glass of water after waking up ..if you see white "threads" in the water you might have candida overgrowth.
    5. Atlantis

      Atlantis Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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    6. dboy

      dboy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1/2007 & 8/2013
      If you are worried about candida I believe it is sometimes thought helpful to get rid of any mercury amalgam fillings. The theory is (if I remember correctly) that constant low levels of mercury entering your gut work toward suppressing healthy bacteria, which contributes to allowing candida to flourish. I cannot vouch for the truth of this theory, but I think there are accounts of people who claimed significant improvements in their health issues. Might be worth a bit of research if you are following this line of enquiry and have any mercury in your mouth. Atlantis is right though that you do need to be fairly vigilant with some of these sorts of claims (as indeed with mainstream medicine!!).
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    7. PaulBe

      PaulBe Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Probably sound, though never proven
      Thanks Atlantis. Sometimes the comments trump the story. I was particularly impressed by the gluten-free baby wipes.
      • Funny Funny x 1
    8. John G

      John G Member

      @dboy Thanks. I have also heard of the theory about fillings. Some people have said they noticed an improvement and some have not. So hard what to believe nowadays. The more I research,the more hair I pull out of my head lol
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    9. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi @John G .
      I found a book called "Yeast infection no more", by Linda Allen, where you can find all the methods to get diagnosed and a more information about Candida:
      The main problem with Candida diagnose is that in a body of most people there is already candida, so a test could hidden the real problem: candida overgrowth.

      It is true that Candida could be one of these diseases that due tu it's many symptoms a lot of people could say they have it. Many people would justify not finding any prove by saying that the test can't prove they are not infected. This is the same that happens with disease like Lyme, Toxoplasmose, Siphilis, etc, a kind of diseases wicht have so many symptoms that almost every one could fine one of them in himself
      But the fact that there are no good methods to diagnose doesn't mean all these disease doesn't exist.
      If someone has 10 times a year yeast infection and also has symptoms like reactive hypoglycemia, craving sugar and strong tinnitus 2 hours after eating, I would recommend to try a Candida diet for some days. In my case it's changing my life
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    10. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      One other thing. There is an easy home test you can do. It could give some clues. It is called the SPIT TEST. Two months ago I thought I could have Candida and I found this test. I try it in that moment. I did spit to a glass with water and I watched my saliva. It happened nothing at the first moment, so I discarded Candida quickly. Some days ago, when I was more convinced I could have Candida overgrowth, I tried it again. I spit in a glass, but this time I waited. After one minute of spitting my saliva began slowly to fall to the bottom of the glass. It was exactly like in the examples I had watched in books and videos. Two months ago I couldn't notice it because I didn't know I had to wait some minutes.
      So if you think you could have candida overgrowth try to spit on a glass and wait some minutes to see the result.

      If you have the symptoms I mentioned in all the posts, I suggest to go to an specialist doctor.

      Here you can watch an example of what I'm talking about

      Live Candida Spit Test | Do you have Candida?...
    11. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      If you have positive in Candida Overgrowth, you should check also if you have any other problem that helps Candida Overgrowth. In my case I have found throught a Hydrogen Breath Test that I have a very strong Fructose Malabsorption, that probably causes my Candida Overgrowth and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgowth tested with a Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test). This is important to know if you do a candida diet, because you have to know what you can eat. The brain always need glucose, so you have to know how to do a good Candida Diet with some Carbs income. In my case I know I can't eat fruits, so I have to eat brown rice as my unique carb source
    12. dboy

      dboy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1/2007 & 8/2013
      If you are planning an extreme diet for candida then please be careful and plan it well. I've been down this route and spent six+ months feeling fairly terrible while my health problems got worse rather than better. I kept thinking 'It's OK, it's just the Herxheimer die-off reaction.' But really I think it was my body complaining about a too restrictive diet. I was following a very low fat, low sugar diet, eating mainly just brown rice, vegetables and lentils/beans.

