I'm in the Hospital and Need Some Positivity


Sep 14, 2013
Tinnitus Since
Hi T family,

Just want to preface this by saying I don't want any negativity on this thread please.

I'm in hospital with pneumonia, pluracy and dehydration. My 5th day :( and I'm facing my biggest fear ... Medications.

I'm currently in IV penicillin, fluids and maxalon, and orally Ibuprofen, Panadine forte and doxycycline (as my second antibiotic)

Just seems like so much for someone who doesn't even like to take a codine table. Unfortunately it's just one of those situations where I don't have a choice. I've never even been this ill.

My doctor has been great - originally wanted me on an "mycin" class of antibiotics which I flatly refused so he said I could have the doxycycline instead which shouldn't upset my ears BUT I couldn't choose not to take it because otherwise within a few days I wouldn't be a) In a capacity to decide or b) making no decisions at all because ... Well fill in the blanks...

So I guess I'm thankful he tried to work around my T for me. I do feel my T is a little louder but I'm in a pretty stressful situation too so I'm being positive and putting it down to that.

Guess I'm just in here looking for positive stories (positive ONLY), good wishes and good ear vibes you want to throw my way!
(((((Hugs))))) Get well.jpg
Hi, Amelia,

Good for you for insisting on a non-mycin type of antibiotic! You did the right thing by agreeing to take the doxycycline, even if it does temporarily make your tinnitus a bit more intense. I'm sure your doctor wants the best for you, and wants you to relax and heal as quickly as possible.

I'm sending you positive, good wishes for increased health, strength, and daily progress. We're thinking of you, and wishing you a speedy recovery.

You are a strong and positive person, and you will beat this!!

Hugs and lots of good wishes,

@Marlene just posted this on another thread, and I thought it would be perfect to send to you today:

It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices.
But you are a strong person.
It takes courage
But you possess the inner courage to see you through.
It takes being an active participant in your life
But you are in the driver's seat, and you can determine the direction
you want tomorrow to go in.

More hugs and good wishes,
Hugs, @Amelia. I am sure any T increases you might be experiencing will disappear as you recover, your stress level eases and your body heals. Sending you lots of positive energy.
Hi T family,

Just want to preface this by saying I don't want any negativity on this thread please.

I'm in hospital with pneumonia, pluracy and dehydration. My 5th day :( and I'm facing my biggest fear ... Medications.

I'm currently in IV penicillin, fluids and maxalon, and orally Ibuprofen, Panadine forte and doxycycline (as my second antibiotic)

Just seems like so much for someone who doesn't even like to take a codine table. Unfortunately it's just one of those situations where I don't have a choice. I've never even been this ill.

My doctor has been great - originally wanted me on an "mycin" class of antibiotics which I flatly refused so he said I could have the doxycycline instead which shouldn't upset my ears BUT I couldn't choose not to take it because otherwise within a few days I wouldn't be a) In a capacity to decide or b) making no decisions at all because ... Well fill in the blanks...

So I guess I'm thankful he tried to work around my T for me. I do feel my T is a little louder but I'm in a pretty stressful situation too so I'm being positive and putting it down to that.

Guess I'm just in here looking for positive stories (positive ONLY), good wishes and good ear vibes you want to throw my way!

Hi Amelia, you are a smart gal, and one tough cookie. I think it's going to take more than a hospital stay to get you down. We are all sending good vibs your way:huganimation:
Hi Amelia,
Big hugs. It is a tough time. I give you all my strength.
Whatever will happen, T will become a minor or non-issue for us in the future. It takes time and we here on TT go through this together.
All the best from Germany,
You are in my thoughts! I am sure that you will end up being fine! :puppykisses: It is good that you had this "mycin"-information when you went there! You have our support... hang in there beauty!
Hiya Amelia,just got on IPad My you in hospital,there soon have you sorted,in best place,I agree with all TT friends above,Karens quote Always look on the Bright Side of Life,keep singing it to yourself.
Your be up and about soon.Aussie hospitals are really great I hear.
Thinking of you,here in UK.Speedy recovery.God Bless this Sunday .stay on line with how your doing.Hugs lots of them .XXXXXX
Hi T family,

Just want to preface this by saying I don't want any negativity on this thread please.

I'm in hospital with pneumonia, pluracy and dehydration. My 5th day :( and I'm facing my biggest fear ... Medications.

I'm currently in IV penicillin, fluids and maxalon, and orally Ibuprofen, Panadine forte and doxycycline (as my second antibiotic)

Just seems like so much for someone who doesn't even like to take a codine table. Unfortunately it's just one of those situations where I don't have a choice. I've never even been this ill.

My doctor has been great - originally wanted me on an "mycin" class of antibiotics which I flatly refused so he said I could have the doxycycline instead which shouldn't upset my ears BUT I couldn't choose not to take it because otherwise within a few days I wouldn't be a) In a capacity to decide or b) making no decisions at all because ... Well fill in the blanks...

So I guess I'm thankful he tried to work around my T for me. I do feel my T is a little louder but I'm in a pretty stressful situation too so I'm being positive and putting it down to that.

