How Stupid Can People Be? Air Horn Pranks...

Albert Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Couldn't agree more with the above comment. There is never any shortage of idiots, however they'd try this prank on me only once. I don't react well. I remember once on a yacht with friends someone yelled in my ear suddenly out of the blue and I just burst into tears I got such a fright. Nowadays I'd probably deck them before thinking - automatic reaction.
I was watching tosh.o and they were sticking canned compressed air into people's ears as a prank. They would walk up behind and hold the straw extension into the persons ear canal and blast them with high pressure air right inside the ear, unreal.

Wonder how long it takes until we hit 100 million Americans with tinnitus, on that day, we will have an actual cure. Let them carry on, this can only lead to more people with tinnitus and the more likelihood we are cured. Horrible way of thinking but that's how it is.
I was watching tosh.o and they were sticking canned compressed air into people's ears as a prank. They would walk up behind and hold the straw extension into the persons ear canal and blast them with high pressure air right inside the ear, unreal.

See its shit like this that makes me want to avoid society altogether. I swear people are getting dumber.

Reminds me of that stupid knock out prank or whatever.. Ugh..I blame "bros"
Unfortunately, most of them have driver licenses and drive on the same roads we do....:nailbiting:

Agreed...I see them texting and driving all the time..Pre H and T I used to roll down the window and yell at them lol

Once while riding, I pulled up to a girl driving while using her LAPTOP! a Laptop! LOL

We proceeded to pull up beside her where I told her how incredibly stupid she was.

Yea I used to have a big mouth but stupid people really annoy me. .
What pisses me off most is that they kill or injure innocent people every day on our highways because of the STUPID shit they pull behind the wheel!

Also, they don't seem to learn from their previous mistakes. That was the point of Ron White in the video I posted above, "You can't fix 'stupid'."

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