      I'm not totally convinced about the spit test. I've got a lot of time for alternative medicine ideas but you do have to be careful as I reckon there is a fair amount of bs out there too. Does anybody actually pass the spit test (as having no candida problem)? I wonder. :dunno:
    13. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      I totally agree with you in being careful and planing well. Before planning a diet you should go to specialist and search for possible causes of you symptoms. Actually I would NEVER recommend an "extreme diet". If you a diet is too extreme for you, your inmune system will be down and you will probably worsen.

      I don't know your case, but I would tell you that I don't think it was a good idea doing 6 months of a diet that made you feel "fairly terrible". I would recommend making something like a candida diet or even GAPS diet, but never going against your body.

      Also, I would recommend you to visit an specialist Doctor (Not an alternative medicine specialist). I would suggest making many test to check if you really has candida overgrowth and also why your body doesn't health of this candida overgrowth. If you make an Hydrogen Breath test, for example, and you discover that you has Fructose Malabsorption, you could find that you shouldn't eat many vegetables. So if you were 6 months eating vegetables, it could had been impossible for you to get better.
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    14. Marti Chitwood

      Marti Chitwood Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I would suggest....that you consider a trial of a low-to-no grain, no sugar, no fruit diet for a few weeks... you could also add natural anti-fungal(s), like Oregano Oil, or Caprylic Acid... Balancing out Candida (and... even Biofilm) can take as long as a couple of years..
      This could accomplish two important goals: lowering fungal count (going on your hunch) and. addressing Insulin Resistance...another issue that is often associated with tennitus.
      I have had and have overcome tennitus...took a good while. I also have over 40 years in health care, endocrine research, nutrition and I have seen ... a LOT. You are on to something big for your health.
      I agree that you should go slowly... best to have a trained professional to work with, who can guide you (you may have).
      There are tests that MAY help... Organic Acid Profile, Blood IGG levels. If you are on a budget, why not work towards a whole foods, minimally processed diet....and see what happens? And, don't forget the role of destressing and exercise.
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    15. dboy

      dboy Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      1/2007 & 8/2013
      With hindsight, I agree! I did read a few books before beginning and the one I followed the most closely was John Pagano's one on psoriasis. The idea of the Herxheimer reaction is quite big - where the candida start dying off in your gut, but your gut is leaky so the toxins get into your bloodstream, making you worse before things start to repair themselves. I gave it a shot.

      Unfortunately I am not in a position to spend a lot on specialist doctors and the NHS in the UK is useless for chronic conditions like I have. I have just invested several hundred pounds in getting the mercury out of my mouth though, and that feels like a step forward. The last came out in December and I've noticed I'm feeling a little less depressed and less fatigued at the moment. Which is great because this is usually my worst time of year. I'm hopeful and taking things steady. :)
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    16. valeri

      valeri Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Are you please able to expand on what you wrote?
      I'm interested on insulin resistance in particular.
    17. Purple Parrot

      Purple Parrot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      12/2015 - 3/2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Multiple: anxiety, childhood ear infections, loud music
      I did the "spit test" over the course of a week. Each time there were "tendrils" in the water. After I did a month of low GI foods, probiotics, anti-fungal supplements, the tendrils disappeared. AND I stopped getting candida related symptoms...

      By the way, rejects everything that hasn't been definitively proved by a "double blind controlled study"... however, the fact of the matter is that many people have found significant relief through alternative practices which are wholesale rejected by that website (rejected because they haven't met the requisite scientific threshold). I believe that you could be stopping yourself from getting better if you decide not to do try an alternative health practice because it hasn't met the "science based medicine" standard.

      That's not to say I don't trust the scientific method as a means of discovering and validating new information/treatments - and that isn't to say there aren't plenty of "quacks" out there - should be acknowledged that science has its limitations - especially with human bodies. The body is extremely complex and it is challenging to isolate a particular mechanism of action (even for prescription meds) - for example, did you know that, though widely prescribed, doctors/scientists still don't agree on why anti-depressants improve mood? See below: - "A mechanism of action common to all antidepressants is yet to be identified".

      Alternative treatments where a substantial number of people have anecdotally reported that they have experienced relief are worth trying, in my view.

