Help Needed on Drug Experience for High-Pitched Tinnitus

Greg Sacramento

Hall of Fame
May 16, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
I had subjective tinnitus for 7 years with a loud buzz that lowered somewhat over time. Since a dental visit I added a very loud high pitch ringing. I know a fair amount about tinnitus, but not so much on drug treatments. I had talked to other doctors about my new high pitch, but no real advice on drugs to help lower the high pitch.

So I'm just asking for those who have used a drug where their high pitch was lowered a little. Maybe just by 20%. Just asking for experiences on a drug where someone had their high pitch somewhat lowered. I hold myself responsible for any decisions to use a certain drug.

Since my dental visit attaining added somatic T three months ago, I did have some days where the T lowered, but I now think that was because of ear fog. Now for the last week, my high pitch is getting higher, like a high pitched police siren directing to my ears.

Thank you.
@Greg Sacramento
Drugs to lower tinnitus is not the best way forward for you and seldom work long term and can lead to dependancy. Clonazepam is normally used and can help some people. It is not meant for long term use and some doctors will not prescribe it. Get some tests done at ENT and if they are normal a referal to a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist for tinnitus management is what I recommend. Read my article: Tinnitus, A Personal View, available in my "started threads".
@micheal Leigh
When I attained subjective tinnitus seven years ago, I did hundreds of hours of research on T & H, reading just about every professional article written, plus many postings on this site. I was one in a small group at that time on TinnitusTalk. After 1.5 years my H went away and I totally habituated to my T after 3.5 years. The baseline probably went from a 10 to a 5 or 6, but I never thought about it. Only in a quiet place at times, did I say to myself - I guess I have tinnitus and then seconds later I was back living a normal life again.

Since getting this new somatic tinnitus 3 months ago, my T is a very high pitch siren. In the last three months, I again did many hours of research. I'm older now with many serious other medical problems. Blood flow and circulation problem in my legs and feet. I may need to have my left leg and foot removed in a year or two. So habituation with high pitch is going to be a challenge.

I been one of those where audio testing spikes my ears. I'm been to many doctors. One researcher said that researchers are afraid to advice drugs used for other diseases for T. He said that TinnitusTalk number one value is to listen to other's experiences using drugs for tinnitus. No drugs for tinnitus are approved by the FDA.

I have read your article - A Personal View, many times. I just need a drug where I can use for a short period of time, to help with this loud high pitch ringing. A drug used over a long period will interfere with habituation.
@Greg Sacramento
I was prescribed clonazepam in 2010 as my tinnitus can reach severe levels. I was advised by my ENT doctor and GP to only take it when my tinnitus is severe. My tinnitus ranges from: silent, mild, moderate and severe. I only take clonazepam occasionally now. It might help you, as long as you intend to only use it occasionally. If it is regularly used the body quickly habituates to it and more of the drug is needed to get relief and that's when dependency can set it. So be careful. Do you listen to music through headphones or attend places where loud music is played?

Thanks Michael. I listen to white sounds like rain and water falls on a CD from about 6 feet away. I do the same at about 8 feet away at night. I don't try to totally mast the sound, but enough where my ears are exposed to some noise.

When after I habituated the first time, I wasn't concerned about sound. I did use headphones while using the lawn mover, vacuum and sometimes on a busy loud highway.
When after I habituated the first time, I wasn't concerned about sound. I did use headphones while using the lawn mover, vacuum and sometimes on a busy loud highway.

As you know @Greg Sacramento I don't recommend the use of headphones when someone has tinnitus. Although I'm a little more forgiving when the tinnitus wasn't originally caused by loud noise. If you're sure headphones isn't making your tinnitus worse then continue but I don't advise it since the tinnitus is high pitched and intrusive. I feel counselling with a Hearing Therapist will help you.
Best of luck

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