I'm in a very bad place.
My tinnitus has spiked and I've got a new noise in my left ear which is like a rapid on off loud whining.
It makes it impossible to sleep. Seriously a constant steady ring is much easier to tune out then this.
Anyway because of this I haven't slept in 4 days I've been anxious and vomiting.
My parents are stressed to the max.
This is the worst I've ever been since i got tinnitus in 2001.
I spent all last night looking up painless ways to kill myself and I have a plan now for the soon to be future.
The problem now is that my mum wants me to goto a hospital or psych ward place and stay there. But what I'm concerned about is the noise there. I also have hyperacusis and I need peace and quiet. If they stuck me in a ward even with my own private room I think I'd panic and be even worse if people were coming and going, there was noise outside and in the hallways etc...
I don't know what to do.
I've had tinnitus since 2001 so I'm very experienced with it but right now in ok crisis and very suicidal. It's all due to this damn new noise I now have that's keeping me awake and putting me through hell. There's absolutely no way to sleep with it.

My tinnitus has spiked and I've got a new noise in my left ear which is like a rapid on off loud whining.
It makes it impossible to sleep. Seriously a constant steady ring is much easier to tune out then this.
Anyway because of this I haven't slept in 4 days I've been anxious and vomiting.
My parents are stressed to the max.
This is the worst I've ever been since i got tinnitus in 2001.
I spent all last night looking up painless ways to kill myself and I have a plan now for the soon to be future.
The problem now is that my mum wants me to goto a hospital or psych ward place and stay there. But what I'm concerned about is the noise there. I also have hyperacusis and I need peace and quiet. If they stuck me in a ward even with my own private room I think I'd panic and be even worse if people were coming and going, there was noise outside and in the hallways etc...
I don't know what to do.
I've had tinnitus since 2001 so I'm very experienced with it but right now in ok crisis and very suicidal. It's all due to this damn new noise I now have that's keeping me awake and putting me through hell. There's absolutely no way to sleep with it.