My grandmother told me today that my uncle has a relative that has had tinnitus all his life. The hopeful thing about it is that he has lived an extremely successful life and is now very well off. I figured I would share that with you all. It is hopeful that most after possibly many annoyance flare up will accept the tinnitus for the time being and after a while they will tune it out most of the time and when they do notice it, it will not cause depression or anxiety and therefore the mind will tune it out again.
Maybe in the future something will happen and the tinnitus will be lessened or eliminated but for the time being it can be tuned out, and possibly after a while of acceptance some people might not care much anymore about its elimination.
Maybe in the future something will happen and the tinnitus will be lessened or eliminated but for the time being it can be tuned out, and possibly after a while of acceptance some people might not care much anymore about its elimination.