      The body is incredibly complex and people have very different constitutions/metabolisms. Treatments which are designed to help the body to heal itself may not work for everyone and for every condition - probably why many of them fail the double blind testing which they are subject to... I personally think there are enough anecdotal stories of people's health having improved by following a candida diet (including mine) to make it worth trying, if you experience the symptoms of candida overgrowth.
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    18. Purple Parrot

      Purple Parrot Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      12/2015 - 3/2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Multiple: anxiety, childhood ear infections, loud music
    19. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:

      Dboy, I'am not a Doctor and I don't know your exact conditions. So I can tell you my case, as it is still evolving:
      - I discovered that I had candida overgrowth. But after reading some books and diets one I realized that a lot of them forget that candida overgrowth could be a consequence of other problems. So, in my case, I discovered one week ago that I have a very severe fructose intolerance and SIBO (Small Intestine Bactery Overgrowth). This morning I made an Endoscopie and they found me H Pylori infection, duoden problems and other results I'm waiting. So in my case there are many things that makes candida easy to overgrow in my body.

      What I want to tell you is that before making any "extreme diet", if you can, try to find a good Doctor and discuss with him which test do you think you could do to find the deep cause of your problems. If you want I can write here a list of possible problems and the tests you could take


      Valeri, I add here a video where you can find a good explanation of what insuluin resistance is. Basically, is a problem with your body having dificulties to manage insulin. This causes that when you eat or drink sugar your pancreas generats a lot of insulin to regulate glucose levels. But as you body can re-absorve you pancreas generate to much insulin, and that make as a result that you glucose levels get very low in two hour time.

      TEST: if you want to test if you have this problem it's easy an relatively cheap. You hace to go to an hospital at 08:00 at the morning without having eat nothing for the last 12 hours. You ask for a insulin and glucose curve, and you ask that they mesure both of them every 30 minutes. They will mesure your blood at the begining, they will give you a high glucose drink (I think is Dextrose), and they will take you blood samples every 30 minutes to check what does your insulin and glucose.
      I recomend you to ask a Doctor for this test if you are feeling very hungry 1 hour after eating or if you feel very tired 2 hour after eating

      CURE: I'm not a Doctor, but it is known that Insulin Resistance can be treated for some people with Metformin. I tried it and I noticed no effect, but many people report good results.
      Best cure is Diet, limiting sugars, high carbs, etc.

      Understanding Insulin Resistance and What You...
    20. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      @Purple Parrot

      Hi Prurple Parrot

      I think it's a wonderful new that you could get better of candida with diet and antifungal suplements. I think that alternative practices can be good, but I would recommend always to try to find causes by making medic tests. I completely agree with you that scientific method has his limitations, but for my experience I think that the real problem is not science, but the way that science is used by western Doctors, aswell as how the system works.

      I don't want to offend any Doctor and perhaps it's not the case of many of them. But in my experience when you go to a Specialist Doctor I find that most of the time they know just how to explain they one speciality symptoms. And lot of times they don't realize that what they are treating is consequence of other health problems.

      I give you my case for example:

      - I found I had Tinnitus. An Othorhino didn't find nothing and send me to a Neurologist
      - I went to a Neurologist. Due to brainfog symptoms he told me that I had ADHD and put me in meds. (Without doing any test!). My Tinnitus got worst and I stop taking any pill
      - After a time I thought I really had a problem. So I visited a Metabolic disease Doctors. They found me Reactive Hypoglycemia
      Then I went to an Inmunologist, I had to suggest him that I could have candida overgrowth. He just made me do a Fructose Intolerance test
      - Finally now I'am with a Gastroenterology. And finally I'm finding causes for what I have, all related to Immuno system and Digestive System, that cause symptoms of ADHD and (perhaps) Tinnitus

      I learnt two things:

      - Western Doctors only see their speciality and they doesn't know to see the whole body. As you say, the body is extremely complex. And many Doctors just want to do kick their job, not examining the whole body because "it's not their specialty". Now, for example, I've learned that there must be hundreds or thousands of Doctors that diagnose ADHD without trying to find if there is a problem in the immune or digestive system, which affects enormously to memory, attention and concentration

