Evidence, for Me, It's Somewhat Mental

Discussion in 'Support' started by Dave555, Sep 2, 2018.

    1. Dave555

      Dave555 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Power tools
      First off I want to clarify that I know that I have actual sound damage, and that at least is real. And I know many people might have more serious ear issues. But the psychological component is hard to ignore.

      Based on the timeline of events, I incurred sound damage on a Sunday and after that, I slept for about 4 days with no masking sounds. I have a snoring recording app on my phone that I was using at the time, which I could only have been used in a silent room. During those days I was more concerned about my snoring than anything else, except perhaps getting old.

      After 4 days, I started becoming more concerned about the ringing and have not been able to sleep in silence since. Today, I feel no way could I sleep in a silent room.

      So ignorance was bliss for 4 days. I wonder if at some point I'll just be able to chill out, stop worrying and ignore it.
      • Hug Hug x 1
    2. Red

      Red Member

      Northeast USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Exposure (Headphones)
      There absolutely is a psychological component to it. Sometimes it's just hard to separate what is anxiety and what is something we should be concerned about.
      It's best just to keep your mind on other things but for those of us with T, that's not always easy.

      If you're worried about snoring you should try looking into what options you have to reduce it or even what the underlying cause might be.
      • Agree Agree x 1

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