Quick question, guys.
I recently took a new job in construction, working with cement. Every other day, I have to use a jackhammer, which reaches peak decibels over 120.
I have been using 3M foam earplugs with a 33 NRR along with 30 NRR earmuffs. From what I understand, the actual noise reduction is about 5 NRR added on top of the highest-rated protection, which would give me a total reduction of 38 decibels. That would bring the noise exposure down to around 82 decibels, which should be a safe level.
I had to take this job to feed my family. I have been working in construction for the past six years, and I am 24 years old. I do not want to damage my ears any worse, but I also need to support my family.
Can anyone offer some advice? Thank you all so much!
I recently took a new job in construction, working with cement. Every other day, I have to use a jackhammer, which reaches peak decibels over 120.
I have been using 3M foam earplugs with a 33 NRR along with 30 NRR earmuffs. From what I understand, the actual noise reduction is about 5 NRR added on top of the highest-rated protection, which would give me a total reduction of 38 decibels. That would bring the noise exposure down to around 82 decibels, which should be a safe level.
I had to take this job to feed my family. I have been working in construction for the past six years, and I am 24 years old. I do not want to damage my ears any worse, but I also need to support my family.
Can anyone offer some advice? Thank you all so much!