Don't Know Where to Start

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by moomoo, Jun 15, 2017.

    1. moomoo

      moomoo Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Thank goodness for a support group. Who would ever think there would be so many of us with this unforgiving syndrome. Woke up in January 2017 with a high pitch ringing in ear. Went to MedExpress to see what could be done. Then shortly thereafter went to an audiologist and then to a PCP All the while I was doing my own research on this and I am confident that I am more well versed and knowledgeable on the subject of tinnitus then the specialists.

      Early on I have decided that no one should ever say to a person with tinnitus "don't worry you won't die from this." That's suppose to be comforting? or we have studies that will not help you but we will be willing to take your money if that is what makes you happy.

      I have found comfort from various people who are dealing with tinnitus on the internet. I consider myself fortunate in the fact that I experience cyclical tinnitus. The pattern generally seems to be 2 days off one day on (but there are variances).

      I have tried rationing my alcohol intake, salt intake, exercising more frequently, adjusting my sleep time, listening to mask noises - and have concluded - NOTHING MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
      • Agree Agree x 1

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