Haircuts and Earplugs: Bad Idea?

Discussion in 'Support' started by BoboBobo123, Aug 16, 2024.

    1. BoboBobo123

      BoboBobo123 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      TMJ/Noise Exposure
      Hello, everyone!

      I’m currently dealing with a tinnitus spike after wearing earplugs during a haircut last night, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

      I’m wondering if it's possible—and if so, how likely—that using electric clippers could cause more harm when earplugs are worn due to the occlusion effect. Fortunately, I have the clippers with me and was able to take some measurements this morning using my phone’s decibel meter and a flat-response studio microphone.

      The clippers measured around 70 dB at about an inch from my phone and 90 dB when placed directly against the microphone. I also did a spectrum analysis with the studio mic, showing that most of the frequency content was around 3 kHz. However, there was also a low hum around 120 Hz, where the occlusion effect is most noticeable (sounds in this range can get up to a 40 dB boost, according to some graphs I’ve seen).

      Based on this, I reasoned that the hum from the clippers could potentially reach 140 dB in a plugged ear canal. I’d really appreciate it if someone could debunk this! Otherwise, we might want to start advising people to reconsider wearing earplugs during haircuts.
    2. Rams

      Rams Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Concert trauma

      As someone who has had multiple haircuts while wearing earplugs, I think the experience varies from person to person.

      I will say that wearing earplugs helps by reducing the harsh, annoying frequencies caused by air conduction.

      From my experience, the actual decibels felt through bone conduction aren’t anywhere near 140 dB. That level would cause immediate damage to the inner ear and lead to deafness, which hasn’t been the case for me.

      Although tinnitus may slightly spike with earplugs, it's better than not wearing them, where a spike is almost guaranteed. Of course, your experience may differ!
      • Agree Agree x 1

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