Ive had severe tinnitus and hyperacusis for 5 years now. Its very loud, I can hear it no matter where I am. Even in the shower. I have fullness in the ear and the volume of my tinnitus is affected by outside noises. Weather they are loud noises or just a certain pitch they make my tinnitus angry and it gets louder from anywhere from a couple hours to a month to a permanent flare up. It doesn't take much to make my tinnitus get permanently louder so I wear goofy hearing protection wherever I go and people look at me funny. "Hey ladies!"......no that doesn't work very well when you cant even stand a females laugh. After 5 years and non-stop permanent flare ups ive realized that I havent been happy in the past 5 years and i will never be happy again. My plan is to go when my best friend goes. That fluffy little bundle of love is the only thing keeping me from taking myself out. Other than that I just sit in my room and cry 24 hours a day. Nice to meet you!