Hi everyone
I've had tinnitus since around April/May I got diognosed professionally 2weeks ago although I already new I had it through Google. I suffer with severe chronic anxiety and a phobia of vomit (crazy I know) and for the last year the anxiety has been so horrific it's caused this tinnitus and it's another stress on my shoulders I can't handle. It comes and goes and it focuses on my right ear but travels to both and through my head I find when I'm really stressed or been crying or the time of the month my ears are worse does anyone else have it like this?
It gets so bad sometimes I actually get fluid in my ears which is 100x worse, so today I was just sitting on my phone and my head literally starts rumbling I can't really explain it other than its like thunder starting in my right ear and going through my head and it lasts about 10seconds and then my right ear is boiling hot and red. Now me being me and the worrier I am I do worry it may be something to do with my brain however it does start in my ear it literally feels like thunder shaking my head is this normal?
The normal symptoms I get are the high pitched ringing between ears, cracking sounds, silence hurts my ears and makes the sounds in my ears louder and every time I swallow they pop. I also get dizzy or un steady and just do t feel 'normal' or 'well' I'm praying this is normal for tinnitus sufferers otherwise I'll keep panicking and worrying more. I always find doctors are just so busy they don't have time to go in depth which is understandable but I just really need to know this is ok because I'm panicking so much. My right ear is currently on fire and I just don't feel right, I didn't sleep well last night and have bee tired today could this be a trigger because my ears were Ok yesterday they are never perfect but they didn't feel like they do today.
Someone please help me I'm so scared I'll have an aneurism or something terrible happen to me I'm hoping it's just my tinnitus.
Thank you so much and sorry for the long winded essay It's harder writing it all x
I've had tinnitus since around April/May I got diognosed professionally 2weeks ago although I already new I had it through Google. I suffer with severe chronic anxiety and a phobia of vomit (crazy I know) and for the last year the anxiety has been so horrific it's caused this tinnitus and it's another stress on my shoulders I can't handle. It comes and goes and it focuses on my right ear but travels to both and through my head I find when I'm really stressed or been crying or the time of the month my ears are worse does anyone else have it like this?
It gets so bad sometimes I actually get fluid in my ears which is 100x worse, so today I was just sitting on my phone and my head literally starts rumbling I can't really explain it other than its like thunder starting in my right ear and going through my head and it lasts about 10seconds and then my right ear is boiling hot and red. Now me being me and the worrier I am I do worry it may be something to do with my brain however it does start in my ear it literally feels like thunder shaking my head is this normal?
The normal symptoms I get are the high pitched ringing between ears, cracking sounds, silence hurts my ears and makes the sounds in my ears louder and every time I swallow they pop. I also get dizzy or un steady and just do t feel 'normal' or 'well' I'm praying this is normal for tinnitus sufferers otherwise I'll keep panicking and worrying more. I always find doctors are just so busy they don't have time to go in depth which is understandable but I just really need to know this is ok because I'm panicking so much. My right ear is currently on fire and I just don't feel right, I didn't sleep well last night and have bee tired today could this be a trigger because my ears were Ok yesterday they are never perfect but they didn't feel like they do today.
Someone please help me I'm so scared I'll have an aneurism or something terrible happen to me I'm hoping it's just my tinnitus.
Thank you so much and sorry for the long winded essay It's harder writing it all x