Complete Silence!

bill 112

Feb 21, 2014
Republic Of Ireland
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise exposure
I have no idea what happened last night but I can honestly say for the first time in years my tinnitus completely switched off!

I'm talking 100% silence and I have no idea why?

I sat there too afraid to move in case I spoiled it and just soaked up the silence lol

It lasted nearly an hour until I moved and yes you guessed it the T came back but very mild. Does anyone else experience this, total silence out of nowhere? Is this a good sign even after all the shit my ears have been through?
No unfortunately it never happened to me once. My T just never goes silent ever, not even for 10 seconds.
I would say yes that's a good sign!
I woke up today too with no tinnitus at all too.

That is very strange because I was out drinking heavy last night. When we went home I was inside a party buss. This bus had concert hall speakers in the back and they were playing music like it was no tomorrow (insanely loud), together with 7 screaming girls. xD

When I got home I blasted EMD music on my headphones for another 2 hours.

This has happened before too. Alcohol + loud music = silence the next day.

Very strange indeed.
what ?! thats awsome ?! wohooooooooo!!! I am so happy for you. I am sure its a good sign!!

Dont you have severe T normally?
There has to be something to it! espescially because you said that as soon as you moved it came back to it has to do smth with muscles or bones maybe :) which is good because then a cranio therapist is the exactly right one for you!
I really hope that there is going to be Silence for you soon!

I dont know why but this just made me so happy :)

Lots of Love ❤️
How did you get T Meeruf?Its strange I have H too and it's been a long time since I experienced silence,I felt it come on too.As I sat there I could just hear my T shifting and then suddenly it disappeared:)
what ?! thats awsome ?! wohooooooooo!!! I am so happy for you. I am sure its a good sign!!

Dont you have severe T normally?
There has to be something to it! espescially because you said that as soon as you moved it came back to it has to do smth with muscles or bones maybe :) which is good because then a cranio therapist is the exactly right one for you!
I really hope that there is going to be Silence for you soon!

I dont know why but this just made me so happy :)

Lots of Love ❤️
I hope so Zora,my T and H are noise induced so I don't know what the future holds for me,but my distorted hearing is nearly gone and last night I experienced total silence,first time in years!It felt weird but my god did I soak it up;)My T and H are somatic,moving my jaw or putting pressure on my head increases my T.I badly want to get checked for TMJ as I do have problems with my jaw.
This is a great sign! One night I was sleeping and I had to search for it.... It Was only for a second but it was amazing !!!! I wish you well!!!
Nope. I really don't understand how this happens with chronic (loud) T unless you are under the influence of medications, but it's probably a good sign that things can still improve for you.
Nope. I really don't understand how this happens with chronic (loud) T unless you are under the influence of medications, but it's probably a good sign that things can still improve for you.
Medications never done anything for me,they never make it better or worse.I'm on a pain medication for my H but that's really it at the moment.It just switched off and I don't know why?The hissing humming just spiked and then disappeared!I honestly thought I was witnessing a miracle from above lol;)
Has anyone here heard of somebody that heard silence briefly and then the silence became more and more frequent until silence is permanent?

I ask, as over the past 10 months, I have gone from never hearing silence, to hearing it for a minute or two a week, to brief silences each day and now I hear silence for around 30 minutes to an hour at a time and totalling probably 2-3 hours each day. It is painfully slow to improve, but it's got to be a good sign - right?!?!?
I woke up today too with no tinnitus at all too.

That is very strange because I was out drinking heavy last night. When we went home I was inside a party buss. This bus had concert hall speakers in the back and they were playing music like it was no tomorrow (insanely loud), together with 7 screaming girls. xD

When I got home I blasted EMD music on my headphones for another 2 hours.

This has happened before too. Alcohol + loud music = silence the next day.

Very strange indeed.
I think that the 7 party girls must have been screaming all together directly into your ears that sometimes works to quiet tinnitus I must have read a study on that they did back then in the Soviet Union.

Especially if they are very drunk - you want the sound and the smell !
Bill - was I right saying you don't need no laser ? with the minimal loss you have ears and t can heal on its own
Awesome Bill :) That's great news. Hopefully the silent stretches keep coming back. Mine is also completely silent at the moment - no ringing whatsoever.
Bill - was I right saying you don't need no laser ? with the minimal loss you have ears and t can heal on its own
I have no measurable hearing loss as far as I know Bobby,I can hear upto 18,000hz but yet I seem to get better,then worse then better.Its just the way it is with me and it usually strikes out of nowhere or after a sound exposure.Even though I've had two traumas since getting T my hearing hasn't gotton any worse?I know myself it's not what it use to be but all the hearing tests say otherwise.
Okay so that's good, people with really good hearing have low to no T, big surprise.