      - With Doctors you don't have to go there and just wait them to find you disease You have to search with them. They are like detectives: they have to find a cause of health conflict following the clues you give to them and the symptoms they find in your body. But the body is extremely complex and they don't have many time because normally they visit 10-20 people per day. Neither they are Dr. House, of cousre. So it's a great help that you study your symptoms, search for causes and suggest them the test you think could be a good idea. For example, I suggested the Doctor to search for H Pylori and "voit-la", they find H Pylori. Who "knows" better your symptoms than you? This is your great advantage that can help the Doctor

      I think as you say that alternative medicine does a good thing that Doctors doesn't do: they focus on whole body. And it's normal that they have results, because normal (bad) Doctors can fuck it up very well by only focusing in one symptom and one organ. Can you imagine what was for me taking ADHD pills given while my problem was a digestive one?

      Western medicine approach has A LOT TO IMPROVE.

      For that, I agree with you, many times is worth trying alternative medicine.
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    21. uae96

      uae96 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise induced
      So @Donsorel youre tinntus improved after stopping sugar intake ?
    22. AUTHOR

      Donsorel Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      My Tinnitus has improve a lot because after quitting eating fruit my whole body is in less tension. Now that I know that I have H Pilory and Candida Overgrowth I will post when I get better of this after going throw antibiothics

      Sounds fuck up, but is like this...

      I actually have two different Tinnitus. I have Tinnitus related to intestinal problems (bacteria overgrowth, reactive hypoglycemia, etc.). This tinnitus gets worse and better depending of what I eat. But I have also a Tinnitus problem related to my neck and jaws, and it only happens when I am in bed.

      The tinnitus caused by neck and jaw problem happens only while sleeping. I think it is caused by neck, head position and also for a deepbite/ overbite problem in my teeth. When I was a child a dentist put me braces for years. They made it so bad that my upper teeth got down and my lower teeth got behind them. I was too young to realize it and... well Doctors are not always doing good their job.

      I discovered few time ago that my tongue doesn't have to much space due to my jaw forced by my upper teath to get back. That made me impossible to sleep on my back for years. This video is a good example of my case:
      Obstructive Sleep Apnea Appliance

      Since I discovered a cheap southward that keeps my teeth aligned I can sleep in my back and my spasm Tinnitus has improved a little bit, but it's not resolved.


      I talked about this other kind of tinnitus related to neck and jaw in another thread ( As I said there, this is very different Tinnitus because this tinnitus is like spasms. It comes and goes for periods: sometimes I don't have it for months and then I have it during many weeks. Someone told me it could be tensor tympani spasms, middle ear muscles, etc. But for this one I'm completely lost. I know for sure that is different of the tinnitus I experience 24 hours a day, which gets affect by diet. But I really don't know much about this one and I can find no solution :(

      So @uae96, answering to you question: stopping sugar has improved my tinnitus a lot (aswell as many other symptoms), but my tinnitus is still there
    23. gwendalyn

      gwendalyn Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      can't recall not having it
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      For many years of candidiasis cleansing and eliminating all carbs for 18 months, I have to say it is a long war, not a short battle. Here are some things I've learned and use:
      1. The reason candida can survive in your bloodstream so well is it forms a chitin shell. This is the substance that makes up a roach's exoskeleton, very durable and impervious to the human immune system. I was purchasing a product from Thailand $120/6 week tx that would block this formation. Then I learned that simple boron does the same thing.
      So 1 tsp boron (20 Mule Team Borax from the grocery) dissolved in 1 C hot water diluted to 1 qt. about an once daily.
      2. Diatomaceous Earth is composed of tiny nautilus shells that slice unwelcome organisms. 1 T daily
      3. Water kefir with high degree of bacteria content promote healthy gut. My friend's upcoming brand from Nevada City, CA , has the highest content I've found, 6X other products: Supernatural Soda
      4. Milk kefir same thing made with raw milk

      Good luck, it still comes back all the time, esp if I indulge. However I've found that as a way of life I feel better without sugar.
    24. J-rod

      J-rod Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Hi, it's been a while since I've been in these forums, I guess not thinking about Tinnitus is another way of coping with the problem. A little background, I do have some hearing loss from years of working inside of data centers. My T got much worse after I started taking medication for high blood pressure, (combination angiotensin II receptor blocker and diuretic). I would get sick often, poor sleep, rashes from chemicals, food allergies + hives, acid reflux, impotence ect.. And the list goes on with Tinnitus being only one of the many health issues.

