Hi guys, I'm a recent graduate (Business) that has yet to get a job, but I somehow managed to ruin my ears to the point of having a 40 decibel dip at 8 kHz and 30 decibel dip at 4 kHz and more dips throughout my audiogram. It's amazing how both me and the doctors failed to diagnose/recognize my hearing loss all these years. I had a really hard time hearing in certain situations and even described my hearing as muffled/having ringing ears. Each time I went to the doctors, somehow it was deduced to earwax. (Guess I had a lot of buildup + hearing loss, so the hearing loss went undiscovered). It was not until recently did a doctor finally call for a hearing test and that was where I discovered my hearing loss. I should've been more smart to realize that loud music was the cause all these years. 
I have to work soon and make ends meet despite having hearing loss though. Do you guys have any tips for getting a job when I have hearing loss? I'm scared I won't be able to hear people well, or that my tinnitus will be spiked by loud noises. The thing I'm most afraid of is taking phone calls, because I don't want to hold the phone up to my ear or wear earbuds... I'm also scared of being judged for having hearing loss at such a young age. I can still hear in quiet situations, so there's no need for a hearing aid just yet.
(Never in my life would I thought this would happen... stupid concerts and earbuds ugh.)
I'm not sure what to do and how to handle going into the workforce. Still beating myself up/extremely angry at myself for self-inflicting my hearing loss due to lack of common sense and unawareness.
It makes life so much harder now, job wise and social wise.

I have to work soon and make ends meet despite having hearing loss though. Do you guys have any tips for getting a job when I have hearing loss? I'm scared I won't be able to hear people well, or that my tinnitus will be spiked by loud noises. The thing I'm most afraid of is taking phone calls, because I don't want to hold the phone up to my ear or wear earbuds... I'm also scared of being judged for having hearing loss at such a young age. I can still hear in quiet situations, so there's no need for a hearing aid just yet.

I'm not sure what to do and how to handle going into the workforce. Still beating myself up/extremely angry at myself for self-inflicting my hearing loss due to lack of common sense and unawareness.