Any T sufferers here with hearing loss and normally loud intrusive T that have experienced silence or close to at times?
My T is loud and I have severe H,so to answer your question yes people with loud intrusive T can experience silence.To be honest my T,well I don't know what it is,barely there and other times deafening so make of it what you will.
My T is loud and I have severe H,so to answer your question yes people with loud intrusive T can experience silence.To be honest my T,well I don't know what it is,barely there and other times deafening so make of it what you will.
I don't get it, how can T be loud when your hearing is so good? That makes no sense. Or does your hearing fluctuate?
I don't get it, how can T be loud when your hearing is so good? That makes no sense. Or does your hearing fluctuate?
Makes no sense to me either Telis:(Hidden hearing loss perhaps?My hearing over the years hasn't gotten any worse but yet my T and H have.I can still hear up to 18,000hz so who knows.Do you have much hearing loss?
After my sound exposure over nearly 3 years ago I started experiencing popping in my head followed by a warm feeling dripping down my skull and dizziness.But yet no doctor can find what's wrong with me.
I don't get it, how can T be loud when your hearing is so good? That makes no sense. Or does your hearing fluctuate?

My T is loud and I have good hearing thresholds still. In a sound booth the T makes it harder to hear some of the high frequency beeps, but it's very high frequency and I can still pick them up. No detectable hearing loss.

I'm sure hearing loss can make things worse, but I don't think loudness is proportional to hearing loss. When I say hearing loss I mean hearing loss that is detectable in normal audiograms. You can actually severely damage high-threshold auditory nerves and still have normal "low threshold" audiograms. There are nerve fibers that are not even activated until they reach a certain noise level.
I think a lot of cases of tinnitus and hyperacusis that is not accompanied by hearing loss is due to damage to these high threshold nerve fibers.
My T is loud and I have good hearing thresholds still. In a sound booth the T makes it harder to hear some of the high frequency beeps, but it's very high frequency and I can still pick them up. No detectable hearing loss.

I'm sure hearing loss can make things worse, but I don't think loudness is proportional to hearing loss. When I say hearing loss I mean hearing loss that is detectable in normal audiograms. You can actually severely damage high-threshold auditory nerves and still have normal "low threshold" audiograms. There are nerve fibers that are not even activated until they reach a certain noise level.
I think a lot of cases of tinnitus and hyperacusis that is not accompanied by hearing loss is due to damage to these high threshold nerve fibers.
Yeah I agree but I wasn't making reference to normal audiograms, I was talking hearing loss in general. The poster stated that he can hear all the way up to 18khz, sounds pretty amazing to me.

I don't have much of any hearing beyond about 8khz, this is obviously where my tinnitus presents itself. My normal audiogram looks not bad, but when I am tested up to 16khz, things get really ugly. Basically I'm deaf where my T sits, I hear absolutely nothing in that region but my T.
I'm sure hearing loss can make things worse, but I don't think loudness is proportional to hearing loss. When I say hearing loss I mean hearing loss that is detectable in normal audiograms. You can actually severely damage high-threshold auditory nerves and still have normal "low threshold" audiograms

I don't have much of any hearing beyond about 8khz, this is obviously where my tinnitus presents itself. My normal audiogram looks not bad, but when I am tested up to 16khz, things get really ugly. Basically I'm deaf where my T sits, I hear absolutely nothing in that region but my T.

@Telis @Alue @bill 112

Hey guys, hope your doing well. I asked this question to fellow who also has tinnitus.
My question is : I had 2 acoustic traumas (1st time T was gone, 4 days later was too late, T is now to haunt me, you can read my story). Plus I got H on the 2 nd round, what a beautiful gift I've been offered.:whistle:

I have a hearing loss from 8Khz (around 20db) til 16Khz (around 50db) in both ears, maybe less (10db in the 16khZ) in the left.

So how come that I have "only" T in my right ear and not in my left ear (I have a little one, can hear it if i search it or in bed it's like sea shell or white noise)?

Hearing loss really means T?

Do you have any ideas guys? (I'm grateful for this, because just with my right ear, I can't bear my T).

Thank you for your feedbacks/comments :)

Thank you.

That's really frustrating. So the conclusion of most ENTs that T is due to HL, is a non-valid theory and researches should be more led on the brain/limbic system hypothesis?

Or maybe my left hair cells didn't die vs my right ear.

Please doctors, make a real study!
Yeah I agree but I wasn't making reference to normal audiograms, I was talking hearing loss in general. The poster stated that he can hear all the way up to 18khz, sounds pretty amazing to me.

I don't have much of any hearing beyond about 8khz, this is obviously where my tinnitus presents itself. My normal audiogram looks not bad, but when I am tested up to 16khz, things get really ugly. Basically I'm deaf where my T sits, I hear absolutely nothing in that region but my T.

I did a high frequency hearing test recently (I think it was up to 16kHz) in a booth and although I can hear them, the high frequencies are extremely distorted. It's really strange, hard to describe, but it did not sound like a single tone at all. I could tell there was something coming out of the headphones but it's not like anything I've ever heard.

I tried doing a high frequency hearing test at home with my own speakers / headphones, but couldn't hear anything past 13kHz. I don't know what to make of it.
Not necessarily, no. You can have tinnitus without significant hearing loss and significant hearing loss without tinnitus.

True, but in most cases there is more than likely a connection to 'hidden hearing loss' and tinnitus than most ENT's will admit.

It's amazing how many specialist don't even read research and keep up with the literature for the conditions they are diagnosing.

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