      I've been told all sorts of things from different doctors, Autoimmune Disease, Mitochondrial Disease, Adrenal Fatigue, Candida, GMO's, Fructose, Mold Toxins, Heavy Metals, Tooth Fillings, pH Balance and Glucose Intolerance to Wheat. My general doctor just wanted to hand me more medications and kick me out the door like mindless cattle. Special doctors wanted me to pay loads of money for custom meds, herbs and homeopathics. My Quack Radar often goes off with most Tinnitus Cures. I tried all sorts of diets, anything that would be anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine or anti-candida. And for the most part all of these things do work a little, but my lord what a struggle.

      I've replaced my metal fillings, no changes in Tinnitus. I'm eating more Organics and it does feel like I need less Vitamins, but I'm guilty of eating the bad foods once in awhile with MSG's and processed salts. Avoiding Sugar and Fructose does help with weight loss and normalizes my blood sugar, often Pre-Diabetes symptoms go away. I've always noticed that eating loads of sugar with caffeine makes the Tinnitus much worse. Stress and lack of sleep is another enhancer of Tinnitus volume, I'm sure most of us can agree. I have sleep apnea and use an Auto-Pap, sometimes because of these allergies it's impossible to use the device because my sinuses are clogged when laying down. The use of NetiPot and drinking of Apple Cider Vinegar helps with these Allergies, but the question has always been why does ACV work? My guess is that ACV helps to keep the Candida in check, basic changes in gut chemistry.

      Tinnitus comes and goes much like all of my other age related health problems. Recently I was sick for about 10 days with a normal cold virus that got passed around the office. I started taking extra zinc amino acid chelate, made from pumpkin seeds and rice. After a few days I noticed my Acid Reflux or Heart Burn was gone. Sure enough the white coating on my tongue (Candida) was fading after a few weeks and my libido was returning.. (Thank you Jesus!). It's like one of those AhHA! moments when you notice a part of the puzzle. I've always known that these medications can be vitamin muggers and that is why I was taking a high quality multi-vitamin. When I told one of my doctors that I felt worse without taking the vitamins he brushed it off, and said, "Listen to your body." Those are wise words, but it's hard to hear anything over this Tinnitus Doc!!

      Anyways, I just wanted to pipe in some of my on going life experience with Tinnitus and Health issues. I have not found the cure to my Tinnitus and I doubt Zinc will cure it alone. Management of Tinnitus is at least possible with diet and life style changes. Candida is related to Tinnitus in my opinion, they are both warning signs the body is not balanced. The Candida is there from any number of related health reasons, but once it's out of control the alcohol by-products the candida produces probably causes nerve damage in the ears. That is just one theory of mine, I'm not a doctor, then again they ain't much help either or we would have had a cure for Tinnitus by now. Once the damage to the nerves is done you might be stuck with Tinnitus or on a slow track of recovery even when the Candida problem is fixed.

      For curing my Acid Reflux 15mg of zinc is not enough, I aim for around 30mg and it does matter what kind of Zinc you take, they have slightly different absorption rates and effects like for libido or stomach upset. Now that I've been getting enough zinc this month my Acid Reflux is 95% gone and I've had no hives or food allergy reactions. Clearly this is telling me that inflammation is going down. I've also noticed that I've been sleeping longer than 8 hours, used to be about 6 hours with naps at work. There is also a feeling of less stress on my mind after taking the zinc, and the signs of my out of control candida are getting better, but I still have Tinnitus.

