Hello! The Gym Removes My Tinnitus Temporarily!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Olav B, Jan 23, 2018.

    1. Olav B

      Olav B Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi everyone,

      I was introduced to the world of tinnitus 3 months ago, and i'm blown away by what you all must be dealing with and I would like to share my experience with tinnitus.

      It started with a mild background white-noise, and followed by a few days with high pitch sounds before it's stabilized as a mild white-noise. After 3 days, I visited ENT doctor and he tested both my ears with a tympanometry and concluded both my eardrums are stiff.

      The ENT doctor recommended rinexin and cortisone nasal spray, I used that for two weeks with mixed results. After 4 weeks I visited my family doctor with tinnitus, and she told me to come back with after another 4 weeks.

      Last week, I visited her again and I now got an appointment to drain the eustachian tube(s), but not before 8 weeks, cause she thinks this will fade away by itself.

      My experience with my tinnitus..:
      • When there is silence I use chewing gum to make the tinnitus fade away.
      • While at the gym the tinnitus is gone, totally.
      • Talking and walking makes tinnitus fade away.
      • Argue with my girlfriend makes my tinnitus worse ;-)
      • Eating and drinking makes the tinnitus fade away.
      Anyone got something similar like me ?
    2. fishbone

      fishbone Member Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      loud noise and very bad sickness
      Just because your tinnitus comes and goes, don't take it for granted. If you do not use caution, it can become permanent and louder.

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