Ear Spasms, Popping Sensations, Whooshing Sounds with CVST (Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis — Blood Clot)


Nov 18, 2024
Tinnitus Since
May 2024
Cause of Tinnitus
Blood Clot in Brain
Hi everyone,

I know this is a tinnitus site, but I was wondering if anyone developed tinnitus symptoms after a blood clot. I have CVST with partial occlusion in the transverse sinus, sigmoid sinus, and into the jugular vein. I'm eight weeks into my blood thinner treatment. Most of my symptoms are mild, but I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced unusual ear issues with CVST.

I don't have pulsatile tinnitus, which is common among CVST patients. Instead, I experience irregular ear spasms (fluttering or a draining sound) and a popping sensation in both ears. They don't feel clogged, but these symptoms flare up a few times a day and are worst in the morning. I also occasionally hear whooshing sounds when I swallow or burp. The whooshing is irregular (not pulsatile). My neurologist believes it might be the sound of blood circulating (or trying to).

I did have slight sound distortion and mild hearing sensitivity, but those have improved over time.

Has anyone experienced similar symptoms? If so, could you share whether they resolved or improved over time? These issues are causing me some distress, and they've been difficult to manage.

Thank you!

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