Guess I'm just in here looking for positive stories (positive ONLY), good wishes and good ear vibes you want to throw my way!
Huggs and best wishes..Lots of LOVE!
Hi T family,
Just want to preface this by saying I don't want any negativity on this thread please.
I'm in hospital with pneumonia, pluracy and dehydration. My 5th day :( and I'm facing my biggest fear ... Medications.
I'm currently in IV penicillin, fluids and maxalon, and orally Ibuprofen, Panadine forte and doxycycline (as my second antibiotic)
Just seems like so much for someone who doesn't even like to take a codine table. Unfortunately it's just one of those situations where I don't have a choice. I've never even been this ill.
My doctor has been great - originally wanted me on an "mycin" class of antibiotics which I flatly refused so he said I could have the doxycycline instead which shouldn't upset my ears BUT I couldn't choose not to take it because otherwise within a few days I wouldn't be a) In a capacity to decide or b) making no decisions at all because ... Well fill in the blanks...
So I guess I'm thankful he tried to work around my T for me. I do feel my T is a little louder but I'm in a pretty stressful situation too so I'm being positive and putting it down to that.
Guess I'm just in here looking for positive stories (positive ONLY), good wishes and good ear vibes you want to throw my way!

Hi Amelia...! :)

Any "mycin" antibiotic is ototoxic - agreed. But, the most ototoxic ones - by far - are the aminoglycosides (these should definitely be avoided). There are certainly other mycin-drugs out there with a more "balanced" safety profile. Speak to your doctors about it. And perhaps @Denny - who is a pharamacist, I believe - can elaborate a little here (I wish you would give more input, in general).

For my 2nd stem cell treatment, I did have a close call with death for about a minute or so, as I had developed antigens against the stem cells (which is a process that takes 6-7 days - if it occurs). By the 3rd injection therefore, I had a severe acute allergic reaction. I was intensive care for 3 hours. Allergic reactions by themselves are not so serious, but when you inject an allergic substance directly into the blood circulatory system, the result is unforgiving. In those situations, you just have to let go, and let the doctors do their job. That's the way it is. I didn't even ask what they were injecting me with - didn't want to know...

I did have a colleague who two years ago developed pneumonia and he was actually sick for quite a long time - something like 2 x 2 weeks off work - and the doctors gave him all sorts of drugs because the meds weren't initially working. I can only imagine that they gave him some pretty strong stuff by his 2nd time in hospital. As far as I know, he come out of the situation 100%...

Take care... :)


And in case it wasn't exactly clear, I do not "disapprove" of your decision not to take the meds the doctors recommended. I too, in your situation, would be hesitant to take specific drugs. For my upcoming potential brain surgery in Switzerland, my new GP here in Germany said she simply could not recommend that approach (for the 2nd time I met her). Before she had even finished the sentence, I told her: "Not your decision." End of story.

Let your doctor's know about your tinnitus and your concern about
Ototoxic medications. For the most part Mycin antibiotics should be
Avoided . Many members have still taken azithromycin without any problems.
Vancomycin is the big one to avoid., you mentioned you are taking penicillin
Which for the most part is ok. I have taken augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulinic acid)and it has not made a Difference in my tinnitus. There are three major factors in medication ototoxicity.
1) the medication being taken
2)the dosage being administered
3) the duration the medication is taken
Amelia, a big hug and be positive that all will be well with you. God bless your recovery.
Amelia ---

Thinking of you, and hoping that you are feeling stronger every day. :huganimation:

Lots of hugs,
I'm in hospital with pneumonia, pluracy and dehydration. My 5th day :( and I'm facing my biggest fear ... Medications.

I hope you're doing much better! Please let us know!

We are all sending you happy thoughts! :puppykisses:
G'day my beautiful T family. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and messages. I'm so sorry I'm only just updating now - I've only been home for a few days and my energy levels are still pretty non existent - thank goodness my husband has some time off work and my youngest seems content to snuggle with me and watch movies - although I've just about had my fill of his choice of scooby-doo!

I am feeling much better though, thankfully. That was probably the most scary experience of my life - and pleuritic pain is something that I never imagined! So awful. And no one wants to be in hospital for a week! But thankfully I'm pain free now and just left with fatigue, a nasty cough and a really strange fullness in my ears sometimes.

My T doesn't seem much different, and if I'm honest it seemed quieter after I took some ibuprofen a few times for an awful headache I had in hospital, so while I won't be taking that as a general rule, I know if I need it in the future it won't upset me.

I'm now on oral antibiotics - amoxcillian due forte, and doxycycline, and will be for another 5 days. I'm very thankful my doctor took the time to listen to me when I said I wasn't taking any "mycin" antibiotics, and found an alternative for me, but honestly I was still so panicked about taking it - it did and still kinda does mess with my head and make me worried.

So really the only thing I'm still concerned about is the strange fullness in my ears and I'm wondering if I can't hear as well as I usually can - I still have some congestion (as I didn't use my nasal spray whilst in hospital), and I'm still quite mucousy so it could be due to that, but it could also be me focusing on it and worrying. I'm back to the ENT in October and I'll request another hearing test then just to be sure.

We are actually heading away on holidays tomorrow in our new caravan for 3 weeks so I'll see the doctor when I get back for another X-ray just to make sure the pneumonia is gone. We won't be doing anything strenuous - just a beachy, relaxing holiday so I think that will be good for me. My husband thinks the sea air will do me good ;) although I've been given strict instructions that if I start to go downhill again I have to get straight back to hospital. We will only be about 2 hours from home so I think that's the only reason the dr said I could go away.

Ok, what a ramble! But again, thank you to everyone who replied, sent your best wishes and thought of me. Love you all xxx
Hi, Amelia,

Thanks so much for the update, and we're so glad you're beginning to feel better again! I think the beach holiday will do you a world of good. Thinking of you, and continuing to send you good health prayers and wishes!!

Glad you are out of the hospital and home with you're family. I am sure you will be fine on holiday, or as you said the Dr. would not have given you the OK to go.

All that congestion and fatigue will pass as you get stronger. Happy to have you back:huganimation:

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