Hello, I Got Tinnitus on New Year's Eve, Two Days Ago. I Can't Imagine a Shittier Start to 2018

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Radioman, Jan 3, 2018.

    1. Radioman

      Radioman Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I've used headphones for the past 6 years, for playing games. Maybe thats what caused it. Thing is, my hearing feels fine, and i can still hear things at a relatively low volume. Im only 18,I never expected something of this caliber to fuck with me. The biggest thing that bothers me is sleep. Its been two days and im wide awake. I try to relax as much as i can but the noise seems to just get louder and louder as i want to sleep. I go from sadness to anger to despair continuously. I want to hope that it will go away but the internet has crushed that hope. Every damn website i open says the same thing. "theres no cure, live with it. It also gets worse". Well thats fucking great isnt it. Thanks for reading that rant. Good luck to you.
    2. Agrajag364

      Agrajag364 Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      It absolutely does go away for some people. In what proportion does not seem clear. But I would guess that after two days the odds are pretty good that you maybe one of the ones it goes away in. I mean it's quite common for people to have ringing in the ears for a week or so after noise exposure
    3. glynis

      glynis Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Meniere's Disease
      Try to stay calm and keep relaxing music on low around you.
      For now keep away from extra loud sounds and take a break for a few weeks from headphone use.
      Have your ears checked out for wax etc.
      Try steam inhalation to help clear your tubes .
      Try not read lots of negative posts and try to remain positive as time is a good healer.
      Try Melatonin for sleep and have a chat with your doctor if sleeping becomes a problem but try soft music at night.
      Let us know how you get on.
      Love glynis
    4. Snake

      Snake Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      2011 - Gaming on headphones. 2020 - Severe by breaking glass
      @Radioman Hey, you should go to the hospital / ENT NOW! and get the Prednisone treatment ASAP!!!

      48h is the best time period for it so you're still in the sweetspot. Go for it as there is still chance for recovery and defeat T in early stages!

      Also, you can take NAC supplement, A / B12 / C / D / E Vitamins and Magnesium to help your recovery but Prednisone is your first line of defense!

      After you do it give yourself time and forget about loud noises, give your body a chance.

      Please do it, don't feel the guilt later.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    5. jjflyman

      jjflyman Member

      Michigan, USA
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      noise (Concert)
      That is only partly true. There is no cure, but for the vast majority of people who get noise induces Tinnitus, the T fades over time (6-24 months)
      I'm living proof of that, as 12 years ago I had severe T from a very loud exposure, but it faded to ZERO in around 18 months or so.
      I am now in a second bout with T from a loud concert, and it has faded 80-90% in 15 months.
      Don't believe all the horror stories, as almost all noise caused T fades in time.
      • Like Like x 1
    6. ZZZK

      ZZZK Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Noise Exposure
      Doesn't sound like any kind of acute exposure but more like cumulative trauma. You need to realize for many people new T that they actually had some varying degree of T for a long time but were simply unaware and/or ignoring it. We live in a noisy society (you mentioned headphone use which actually does a lot of damage over time if you aren't very careful). You probably had some degree for T for a long time but something has brought your focus onto it. Certain stimulants (caffeine, alcohol, over the counter medication etc) can temporary raise your T and you will suddenly notice it, then when that stimulant fades the T comes down back to normal background levels but you now notice it because you are sort of hyper aware and hyper focused on it. I've had T for 16 years and I hardly ever notice mine now and I have learned to ignore it. It doesn't bother me. In my case I had an acute loud exposure back in 2002 that raised up my T and made me hyper aware and hyper focused on it which makes it worse and emotionally disruptive. If you work on ignoring and stopping yourself from ruminating on it you'll find the mind is quite powerful at adapting and you won't notice it. If you are having trouble sleeping I suggest a white noise generator until you teach yourself to ignore the T.

      Like I said you probably had some degree of T for a long time that never bothered you because you simply not focusing on it and had already taught yourself to ignore it.

      The funny thing is when I got that bout of T in 2002 all I could focus on was some miracle cure or scientific break through to make it all go away. But now I'm so used to living with it that even if such a cure came about I doubt I would bother unless it was very low risk and paid for by my insurance.
      • Helpful Helpful x 1
    7. =^..^=

      =^..^= Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Head injury, Bicycle accident no helmet
      if your condition is not caused by trauma theres a good chance it will ease up and go away so do your best to not stress on it and get lots of rest. best thing you can do is wear foam earplugs to block out all loud noises, keep yourself busy but with minimal activity, increased blood pressure type activity increases the ringing. do your best not stress on it and get lots of rest. for me, relax and good music is the best way to ignore it and not let it bother your conscious. if you focus on it and let it get to you it will own you and it will get worse, im going on 30 years of battling this nonsense
    8. Rafroki

      Rafroki Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Loud Music
      I love this thread! So many positive feed backs. Oh and Listen to SNAKE. He is absolutely right.
      My ear doctor said that when I went to him but I was too late. So go quick and try that. It is worth it. Go fast.

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