Clogged Feeling in Right Ear for 4 Days Now

Discussion in 'Support' started by Jaysterk, Sep 26, 2019.

    1. Jaysterk

      Jaysterk Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi guys. I have been suffering with tinnitus in my left ear for about 5 to 6 months. All my issues have been in the left ear. This issues include, TTTS, Hyperacusis, Tinnitus, slight pain. I never had any issue in my right ear.

      Four days ago however, my right ear become clogged/plugged/full. Happened in the middle of the day. I spent the next whole day with it clogged. The second day, it continued to be clogged but with it came some pain. Third day, the ear was for the most part unclogged and i figured it went back to being fine. Fourth day here and its clogged again. No tinnitus.

      Interesting to note that when I wake up in the mornings its unclogged for the next few hours and when I lie day to watch tv for the night it's mostly unclogged. When I force myself to yawn, it unclogs and a few seconds later it clogs up again.

      I visited my ENT, he took a look and didn't see any signs of infection or wax build up. He offered to do a pressure test which I declined. He suggested I try Zyrtec in case I have allergies causing a fluid back up.

      I know that Zyrtec is ototoxic. Is there any other allergy med that I can take that isn't? Is there something else here at play? I do suffer from a bit of acid reflux which reaches my throat area from time to time.
    2. Rb86

      Rb86 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Same. Going to the ENT tomorrow to rule out anything.

      So frustrating we all experience this and they don't know what's going on - at least the physical inflammation aspect which comes and goes.
    3. Yoshi

      Yoshi Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2015
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Earphones, Bus Braking, Burping (air enters ear canal)
      Your ENT didn't mention ETD? Yawning, chewing, swallowing usually opens the eustachian tube when it's closed, which is why you might be experiencing relief by yawning.
    4. Rb86

      Rb86 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ENT said no infection. Basically nerve related and nothing they can do currently.
    5. AUTHOR

      Jaysterk Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      So I compiled a list of all the symptoms and weird things my ears do. Point of this is to see if anyone can recognize a pattern or cause and effect. Maybe someone can help me or potentially others that might be afflicted with the same things find solutions to at least eliminate some of them. For context, before May 1st of 2019, I had ZERO symptoms.

      It all started when I took Neomycin on that day early in the morning. Slowly throughout the next 1 ½ year, I developed all this. I place the symptoms in somewhat of an order as they appeared by ear.

      Right Ear (Good Ear)

      1. Intermittent distortion when I listen to car audio (since 2005)

      2. Eustachian tube clicks loudly every time I swallow

      3. Hyperacusis (no pain/moderate)

      4. Clogged right nostril every morning/through the day

      5. Tinnitus tone #3 (non-somatic – constant, since January 2020)

      6. Jaw clicking

      7. Clogged ear feeling after moderate sound exposures (since December 2019)

      8. Ear “clogs up” or “contracts” when I talk slightly louder than normal for too long

      9. Ear unclogs when yawning and opening jaw wide open

      10. Sometimes when my ear is “clogged” my own voice sounds distorted inside my ear

      11. Tinnitus tone #4 (non-somatic – constant but changes loudness randomly, since April 2020)

      12. When I touch at or around my right eye, my inner ear flutters

      13. Drinking fluids sometimes make “middle ear” flutter

      14. Middle ear flutters or contracts to potential sounds that do not happen

      a. Example: I thought a cup was about to fall of the table but didn’t. Ear fluttered anyways.

      Left (Bad ear)

      1. Eustachian tube clicks when I swallow. Not as loud as my right eustachian tube

      2. Tinnitus tone #1 (non-somatic – not Constant, since October 2018)

      3. Tinnitus tone #2 (very somatic – constant, since May 2019)

      4. Hyperacusis (no pain/mild)

      5. Middle ear fluttering when talking and looking to the left


      6. Middle ear fluttering when swallowing or drinking fluids

      Both Ears

      1. When I sneeze both ears get clogged violently

      a. Primarily the right ear

      2. When I burp or hiccup, ears either get clogged or flutter
    6. ajc

      ajc Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      11/2002; spike 2009; worse 2017-18
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud music - noise damage
      I feel your case is too complex. Too long of a list of things. Doubt you'll get any help here.

      How many doctors have you seen? Surely there is someone out there who can help.
    7. AUTHOR

      Jaysterk Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      ENTs? One.
      Audiologist also one.

      All the ENT said was to take Zyrtec and see a dentist for the clicking. Wear a night guard.

      I know it's complex and I am realistic. I more than likely have some form of hair cell damage. However things like sneezing and having my ears clog up violently, swallowing and having my ears flutter, etc don't seem like things damaged hair cells can cause.

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