Had No Problems with Tinnitus Until a Week Ago — Is My Clenched Jaw the Culprit?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Liv101, Jan 28, 2020.

    1. Liv101

      Liv101 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Nov 2014
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud show
      I've had tinnitus for just over 5 years after going to a loud show and standing too close to the speaker. At first it was hard, but within a few months I had habituated, despite it being quite unstable for the first year or so (it would get louder and quieter, and even be painful sometimes).

      I haven't had any problems with it since 2015 and only noticed it at night before sleeping or if I thought about it. Until about a week ago, when I started with a gnarly spike. It is loud and high pitched and really aggravating. Is this a thing that is going to go away or am I going to have to rehabituate to this? Is it even possible to do that if it gets worse like this? I am feeling scared.

      Background info: I am currently having some other mental health problems and stomach issues, so my jaw is unbelievably clenched a lot of the time, if that could mean anything?
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    2. LukeYoung

      LukeYoung Member Benefactor

      Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      A loud Concert - Noise Exposure
      Very possible that it's just a spike, if you haven't been around loud sounds.

      To give you an idea, I had a 2 week spike, thought to my suck f**k me... now I have to habituate again. But it went back to baseline.
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