How to Diagnose / Measure Hidden Hearing Loss?

Discussion in 'Support' started by Ant315, Nov 5, 2023.

    1. Ant315

      Ant315 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Hi all,

      I'm 28M with tinnitus in my right ear after microsuction / syringing 3 weeks ago.

      Audiogram was normal (0-10 dB) for all frequencies up to 8 kHz, and no anomalies in the noise-in-speech test or tympanometry.

      Despite these results, I have a perceived loss in my right ear (I can tell my left ear is crisper / louder when blocking alternate ears watching TV).

      So I think I have ‘hidden’ hearing loss relating to my right ear which is causing the tinnitus in an attempt to compensate.

      I have another hearing test and tinnitus consult with an audiologist on Wednesday - wondering what tests I can ask for / can ask them in an attempt to quantify this loss in my right ear? The noise-in-speech is obviously a very blunt tool. I’ll be asking for an extended range audiogram and mention my tinnitus seems to be about 4 kHz.

      Thank you.

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