Hey Guys I'm New Here! I Got My Tinnitus 3 Months Ago. Need Advice :(

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kevin17, Dec 1, 2015.

    1. Kevin17

      Kevin17 Member

      South Jakarta, Indonesia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      i got my tinnitus when i woke up in the middle of the night 3 months ago, it' really weird because there's nothing wrong with my ears before i went to sleep, i already went to ENT and audiologist and took a hearing test, they said there's nothing wrong with my hearing, i have a normal hearing for a 19 y/o man, my ent doctor said that i have an allergy and she gave me nasal spray, it's been 3 months but the tinnitus is still there i need help, will it disappear? it's scary :(
      • Hug Hug x 2
    2. Fungus

      Fungus Member

      Wild, Wet and Wooly Wales
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Kevin17, try not to be scared. The tinnitus has come due to something....could it be that you had a viral infection?
      You mention that it may have been exposed to loud noise...what was that noise? The louder the noise and the longer the time that you were exposed to it, the more likely you are to develop tinnitus.
      Sinusitis (often related to allergies) can cause tinnitus. I am assuming that the nasal spray was steroid based?
      Have you had any other drugs...either prescribed or recreational that may have caused the problem?
      The fact that you have normal hearing is good. It will be helpful if it is possible to determine the cause of the tinnitus, as finding the cause may suggest something that can be done.
      The general rule of thumb (and it's oh-so-often wrong!) is that tinnitus of under 6 months duration may go away.
      If it does not, things WILL improve.
      You may need to seek out other opinions from doctors who have an interest in tinnitus (many don't!).

      Tinnitus cannot harm you.

    3. AUTHOR

      Kevin17 Member

      South Jakarta, Indonesia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      @Fungus hello fungus!, well i used to listen to my headphones a lot on high volume but not anymore because i'm scared, and there's nothing wrong with my hearing it's so sudden, i don't know about the steroid nasal spray btw i didn't check, and i never had any drugs, i'm pretty much fine and nothing wrong with me before i went to sleep but then boom, the tinnitus woke me up and it's very loud, i'm very scared anxiety went over the roof, so what do you think? what should i do? :(

      thanks for the reply.
    4. AUTHOR

      Kevin17 Member

      South Jakarta, Indonesia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      @Fungus i forgot to mention that i'm a musician and i listen to music a lot, and i remembered my ears hurt the day before i got my tinnitus, maybe it's because of a loud noise but then again my hearing is normal.
    5. billie48

      billie48 Member Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      Is there any recent issues causing excessive stress, grief, or taking some new drugs, diet change? Like you I woke up one night with this loud scream in my ears. I couldn't nail down to one event causing it, but the ENTs confirmed that I have hearing loss in the high frequency, hence my ultra high pitched T. LOL. I also have severe hyperacusis soon after T, and the two of them just turned me in a mess too. But in a few years I am back living a normal and productive life. So never rule out you can get better. Try to read up the success stories. I am not alone in getting better. Many members get better and write their success stories. You can learn from them how to get better. Don't be scared by T. It feeds on your fear and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are toxic to T. Don't provide the fuel for T to continue its tyranny. I listed over 10 points to help myself get better. Here is my story and that of IWLM who got better after 40 years of bad T using a simple strategy.


      The most read success story ‘Back to Silence’ with a simple effective strategy by IWLM:
      • Like Like x 2
    6. AUTHOR

      Kevin17 Member

      South Jakarta, Indonesia
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure
      @billie48 Hello bille! i don't think so everyday is a normal day, i don't know what causing it and thank god i don't have hyperacusis, i'm sorry you had it for years, i only had it for a couple months and it's driving me crazy, i just hope it will disappear, i miss silence, i'm glad a lot of people recovered from T :)

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