      You have got to keep a positive mindset when dealing with such things as Tinnitus. At least a few less problem to worry about now with just adding zinc, but what else could I be deficient in after taking these medication? Hmmm..
      I wish you all the best luck in finding a cure for your Tinnitus!
    25. lina

      lina Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      unknown, silent reflux, antibiotics
      I have a white coating on my tongue but I did a CDSA with Doctors data and no candida but I have citrobacter which my regular doctor said is completely normal(?). I have tinnitus, allergies to meds and supplements, low blood sugar and low thyroid T3. I started eating smaller meals more frequently during the day and eating less before bed. No sugar, alcohol (ugh!), all organic, ect and my tinnitus is almost gone now except if I eat red meat. I raised the top of my bed a little with pillows under my mattress so it slants down. Sleeping with my head elevated at night has helped my tinnitus along with smaller meals (less carbs) and not eating right before bed. I may have silent acid reflux causing tinnitus. I will try zinc if I can tolerate it.
    26. Tony Phylactou

      Tony Phylactou Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      sept 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Cement factory noise lowT,then stress high T
    27. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I fasted from sweets for a while and found out my anxiety was way less. I also noticed one night after eating two apples I started to feel depressed. I decided to do a food intolerance test and it says I have a severe reaction to Candida Albicans and it tells me to avoid cane sugar, fructose, honey, and maple sugar. I don't know if I have Candida or not but does anyone have any suggestions if I do?
    28. Davey

      Davey Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I got Candida overgrowth, my signs are:

      - nail fungus
      - burning mouth with white coating around the tongue
      - drooling at night creates rash around the corners of the mouth
      - a test that I had candida in the mouth
      - burning throat
      - a lot of gas and farting

      I ordered 100 nystatin pills to kill the fungus, I'm already at day three with the candida diet (no sugar, bread, pasta, fruit, etc) and I eat allot of coconut oil, spicey herbs, etc. Will let you guys know if something changes, but it will probably take months to clear this annoying fungus. I had it for many many years, so I presume it will take allot of months to clear. If it's not working then at least the fungus would be at a normal level again.
    29. jfox30

      jfox30 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      @Donsorel : Is there any chance that we can be in touch directly? I'd like to hear more about what your tinnitus "sounded" like and what your thoughts are on my story below.

      I have been battling Candida overgrowth since August, and I stumbled across your post a few months ago when I Google searched "Candida and Tinnitus," and your post intrigued me.

      Though my most recent Candida swab came back as clear and negative, I'm still experiencing something audible, particularly in my house at night when it's super quiet, but I'm now curious if I just have highly sensitive and attuned hearing (I'm an empath, if you're familiar with that concept), and that I may simply be picking up on more high-frequency sounds (it doesn't really sound like a ringing; it sounds more like a high-pitched frequency).

      My tinnitus started in Februraly of 2019, when I intuited that something was wrong in our house, and it turned out we had toxic black mold growth in our basement and in our air ducts (air quality test confirmed this). I thought this mold might have been the initial reason for the tinnitus onset (but in conjunction, I was also experiencing super heightened anxiety, and have had this sweet tooth for 30 years). I was ALSO in the hospital receiving round-the-clock IV antibiotics for 72 hours for a perceived infection (turns out, it wasn't an infection......). My guess is that my tinnitus (if it is tinnitus) became activated by a combination of these factors. But who knows?

      If you're still on this forum, then I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks so much.
    30. JasonP
      No Mood

      JasonP Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I had an interesting experience with what I believe was caused by Caprylic Acid. I have had bad bloating for years and had a lot of burping. For a week I took either coconut oil or Caprylic Acid everyday, usually twice a day. It could be a coincidence but the bloating went away, my heart rate went down, my anxiety went down, and I started to fall asleep earlier. Stuff like that has never happened to me before without some kind of drugs but it was definitely a different feeling. I didn't feel wired all the time but then I kind of got scared that I was losing motivation and drive, and I felt so different and wasn't used to it so I ended up stopping it. Did anyone else feel like this? It could be just me. I also have dysautonomia so there could be some kind interaction going on there.

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